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Thread: OSP U100L

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    OSP U100L

    Hello. Iquestions regarding a OSP U100L that is installed on a used machine that I received. I have no previous knowledge on Okumas.

    I would like to change the language of the OSP U100L. It is necessary to be done by Okuma "disks" or can it be done by parameter change in a similar way as a Fanuc?

    What communication with the machine is possible to send and receive programs? I can see a disk unit (diskette ?!) and a RS232 port. What do you people use? What procedure (resumed)?

    The other question is regarding the logical of the controller. Where can I see the ladder in real time and what do I need to edit it and save it on the machine? This is particular important to me as I need to tune the machine behavior.

    Many thanks. If you do not know the answer to all, please reply to the one you know as I am greedy for info.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    1.there is no parameter to change language.the only way is loading EN diskettes.
    2.rs232 is easy to work.you can search "osp u100l rs232 parameters" in Google
    3.press "check data" soft key to see inputs from mach and outputs to mach there is no lader diagram to see and you can't change it.system software is in diskettes with special format.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Thank you for the reply.
    I will try to understand how can I check the inputs and outputs using the "check data" button.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Press F8 "Display Change" scroll down to "Data I/O" and press write... This shows you in real time which switches are open/closed.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by mostafajafarian View Post
    1.there is no parameter to change language.the only way is loading EN diskettes.
    2.rs232 is easy to work.you can search "osp u100l rs232 parameters" in Google
    3.press "check data" soft key to see inputs from mach and outputs to mach there is no lader diagram to see and you can't change it.system software is in diskettes with special format.
    Regarding the ladder, your info is incorrect as can be seen on the picture. There is a ladder and it can be seen, I don't know if I can edit it.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails DSC01469.JPG  

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    This is particular important to me as I need to tune the machine behavior
    what exactly you want to do?
    You can't edit the ladder diagram. It's inteded to service purposes only. There are some cases when you can force output, some other cases when you can force logic condition. You must be trained by Okuma to understand what you're doing and to have password to enter the adjustment mode.
    Regarding the ladder, your info is incorrect as can be seen on the picture
    regrading the Alarm you have issue with door lock. Tell us more. Someone had the same, most likely. And sure, there is a solution without a need to compromise the Okuma operating system

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Fomaz, is that a U100L control? The graphics look like an older 700/7000 control...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Yes it is a U100L.

    Regarding Mr Algirdas,
    Be able to change the ladder is a very nice thing. In Fanuc's it is also not friendly to do, you must have the right tools, but it is possible. No safety is compromise if the person that is changing the ladder takes care of the safety. I think I changed the ladder in all my Fanucs due to some reason or another.

    Giving you a good example: One month ago one machine (lathe) started to change tools erratically. Some were ok, others no, in the morning ok, others days in the afternoon. It was a very difficult problem to solve, but at the end what was causing it was on fanuc output relay that was getting stuck (sometimes). As I had more outputs available in the fanuc output board, it was a matter of finding all the outputs in the ladder and change to the new (that was unused) output. How would this be solved on the okuma?

    Regarding the problem with the door... This morning I thought it was solved, but it is not. As I opened another thread regarding this issue I will post there.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    How would this be solved on the okuma?
    1. fault location.
    2. replacement of faulty component.
    Twice (only twice in my Okuma 12 year carrier) OS errors were detected. Okuma sent correct files the next day.
    By the way, Okuma enables to remap outputs/ inputs in case. I had no occasion to use because of fault. Only retrofit.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2024

    Re: OSP U100L

    I know this post is old but I need to know if this is accurate. Please describe how you navigated to this screen if this is truely a OSP-U100L because I went through every menu and cannot find it.

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