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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Smile Can the ladder view my RS232

    Hi, I have a terminal station for training that is not connected to any machine. All features M03/M04, T1 ..., M00, M01 ATC, coolant, etc.
    In the form of LEDs. In other works that the Fanuc 0-M anywhere BUT I can not bear to get it to communicate with RS232.
    I have tried to solder at least 15 different couplings between 25-pin - 9-pin RS232 but without result.
    I have on my PC a good DNC programs that can fix most settings BobCad v20. I have RS232 mini-tests on both ports, so it is possible to
    ensure communication. At one point I got up LSK or Output
    Now, I suspect that it might be missing some parameter or that it is simply incorrect. Unfortunately, I lack any instruction books for just this
    machine but I have a Dah Lih MCV-510 in my workshop with the same system but how do I know that the parameters are equal.

    Since I am completely new to Fanuc and only a few commands, I need help. The other day I saw that there is something called a ladder in the system.
    Can I using any of this to see if the RS232 is working and if it is properly connected.
    Stupid question maybe but because it is graphic, the question came up.

    When starting the machine reads the screen but I do not know what that means:
    Servo 9030-14
    PCM 0F-A

    I'm already gray hair and it worries me not but what do I do to not get completely crazy on this machine

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    This looks like a somewhat standard 'zero' control package.
    Is the box on the floor the control?
    0465-17 this is the system software (0465), version 17
    Servo 9030-14 indicates the servo software
    PCM 0F-A PMC type
    The communication port parameters are presumably set in the regular parameters. You cannot use the ladder for RS232. The ladder is for I/O.

  3. #3
    It's been about 20 years since I made a cable for a "0" but if memory serves you only need 5 wires (actually 1,2,&3 will do if you don't need handshaking for drip feeding large programs). Get an RS232 Breakout Box (do a search).
    Get a standard 9-25 pin cable and on the breakout box try these pinouts:
    1 - 1
    2 - 3
    3 - 2
    4 - 5
    5 - 4
    You need to use "hardware handshaking" (RTS/CTS) not XON-XOFF (software handshaking). This is a parameter setting.
    Baud rate needs to match or the recieving machine needs a higher setting than the sending machine. Parameter. Don't shoot for the moon on the first try, start slow until you get it working. If speed is an issue (larger programs) bump it up until you get parity errors then back it off.
    Parity needs to match between DNC & CNC per parameters. I like even.
    Number of bits, use 8.
    Use 1 stop bit.
    Like memoryman says, the ladder is for I/O to peripheral devices, RS232 communications is purely a CNC function. Think of the control as two seperate computers, a CNC and a PLC. Ladders are on the PLC side, communications and programs are on the CNC side.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    A bit more: that is a FAPT control; the software is MF-0465 for a series 0B control.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    give controller complete details along with machine.
    The ladder can be read and write through FLADDER software.
    You machine and controller more details required to suggest more option.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Thank´s all for the information :bat:
    Now is the code clear. I will copy this to my books. About the box on the floor. Yes this it the hole system.
    It is a havy one around 40kg

    pls see this:
    RS-232 Serial
    here say it another Among other things, states that the Protocol shall be
    7, 2, Even, 4800 and software handshaking.
    which will be the default.
    But perhaps that is precisely why it has not worked. Okay, I'll just try both cable and protocol.

    Please take a look here and comment on why I should have a different pattern.
    Fanuc RS232 Info

    I have got to me that something is not right in my setting parameters because I never got garbage or anything else on the screen.
    Correct me if I'm wrong but the file must start with


    : 1234
    N10 G00
    N20 M03

    There are many questions but my knowledge are at square one in terms of Fanuc

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    the M5 connector on the memory board has serial port #1, M74 #2.
    PIN8:RD, PIN9:SD, PIN10:GND, PIN16:CD, PIN17:SG, PIN18R, PIN19:CS, PIN20:RS.
    I have used 9600 baud successfully.

  8. #8
    You can use paramters as listed in your book, just verify DNC software is set the same.
    On your program the % can be deleted, should not hurt, but i would delete the blank block between it and the program number.
    Try O1234 for the program number (that's an O not a zero) or take out the space between the : 1234 it's supposed to be one word (letter address & numeric code combined make a word; several words terminated by and end-of-block character make up a block; the EOB is evidenced by a CR-LF which begins the next block on another line; there's actually a character for this you can't see unless you look at the raw code).
    Don't forget to get that breakout box on order; it'll save all the solderring until you capture the best configuration then make a permanent cable.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Nice info, the time is running but I will try to make one test morrow.

    I have test even the very first of this cable coupling 1,2,3 with no result.
    I made an order of a RS232 breakoutbox. I found one nice with confortable price. ~33USD include all.
    like this:

    I can´t understand why Fanuc have so many difference cable solution. When I read the www I found out around 10pc different. 4-5 white jumpered
    pin on both 9-pol and 25-pol.
    In my workshop I have an Siemens 810 and I take only 30 minutes to make the cable and it works properly direct.
    One thing that strikes me is that I have had both LSK and Output flashing on the screen (Label Skip) but since I have tried so many
    different parameters so I do not remember precisely this one.
    I think the most logical thing would be to get the same results without caring how the cables will be connected.
    Unless cnc has the right parameters in the "parameter setting" it will never communication function anyway.
    It would be nice if someone driving Fanuc 0-M wanted to take a copy of their parameters.
    What I miss is the one that activates the gate, or if it is now 0038 = 01000000
    but this does not have all the answers I received. They will of course to use when I see that my RS232 mini tests flashes on Tx and Rx
    then it starts to get interesting course.
    Remains to be seen if the house burns down in any attempt to solder or if there is an emergency transport to the madhouse

    I found out more her http://www.cncszerviz.com/FANUC_0_CO...PARAMETERS.pdf

    The last attempt was an oilcloth perforated solder because I had no desoldering. Yeah what to do. Shaking the soldering iron across the table was my solution.
    My wife was not impressed
    But my wife is happy as long as I do not take the other end of the cable in to the house ..... the machine tool center

  10. #10
    carefull with that shaking I got solder in my eye once & it's not pleasant. Keep the safety glasses on.
    I use a de-solderring bulb, it's got a bulb you squeeze & let go to suck the molten solder off the joint. Since you're in the kitchen anyway you might look around for a turkey baster, just don't put it back in the drawer when finished!
    As you try different combinations WRITE EVERYTHING DOWN. I went through some of the same troubles, almost worked with some combination & after several trials couldn't remember what I did.
    You might step back and review everything like the process for loading program from the fanuc. Get the DNC ready then the proper key sequence to input.
    If you are using software handshaking might need to add a small (5msec.) delay between blocks.
    Your PC have a serial port, or are you using a USB-RS232 adapter? Later will not work, get a PCI card if PC doesn't have the port. I bought a docking station for my laptop that had a port & that worked.
    You are very determined and I am confident you WILL succeed! Good luck!

  11. #11
    Couple more thoughts:
    The breakout box will help immensely by letting you see the signal passing thru via the LED's. That's one reason I like hardware handshaking, you can see the RTS/CTS signal on the box. XON/XOFF is a character sent in the data stream which is just a rapidly flashing LED on the box. Another good reason to run a slower baud rate, to give everything time to react to the code.
    Check your 9-25 pin cable or get a standard one to run to the box, and a straight thru one to run to the CNC then the pinouts will make more sense.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    mfgbydesign, usb-serial adapters work very well for me; make sure that you have the right driver. Make sure that you have null-modem cable wiring.
    In the case of unknown problems, I start with trying one direction and getting it to work. First output from the control. If one direction works, but can't get the other direction to work, there may be a hardware issue with the wiring or memoryboard.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    I understand your discussion. In this moment I don´t need USB the pc is an old one.
    About the breakoutbox it will be intressting to se what happen.
    Today I have been lazy most worked in isolation of the workshop. The winter is comming soon. The last night was the temp minus 5 degree Celsius.

    In the last our I found out in my book parameters 0553 most be 0553=1 My was 0.
    This tell cnc the baudrate was ON when reader/puncher is used.
    The sad thing with parameters is that they are written from 0001 to 9000 but it would be better if they had been gathered in functions.
    Now I / O scattered throughout the book. A lot of numbers are not in used or are not intressting to med now.
    I will came back with an report the day I found out all.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    In the param manual, the parameters are also grouped by function. This is page 3 of that manual (GFZ-61410).
    0002#0 STP2 (I/0=0) The stop bit is l/2.
    0012#0 STP2 (I/0=1)
    0050#0 STP2 (l/0=2)
    0051#0 STP2 (l/0=3)
    0002#2 ASR33 (I/0=0) FANUC PPR etc./20+mA current interface
    0012#0 ASR33 (l/0=1)
    0002#3 RSASCI (l/0=0) The input/output code is IS0 or EIA/ASCII.
    0012#3 RSASCI (l/0= I)
    0050#3 RSASCI (1/04
    0051#3 RSASCI (l/0=3)
    0002#7 NFED (I/0=0) Beforehand and afterwards, a feed character is output/is not output.
    0012#7 NED (l/0=1)
    0050#7 NED (l/0=2)
    0051#7 NFED (l/0=3)
    0015#5 PRWD The rewind signal is not output/is output to the portable tape reader.
    0018#6 TVC In the comment section of a program, a TV check is not executed/is executed.
    0038#1, #2 ***, *** (l/0=3) Setting the input/output unit
    0038#4, #5 ***, *** (l/0=2)
    0038#6, #7 ***, *** (l/0=0, I )
    0051#I PARTY (l/0=3) A parity bit is provided/is not provided.
    0051#2 SYNAK With protocol B, the output of the SYN and NAK codes is not controlled/is controlled.
    0051#4 NCKCD On the remote buffer interface, the CD (signal quality detection) status is monitored/is not monitored.
    0051#5 ECKL The baud rate clock of the remote buffer is an internal clock/external clock.
    0055#0 ASCII Communication of all data except NC data is executed in IS0 code/ASCII code.
    0055#1 ETX The end code is CR/ETX.
    0055#2 PROTCA Communication protocol B/A
    0055#3 RS42 The remote buffer interface is RS-232C/RS422.
    0055#7 RMSTS If the remote buffer interface is used with protocol A,
    the status of the remote buffer in the SAT message is always returned without specification (= O)/host’s request for switching the SET message is unconditionally returned.
    0070#7 ICR If data is output in IS0 code, the EOB code is LF, CR, or CR/LF.
    0075#7 IONUL If a null character is detected while EIA codes are read, an alarm does not occur/occurs.
    0076#5 PRWD On reader/punch interface 2, rewinding is not executed/is executed.
    0391#6 RS23BN On the RS-232C interface, the DC code is used/is not used.
    0396#0 NCKER The ER (RS-232C) or TR (RS-422) signal is checked/is not checked.
    0396#2 BCC The BCC value is checked/is not checked.
    0396#3 ERCODE A 4-digit hexadecimal error code is not appended to a negative acknowledgement/is appended to a negative acknowledgement.
    0399#6 FEDNUL A feed character in a significant information section is output as a space character/null character.
    0250 (l/0=2) Baud rate
    0251 (l/0=3)
    0552 (l/0=0)
    0553 (l/O=1 )
    Remember, there are 2 ports, using M5 and M74. Most use M5.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Today is my lucky day
    I looked at all the parameters and after two hours of reading, I tried to do a reboot. Now I seem to be back where I once was.
    When I run the file output will flash output a few times and the serial port trying to send.
    If I instead choose the input file so light and flash LSK.
    Where I stand now. Now I think it's time to solder the contacts but I wait until I get home the breakoutbox.

    Thanks for your kindness :bat:

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    A new tool works perfect

    memoryman: mfgbydesign

    More jumping in the BOB.
    I found only a poor guide, but after an hour I managed to get an unknown cable from the PC to signal the green on the Rx and Tx.
    I even enjoyed the characters:% of cnc so with a bit more practice I might find the answer. The question is about the characters :% sent
    from the CNC waits for word wrap or if it's the wrong alphabet I have chosen the parameters. as:

    0070 # 7 ICR If the data is output in IS0 code, the EOB code is LF, CR, or CR / LF

    This is just half report but twice as good as before

    I get back when I found fault with the line stop. Maybe someone who has tested a like BOB and can give me some more advice or an good link.

  17. #17
    I'm just trying to give you as much as I can remember, you are determined and the information may help. I make no assumptions on your prior knowledge.
    The red / green lights on your breakout box signal + / - signal (2-4 volts I think).
    On the breakout box there are dip switches and jumper wires. If the dip switch is off, no signal may pass, unless a jumper wire is attached. So, if a jumper is attached turn off the dip switch to both those ports. You may leave the others on until you get a configuration that works, then experiment by turning off switches until you find the leads you need for your final configuration.
    I rocognize you are accustomed to "Euro" standards, my experience is using EIA not ISO standards,here in the US. Therefore I select EIA code. The protocol is End Of Block, Carraige Return (EOB, CR) codes which gives you the seperate line as you see it in man-readable code. I started with punched paper tape, and at one time could read the characters right off the tape. It helps me to think of the characters as holes in the tape, and that sequence was distinctive, as well as the % (rewind stop code). You could look at the tape and tell if the rewind code was first and last. It's something like 1, 2, 4, 6, 7 bits which were holes on the tape you could see and know you punched the whole program. My memory is a little fuzzy on this. I also prefer the hardware handshaking because you can see the RTS, CTS signals clearly on the breakout box. Green light RTS when you set up the DNC to send, go to CNC & set to recieve, you see the CTS and blinking on #2 as signal passes. CTS goes low when buffer is full, CNC runs code, CTS goes high (green I think), more blinking #2 while more code is read into control repeating until M2 or M30 or rewind stop (%).
    Hope this helps.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Thanks for the help, I think I have understood the working time on BOB.
    I was worried that it could short-circuit it, but it's apparently not.
    So now we need to find some time for this. Right now it's mostly odd jobs in the workshop.
    I will be back with a report when the house is burning down

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