Quote Originally Posted by joegib View Post
Well, I'm no expert on PIC programming, Kwackers' project being the first occasion I've used a PIC processor (I've some past experience with burning old-style EPROMs and EEPROMs). I used a bog standard JDM serial programmer for this project.

The thing is, the 'configuration bits' don't come pre-set within the firmware file posted by Kwackers. They first have to be set by the programming software you use to execute the burn. If you didn't do this explicitly, the values you saw following your first burn are probably the defaults applied by the software — which as you've found are wrong.

Suggest you:

1. Blank the chip.
2. Load the firmware file.
3. Call up your software's configuration dialog and set the hex values for the relevant addresses as per those shown in Kwackers' configuration pic.
4. Execute the burn.

This should put the PIC in the correct state for successful operation. BUT you might want to wait for someone more hardware-savvy to comment on the implications of using the display you've selected.

Thanks for your reply Joe.
I reprogramed the chip making sure all the config bits were off, It still didnt work!
The fault was the trimmer i used for the contrast setting. it is a multi turn type and i had not turned it enough to see the text on the LCD!
So now it sort of works. The keypad buttons are not correct and are currently driving me nuts argh!!!!!!!!!!