If you can clarify a couple of things it will help us figure out what is going on:

1." While cutting, the damn torch will be cutting along great, at the right voltage/height and then, it goes out, there are no errors on mach 3 or the pm65 and a second later re-fires and keeps cutting like nothing happened.".....do you mean that the plasma stopped cutting all the way through the plate....or that the plasma arc actually extinguished...then refired without loos of motion.
a. If the arc actually shut off.....then a good troubleshooting method would be to wire a small switch in parallel with the plasma on contact output from your CandCNC electronics. Close the switch a moment after the cut starts....and keep it closed. If the arc extinguishes while this auxiliary switch is closed....the the problem will be found in the plasma. If the arc does not extinguish while this switch is closed.....then for some reason the plasma on output from the candcnc electronics is opening...then reclosing to refire. The plasma has a safety circuit so that if something internal in the plasma shuts off the arc....it cannot refire until the input plasma on signal is opened, then reclosed.

A bouncing input start signal could be caused by a loos connection, a bad relay, electrical noise interference, etc. If you can clarify what it is actually doing we can steer you in the correct direction..

Jim Colt Hypertherm

Quote Originally Posted by p-j View Post
I'm having this exact problem too guys, Hypertherm tech pointed me away from blaming the PM65 which I agree, is not the problem.

I have CandCNC electronics, 4x8 patriot table, sheetcam (mp1000-THC-scriber post
) mach 3, and everything works great and is up to date. I have a 20 cfm compressor, dry clean air, well over 100 psi at the unit while cutting. Clean brand new consumables...., ect....

While cutting, the damn torch will be cutting along great, at the right voltage/height and then, it goes out, there are no errors on mach 3 or the pm65 and a second later re-fires and keeps cutting like nothing happened. While the torch is off the torch still moves like it's cutting.

I'm so lost, there is nothing in the G-code that tells the torch to turn off, and the same gcode file re-ran will produce cuts with the torch cutting out at different spots (random) so there is nothing specific in the code. with the DTHC turned off, it still does it.

ANY help would be greatly appreciated.

This has happened to me with finecuts @ 40 amp on 16 gauge, 45 amp tips @ 45 amps on 1/4" and 1/8" and 65 amp tips on 1/2" and 5/8". Soooo on everything I've cut.

I honestly think in the next week my handtorch will see more use then the whole CNC table because I'm goign to cut it into bits.