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IndustryArena Forum > MetalWorking Machines > Benchtop Machines > Need Advice on Best Bench Top CNC Mill
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Need Advice on Best Bench Top CNC Mill

    Hello - I posted this in the general discussion, but after doing some looking I think a benchtop CNC mill would probably suffice for my needs. Here is the original post:

    I will start this post by stating that I know absolutely nothing about CNC mills other than observing them from a distance and basic non-cnc mill use 20 years ago back in high school. That being said I may be starting a business that will require a CNC mill. In short, I need a mill capable of making essentially one cut in aluminum roughly (cut size: .5 Wx 2.0 L x 1.25 D) it also needs to be able to drill two 5/32 holes in said aluminum. This is a very simple machining project and one that could be performed easily on a manually operated mill, however this buisness is unique in that the customer is going to be perform the milling operation, so the need for uber-simple CNC machine is needed (i.e. place the billet here..under supervision of course.. press this button, remove billet and you are done)

    So the question is what is the best value, lest expensive CNC machine capable of this job. That process is all it is ever going to have to do—one cut the two holes...over and over again. BTW the exterior dimensions of the billet of aluminum is roughly 8 L x 2 W x 5 D to give you a rough idea of the overall size of the project. Thank for the help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    80% lowers huh?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008
    I think Tormach would be good for that.

    Tormach Personal CNC (PCNC) | Small CNC Machines

    They have both a smaller and a larger mill.

    So lets see at 8K if you make $30 per lower you will need to sell 266 to break even.

    There is lot of other expenses that will add up too but Obama gave another, we just want the bad guns, speech today so 266 might be easy to do.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Hi Mic. Welcome to the Zone!

    A Taig 2019CR mill would be your least expensive option:

    You could buy this for $1100:
    Part Number: Taig-2019CR-ER - CNC Ready Desktop Micro Mill Made by Taig Tools

    Add a G540, PSU and bolt on some 270 oz. motors for another $500.
    High-Torque Stepper Motor, Stepper Motor, Driver, Stepper Motor kit, DC Servo Motor, DC Servo Motor kit, Stepper Motor Power Supply, CNC Router, Spindle, and other Components. Automation Technology Inc

    Or you could buy the whole thing ready-to-go with basic tooling for about $1700:
    Cnc mill

    Too many PMs. Email me to my name plus At A O L dot com.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Lowers 80%

    Yup - you guys figured it out...wasn't trying to be deceptive, just didn't want to go through explaining what an 80% lower is, but evidently enough folks here know what it is. So that being said, what is the best way to mill and drill an 80% lower where a customer can do it and essentially rent shop space from me to do so. A mill set up for a single function - i.e. the trigger control group operation then a seperate drill press with a jig for the pin drilling operation or do it all on a mill. Your thoughts? I have roughly 15K -20k to invest so if I can get the machine cheaper, ill just buy multiple units.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Two Deepgroove Taigs setup with computers & toolplates, Simple Shower curtain enclosures, Less than $4,500.

    Too many PMs. Email me to my name plus At A O L dot com.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2005
    The Little Machine Shop sells a cheap mill that could probably do this. Likewise a company called Syil sells some import CNC solutions.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    I just saw this thread. I"m attracted by the title containing "best". Actually I'm planning to make some studies on how many people will want a real benchtop following industrial design protocal.

    I'm working on a benchtop CNC project and building the prototype right now. If I can say, it will be very better Bentop CNC than any other one in market now. Seems it will just fit your demands with 8"*5"*8" travle range and many other features just like real industrial one almost considered aspects like rigidity, precision, electric control/drive system and enclosure etc.

    Maybe I say this too early here, but you can visit my building thread and you will see what I said.

    BTW. Syil X3 series is my original conversion design when I touched the CNC area firstly about 6 years ago. I can even remember the first client named Crazy Rony in this forum.

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