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IndustryArena Forum > OpenSource CNC Design Center > Open Source Controller Boards > open source Atmel/arduino PID motor control
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  1. #101
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    so i am waiting for some new bits and i found this software called fritzing, OMG for a guy who just started in this arduino stuff it looks cool as heck and appears that it now even might export a eagle file that i can then use pcb-gcode on

    here is a pic to get peoples interests

    i am going to redo the circuit in this for fun and to learn and maybe others will better be able to see how it works !!!!

  2. #102
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by koogar View Post
    Hi Did anyone have problems compiling the vspindel_v3.pde using Arduino 0022 IDE ?

    I just get errors

    vspindel_v3.cpp: In function 'void setup()':
    vspindel_v3:59: error: 'poweron2' was not declared in this scope
    vspindel_v3:61: error: expected `;' before 'pinMode'
    vspindel_v3.cpp: In function 'void loop()':
    vspindel_v3:137: error: expected `;' before 'print'
    vspindel_v3:147: error: expected `;' before '}' token

    Or is there an updated sketch?

    PS. might be a thought, if your struggling for pins, is to use I2C for the LCD with the LiquidCrystal_I2C library. Any temperature probes or real time clocks could also share the i2c bus. I2C Requires the Arduino Analog Pins 4 and 5 and two pull-up resistors

    I have attached an Eagle BRD and SCH showing a PCB i made in the past, along with the PCF8574 extender Arduino library
    Yes i had the same issues, The libraries i added did not ahve the same name as what was in the code. I think in the end i removed the libraries and re placed the two. If you still have issues let me know. I am putting everything together in a zip with better instructions for those not as "determeined" as me


  3. #103
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    I strongly sugest you spend your learning effort with EAGLE instead of fritzing
    you can go so much further with EAGLE

    Also suggest you upgrade to the later Arduino IDE
    all the libraries now work with 1.0

    and a lot don't work with 0.22

  4. #104
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    I agree with Mike ,Timmyb

    Its a lot better just to stick with Eagle .Fritzing is good for breadboard though, but for an open source project the design files need to be in Eagle.



    Quote Originally Posted by mmcp42 View Post
    I strongly sugest you spend your learning effort with EAGLE instead of fritzing
    you can go so much further with EAGLE

    Also suggest you upgrade to the later Arduino IDE
    all the libraries now work with 1.0

    and a lot don't work with 0.22

  5. #105
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by timmyb199 View Post
    Yes i had the same issues, The libraries i added did not ahve the same name as what was in the code. I think in the end i removed the libraries and re placed the two. If you still have issues let me know. I am putting everything together in a zip with better instructions for those not as "determeined" as me

    Hi Timmy

    yes if you could zip up your code and the correct libraries,that would be great.

    I updated my libraries for Arduino v1 and up but still no joy



  6. #106
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Try this.

  7. #107
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by orkki View Post
    Try this.
    Thanks orkki now i just get LiquidCrystal library errors

    What Version of the IDE are you using ?

    Are you using Straga's libraries ?

    the Sketch only uses 3 libraries ?


    Everything seems to be getting very fragmented



  8. #108
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    Apr 2005
    I am using IDE1.0.3. You only need PID_v1 library and install its arduino/libraries folder.
    Straga's libraries i only use PID_v1 library.
    Check this line LiquidCrystal lcd(8, 9, 4, 5, 6, 7); and replace it match your setup.

  9. #109
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    thanks guys. I have eagle also, been learning it, but i like the visual on fritzing. but again i do have both, i been watching videos on eagle. I taught myself allot of inventor 3d so i am sure i will get eagle down. I like the circuit board designer in fritzing. im hoping to get something built soon. I had issues with my bits. then u said pin3 was wrong or something so i wanted tostart from scratch. I have all the peices so maybe this weekend i can work something up. IM waiting for the bits u recomeneded to show up. Thanks mike and everyone who has been helping

  10. #110
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Hey Guys

    Any updates on any progress ?



  11. #111
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Khalid View Post
    I am still involved in other projects, however, i purchased all the parts for this PID. I shall soon clear my hand on this project however, my approach will be totally different...
    What do you think if we put all the stuff of SuperPID and much more in it?..
    Then I think he would be breaching copyright and intellectual property laws!

    The SuperPID has a lot of proprietary features like using a paint (or white/black area) and opto sensor, bargraph on LCD to show sensor values and power percentage, certain modes of control and operation are also proprietary.

    It sounds like this whole thread is just an attempt to blatantly copy someone's original product?

    I wonder if the forum would allow a thread about making an "open source" G540 and if Gecko would think someone was doing a rip-off of their proprietary product...

    I'll flag the moderators.

  12. #112
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by RomanLini View Post
    Then I think he would be breaching copyright and intellectual property laws!

    The SuperPID has a lot of proprietary features like using a paint (or white/black area) and opto sensor, bargraph on LCD to show sensor values and power percentage, certain modes of control and operation are also proprietary.

    It sounds like this whole thread is just an attempt to blatantly copy someone's original product?

    I wonder if the forum would allow a thread about making an "open source" G540 and if Gecko would think someone was doing a rip-off of their proprietary product...

    I'll flag the moderators.
    I think that is a over reaction

    "The SuperPID has a lot of proprietary features like using a paint (or white/black area) and opto sensor"

    That's nothing new people have been doing that for years on various projects to measure RPM .

    ""Originally Posted by Khalid
    I am still involved in other projects, however, i purchased all the parts for this PID. I shall soon clear my hand on this project however, my approach will be totally different...
    What do you think if we put all the stuff of SuperPID and much more in it?..

    you quoted a statement by one person in the thread.

    The thread was started for a PID controller that shows RPM on a LCD Screen, again nothing new ! Not to directly copy the Super PID,

    Yes the SuperPID will have proprietary code and some features, Its not as if the code here is ripped from the SuperPID ,its all open source Arduino PID library's and code.

    If I build a PC am I infringing DELL because it has similar functionality?

  13. #113
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Can we copy the code from the SuperPID microcontroller? We can not do the Hex file to convert back to the usable workable programm..Can we use Open source Arduino and all of its libraries including the PID library..yes.. Can not we use OptoSensor on our project after SuperPID evolve??...
    We dont know the SuperPID algorithm but ours will be totally different approach..our programming will not match with SuperPID but the final goal is much much more as compared to SuperPID...(This is similar like different Softwares, they are many things in common but do not infringes any copyright laws)...
    Our circuitry will also be different and not similar like SuperPID but we have to use MOC , resistors, Capacitors and other stuff..Can anybody stop us by using them??....
    should it stop us to do our things?
    I am totally puzzled about your statement.. we even dont know what microcontroller you are using ..you mostly work on PIC we are working on AVR...
    http://free3dscans.blogspot.com/ http://my-woodcarving.blogspot.com/

  14. #114
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    Apr 2006
    furthermore, If i say i want to make a software that will behave similar like AutoCAD but having much more functionalities in it..then will Autodesk sue me??
    http://free3dscans.blogspot.com/ http://my-woodcarving.blogspot.com/

  15. #115
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by RomanLini View Post

    The SuperPID has a lot of proprietary features like using a paint (or white/black area) and opto sensor, bargraph on LCD to show sensor values and power percentage, certain modes of control and operation are also proprietary.
    :nono: Have you patent?.. I can count many devices that are using these functionalities before evolution of SuperPID...:bs:

    This is just a technical discussion..No pun intended.. We are not copying the SuperPID and i make it sure we even can't do efficient programming like you are doing...
    I also make it sure, we will make this product DIY within 35US dollar budget and make it open source... This will not have beautiful PCB but an etched PCB.... This CNCZONE forum is based on DIY stuff and we are not violating any laws (IMHO)... If moderator stop this thread, i shall humbly request him to ban me forever...
    http://free3dscans.blogspot.com/ http://my-woodcarving.blogspot.com/

  16. #116
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    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Khalid View Post
    :nono: Have you patent?.. I can count many devices that are using these functionalities before evolution of SuperPID...:bs:

    This is just a technical discussion..No pun intended.. We are not copying the SuperPID and i make it sure we even can't do efficient programming like you are doing...
    I also make it sure, we will make this product DIY within 35US dollar budget and make it open source... This will not have beautiful PCB but an etched PCB.... This CNCZONE forum is based on DIY stuff and we are not violating any laws (IMHO)... If moderator stop this thread, i shall humbly request him to ban me forever...
    LOL yeah a tad overreaction. The Super might be trademenrked but if it was a new invention it would nto be called a PID. and im pretty wure automakers been using hall evect sensors for crank signal since before this site was even built. I am not looking to copy superpid, i like building my own stuff, hence why i joined this site. He has built an excellant product and frankly my time and materials i would have more in it if i bought it from him. Anyhoo congrats to him on a great product. I personnally want more inputs and my own design. I am still working on it but waiting for my circuit board bits. Hopefully tomorrow per tracking.

    Khalid you venture further in this yet? I got my shift registers to free up pins for more inputs. I frankly would like a setup to do rpm, and also temp control for 3d printing, basically an all in one setup.

    And also for the freakout on patents, can you tell me what PID stands for whomever got upset?

    Thanks guys I love this site, and i needed a laugh today :stickpoke:cheers:

  17. #117
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    I did wonder if there would be any perception of conflict of interest
    As I have a SuperPID (and very pleased with it I must say)
    and to avoid any thought that its technology may influence anything I have done
    I have decided to step away from this thread
    My interest is more in a reflow oven for SMD chips

    I will keep watching though

  18. #118
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by mmcp42 View Post
    I did wonder if there would be any perception of conflict of interest
    As I have a SuperPID (and very pleased with it I must say)
    and to avoid any thought that its technology may influence anything I have done
    I have decided to step away from this thread
    My interest is more in a reflow oven for SMD chips

    I will keep watching though
    imo thats a shame. the circuit etc is nothing like super pid, The forumn is built off building things. And since reflow is the same as my concept for a 3d printer i am hoping we can still chat about that aspect.

    as far as i can tell the superpid uses a atmega chip with a super pid logo, where does that stand in infringment LOL. In the end i will prob order a super pid but will still build my own, the only reason i have not ordered one is he is from turkey and i dont purchase out of US. well unless it is from china and sold from us distributer lol. i mainly hate to wait for shipping (nuts)


  19. #119
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by timmyb199 View Post
    In the end i will prob order a super pid but will still build my own, the only reason i have not ordered one is he is from turkey
    SuperPID is from Australia, long way from Turkey
    CNC, Mechatronics Integration and Custom Machine Design

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  20. #120
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Al_The_Man View Post
    SuperPID is from Australia, long way from Turkey
    i stand corrected, i apologize, i swear i read turkey, but hey i still hate waiting for shipping from australia

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