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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Another Silly LASERCAD QUESTION please guys

    i did say i will be back with a lot more questions

    ok now i have my laser all converted to DSP and working fine....

    i need to know this

    in ENGRAVE MODE....

    it actually is enraving out the background and not the TEXT WRITING....

    how do i reverse this so it actuallu engraves the TEXT WRITING only...

    please answer in very dumbed down answers as to where and what settings in lasercad

    many thanks again form the little dumb aussie girl...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Draw another outer contour ;Delete any other shapes in this page ;

    Best regards,
    XYZ Machinery

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by EXLASer View Post

    Draw another outer contour ;Delete any other shapes in this page ;

    Best regards,
    XYZ Machinery
    HUH....this i do not understand at all

  4. #4
    If it is engraving everything but the text, you wil probably see it in the preview window too.
    If there is a vector surrounding the text and this is selected too or given the same color as the text, the area between this vector and your text is filled.
    A vector to give the size of your material and exactly place the text in that vector is fine. But give the vector another color and make it cut with high speed and zero power.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Hello to all,

    The question or problem: There is a drawing such that the letters and a boundary shape can be engraved. The boundary shape surrounds the lettering. The user wants the letters to engrave. ..Currently, the boundary engraves until the letters and then the letters are not engraved.

    Assume: the boundary shape and letters are the same color.

    Solution #1: select the boundary shape and offset it 1 mm toward the outside. Change the new shape to match the color of the letters and original boundary shape. The result is that the letters will be engraved and a boundary shape will be engraved.

    Solution #2: select the boundary shape and change that color. Select the layer that represents the color of the boundary. set this new layer as "Cut". The result is that the letters will be engraved and the boundary shape will be cut.

    ...more suggestions... Please share the source file and describe what results you are looking for.

    A complete tutorial is being made ...and will be available on our web site at www.rabbitlaserusa.com. Search for the tutorial related to "Engraving Key Ring Tag/Fob"

    Thank you,

    Ray Scott
    Rabbit Laser USA

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2006
    G'day "little dumb aussie girl"

    LaserCAD has a feature to show the areas that will be engraved.

    It is called "Simulating show objects of engraving" and it is found on the "Work Space" page of the "System Settings".


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Hi there
    if you want the letters engraved only then selectthe letters , give them a different color then in the layer settings select this color with double click and select engraving, uncheck the other color and it should engrave the letters only.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Guys...i thank you all once again for your patience with me as im truly a bare bones learner....

    you guys have yet again remedied my situation and bewtween all the replies i put it all into a form of practise today and guess what

    i figured it all out and im engraving really great..

    however...as expected i have yet another problem...LOL

    i will start a new thread with this problem

    hoping you guys can help me out there as well..

    kind regards

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