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IndustryArena Forum > CNC Electronics > Hobbycnc (Products) > Using the HobbyCNC Pro stepper controller with 5 leads from Nema23 Stepper?? OK?
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

    Using the HobbyCNC Pro stepper controller with 5 leads from Nema23 Stepper?? OK?


    Im currently building a CNC router and have bought a HobbyCNC Pro 4 axis controller. I have started to build the controller box and had some good 5 pole contacts that I wanted to use. The instruction manual for the controller specifies that the controller can handle 5 lead steppers.
    With the steppers included in the kit (Nema 23 steppers) the instructions specifies that 6 poles can be used and that 4 leads should be connected to the same 2 connectors (COM) on the controller Cirquit board.

    I now wonder if I can use these steppers with only 5 leads so that I can use my connectors or do I have to buy new connectors with 6 poles?

    Please advice

    Here is a picture of the CNC build

    BR / Kayakman

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    I am having a hard time understanding your question.

    What do you mean by " 5 pole contacts"?

    When you say, "the instructions specifies that 6 poles can be used and that 4 leads should be connected to the same 2 connectors (COM) on the controller Cirquit board", it is hard to understand what that means (and typically only two leads of a 6-wire motor would be connected to a common point for a unipolar hookup).

    Could you post detailed photos or diagrams of what you have and what you're trying to do?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Hmm sorry but I maybe used a little bit of Swenglish there

    Contacts should be connectors.

    For each axis there are 6 poles on the controller cirquit board. A, a, COM, COM, b, B and the motors Im going to use are Nema 23 motors

    The connectors that I had and was wanting to use was 5 pole connectors.

    My question was if I can wire these Stepper motors so that I can use only 5 leads between the motor and the cirquit board.

    BR / Kayakman

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    While there may be exceptions, a typical 5-wire stepper motor is actually the same as a 6-wire stepper motor where the two common wires have been connected together internally within the motor.

    So you can use such a motor with a HobbyCNC board by connecting the single common wire to either of the COM terminals on the board, and then wire up A, a, B, and b as usual.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    I finally got the motors spinning happy days the CNC router is comming around nicely. However I have very high frequency squeeeeling noise from the steppers when they are holding the position (not spinning). I will probably become crazy from the sound. Is there any way of getting rid of the noise?

    read somewhere that it can be done by increasing switching frequency, turning down the current to the steppers or by changing the decay time. How should I do it on the HobbyCNC pro controller to get the best performance without loosing tourqe or speed or holding position?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

    Hmm need som advice from you experianced people out on the CNCzone forum :)

    Har almost put my whole CNC machine together and rather then trying to calculate every thing in advance I built it and was set on needing to tweak it a little bit in the end to work out some of the faults.

    Yesterday I tested the x-axis and the small Nema 23 stepper is not strong enough to move the gauntry. Hmmmm how should i solve this???!!

    Today it consist of a Nema23 stepper which is geared with reduction 2:1 so that on one revolution of the stepper the gautry is moved around 80 mm with AT5 25mm timing belt. If I put just a little preassure on the gauntry the stepper can move the gauntry but not by it self.

    The controller is a HobbyCNC Pro controller feed by 24 Volt.

    I'm running 3 A per phase to the steppers.

    The linear bearings on the X-axis needs some power to be moved as they have a little resistans plus the gauntry weight

    As I see it my options are:

    1) Changing to a bigger stepper motor (Nema 34 or Nema 42) but that also forces me to change the controller as those bigger motors need more current then 3 A (Right?) What controller should I choose? The motor setup is ok for the Y and Z axis with Nema 23 steppers. On y and z I have ballscrews.

    2) Change the gearing on the motors but what should I choose? Is there any way to determine how the gearing should be to get the right tourqe and feedrate with Nema 23 or similar steppers?

    3) Change to a ballscrew to reduce losses in the system. What lead and dimension should I have on the ball screws (2200 mm long x-axis) so that I do not get oscillation etc. Is the Nema 23 large enough with a ballscrew setup or do I need larger motors and there fore new controller??

    If I choose to change the controller. Can I use the hobbycnc pro controller for the y and Z axis and just have a Gecko drive for the x-axis to be able to have larger motors there?

    Thanks in advance for ideas, guidance and help Kayakman

    Here are some pictures of the x-axis drive train

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Hmm hopefully someone is looking at my posts and can give me some advice :/

    I found a possible solution that maybe someone can verify.

    I can now (to late) see that my resolution with the setup on the x-axis will be very low.
    around 0,25 mm/step (what should one be aqming for in a hobby CNC router?) and as I need more power for the x-axis I wonder if the following would be a possible solution...

    ..changing the power supply and the controllers from the 24 VDC PS to and bigger one and the HobbyCNC pro controller to a Gecko Drive g231v
    G213V Selectable Resolution Digital Stepper Drive

    which can microstep (half, 5 or 10 microstep). This solution would give me the possibility to use Nema32 or nema 42 motors on the X-axis and use the microstep possibility to increase the reduction and thereby the resolution. Is this a possible way to solve my problem or am I missing something?

    BR / Kayakman

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2010
    What is your microstepping set to on that x axis? Reducing the microstepping will increase the power, not sure what resolution you have or need but its a first step.


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