Most likely you will need to install the .dll file from the command prompt. I did a quick search on the net and came up with a set of instructions you can follow to try and register your .dll.

I do not know, recommend or have ever used the program that this instruction page is commenting on, the process will be the same for your .dll by switching the names.

If this does not work - then I suggest visiting a meta search net site and entering "regsrv32 command prompt" in the search box. This will result in 1.2 billion results, hopefully 1 of which will be helpfull.

See if the instructions on this page answer the problem first.

One point you should always keep in mind. A good portion of .dll and resource files are common to multiple programs. They are included in each installation to make sure that you have them even though chances are you already do. If you ever see the prompt "the file you are copying is older than the one installed" choose to not install that .dll. You can quite often locate the .dll you need by entering the .dll name in a meta search window and downloading it from someones webpage.

Do not be suprised if you install or uninstall one program and it mucks with another totally unrelated program. Software developers have no way to know what there installs / uninstalls will affect.

Good luck, let me know if this doesn't work - I can look for other resources.