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  1. #8721
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Eeeek, "The Illinois Enema bandit" .......you mean someone stole an enema......before or after it was applied?..........LOL.....if you needed the effects of an enema, that's a total lack of control when it happens.

  2. #8722
    June585 Guest
    The links I provided were directed towards another post, whose OP said there were no scientific claims in the 70's that predicted a coming ice age.

  3. #8723
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by June585 View Post
    The links I provided were directed towards another post, whose OP said there were no scientific claims in the 70's that predicted a coming ice age.
    Stephen Schneider of Stanford

  4. #8724
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by handlewanker View Post
    Sorry Zappa, I do not believe in AGW, and the "good book" was supposedly written by a bunch of highly imaginative desert dwellers only a couple of thousand years ago, there are no original copies to back this theory up, and it's been added to and amended as the clergy needed to make the story fit.......Not one single Roman scholar or the Dead Sea scrolls mention JC as having ever been around.......Mother Earth has been around long before man was imagined.
    ...... as is your prerogative to do so, or not. Well, the Old Testament goes back to approx. 350B.C., while the gospels describing Jesus were, as you said, written after his death. The Old Testament does, however, speak of His coming.

    And there have been more Gospels found but they have yet to be included in a new release of the Bible.... I doubt they ever will be. Be that as it may, evolution has not been proven although they've tried for over 100 years; 'man' can neither create 'nor destroy matter, and for sure there are no historical documents dating back a few billion years that might shed some light on the creator.... although I would suggest that He is older than time. The Big Bang theory and creationism can go hand in hand, or so Einstein thought..... just my two cents.

    I've always wondered why people offer a 'penny for your thoughts', yet we give them out two cents worth? ^_^ As an aside, the idea of God, believe in Him or not, was very important in the founding of America, and is of legal import. Our 'rights' come from God, not man. if our rights came from 'man' then they can be taken away by man. That's why the founders wrote what they did and believed what they did.

  5. #8725
    Nickolas587 Guest
    Alan Savory, one of the good guys......a very interesting talk, pity there won't be enough time for mankind to re-create what was created in 6 days (no work on Sunday) or so they say, and I'm sure the new Pope when he gets elected will reinforce this fairy tale.

  6. #8726
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by zappafan1 View Post
    ...... as is your prerogative to do so, or not. Well, the Old Testament goes back to approx. 350B.C., while the gospels describing Jesus were, as you said, written after his death. The Old Testament does, however, speak of His coming.

    And there have been more Gospels found but they have yet to be included in a new release of the Bible.... I doubt they ever will be. Be that as it may, evolution has not been proven although they've tried for over 100 years; 'man' can neither create 'nor destroy matter, and for sure there are no historical documents dating back a few billion years that might shed some light on the creator.... although I would suggest that He is older than time. The Big Bang theory and creationism can go hand in hand, or so Einstein thought..... just my two cents.

    I've always wondered why people offer a 'penny for your thoughts', yet we give them out two cents worth? ^_^ As an aside, the idea of God, believe in Him or not, was very important in the founding of America, and is of legal import. Our 'rights' come from God, not man. if our rights came from 'man' then they can be taken away by man. That's why the founders wrote what they did and believed what they did.
    LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!!!!!! :banana:

    Wikipedia validates the Bible!!!! ..... Why didn't I think 'o that?????


  7. #8727
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    I never went to Sunday school, so I won't indulge in a theology debate on a subject that for some is so cloaked in mysticism that to even suggest a disbelief is pure heresy and makes you a candidate for burning at the stake to purify your thoughts......LOL.

    One thing's for absolute sure, God, whoever, does not look after little children or employ a guardian angel to do that job, so all the B/S in the World can't overcome the fact that the clergy are guilty of abusing and preying on children they are supposed to protect.

    The only real truth I found out from deep indoctrination while being at a Catholic school is that they know nothing, but it does give those that think Rabbits lay choclate eggs in March and April and want to sing songs round a tree at the end of the calender year a warm glow until the next year......so be it......everyone in their own way will find their way to Heaven...LOL.

    I believe that all dogs go to Heaven, so all you Vietnamese dog chop lovers, watch out, God is gonna sort youse out.

  8. #8728
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Wow! all I can say........Wow!
    The Ultimate Online Source for Machinist Related Stuff!

  9. #8729
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Someone on one of these posts was mentioning scientists predicting colder.....


  10. #8730
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Just a wild thought, suppose as a climatologist I discover that kids roasting marshmallows over camp fires is going to cause sea levels to rise 40 feet. Common sense tells me that if this were the case I would want my findings to be verified by people who were skeptics. Maybe even several different skeptics. After all the future of humanity hangs in the balance. I would not refuse to release the data or my methodology. Instead we get calls to outlaw campfires and put a heavy tax on marshmallows.
    Me thinks these guys are graduates of the Henny-Penny School of Climatology.

  11. #8731
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Don't be silly, haven't you understood anything since the Al Gore expose?

    You don't ban it, you tax it for all it's worth.

    Nobody has yet specifically taxed umbrellas, rain coats or Wellington boots, yet they probably outnumber the population where they occur and are ripe for exploitation seeing as how they are linked to the effects of Climate Change and so should have a special tax imposed on them.

    Anyone who profits by someone else's information network, be it by book electronic means or otherwise would have to be "induced" legislatively to share their wealth directly with the person who enabled it to happen.

    Al Gore categorically states that the weather is going to worsen, so he is a prime candidate for the new "share in your loot" campaign that goes under the title Climate Change, and I can see a huge increase in the sale of anything allied to Climate Change, even if it existed before, but now is on the increase due to the change in the weather.

    This will most likeley attract a tax for car windscreen wipers too.

    Unfortunatel, all the weather resisting items used by the Humans are currently made in China, so Al Gore gets the Peoples Democratic Republic of China award for enabling the Chinese to make more from practically the whole World and his ashes will be enshrined in a special monument so that the people can pay homage to them as a demi god.

    His Global Warming prognosis caused the sun hat industry to go ballistic, thereby swelling the taxation coffers to breaking point, but as all Panama hats are now being made offshore (guess where), the Chinese are literally drowning in money and are papering their toilerts with the stuff.

    So if you want to know how the Chinese got to own practically the World, don't ask Al Gore, his consultancy fees are going through the roof, and the latest move in the Climate Change forum is that all roofs are to be taxed due to them being purely designed to keep the weather out.....LOL.

    I hear that Al Gore is employing Google Earth to count the roofs that will incur the new tax......at that rate the economy will be embarrasingly deep in the black, but only for those who embrace all the aspects of Climate Change....the deniers get to foot the bill....LOL.

    This "technology exploitation" is not a new thing.......back in the Middle Ages there was a tax on winows.....the more light you "used" the more tax you paid.

    So may people were using the light that the period became known as The Dark Ages.

    In case it has missed your attention there is a ground tax for every square inch above water, where you get taxed for the amount of real estate you use.....next will come an air tax.....there is already a death tax for those who stop paying tax permanently........LOL.

    There will ultimately be a tax for your thoughts, but if you get a penny for your thoughts you already pay 30% as tax......LOL.

    I hear that taxes as we know it at present are to be abolished and a "smart" meter is to be carried by everyone who breathes.

    Instead you will pay taxes like they do on a tollway, except the Smart Meter will just total up the tax as you pass through the different tax zones, to be set up in the Brave New World of Tomorrow.

    In many ways this is to be expected, too many have been living off the system without contributing a single penny according to the New World Order taxation dept.

  12. #8732
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    As someone who's spent most of my adult life working in a job I can't really talk about I get frustrated when I read things like this. It would be fruitless, pointless really, to try and explain to people how the world really works. We can all debate about what's wrong and about what's best for the world what's best for us as a species, how to save people how to save the planet how we got here where we're going....
    Bottom line is this, until we learn how to be tolerant of one another, respect each other religions and beliefs and learn some humility, there is no way the people of this earth are going to find a way to work together to find a solution. If a bunch of guys from around the earth who share a common interest on arguably the best forum of its kind can't find a way to calmly debate the subject without calling each other stupid names like a bunch of children then I don't think there's any way you can reasonably expect the human race to be able to work this out. At some point somebody's gonna have to stand up and take care of this whole problem and it's going to piss everybody off but it will have to be regulated and its gonna have to be done clandestinely and about the only thing I can guarantee you the poor ******** that have to do it will never get recognized for it, And worse their kids are going to think they don't love them, wives will divorce them and they're going to spend what's left of their life listening to the world talk about how they did it all wrong. The proof that we can't change is gonna be in all the hate mail I'm going to get after posting this.

  13. #8733
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Who wants a unified government? Competition keeps us healthy. Problems will always exist and people will solve them with the tools at hand for their time period.
    A lazy man does it twice.

  14. #8734
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Anyone who thinks a Government is put into power to solve their problems is still dreaming of Utopia.

    The track record so far for politicians is that they go into the arena to survive by the cruelest tactics devised by mankind.

    It is supposed that they are the voice of the people and are there to represent the interest of the people, but in actual reality thay are there for persona; gain at all cost.

    The only man to enter Parliament with honest intentions was Guy Fawkes.....power corrupts didn't you know.

    A prime example of a politician who is so corrupt it cannot be described is Al Gore, and the awfull truth is he almost became the president of the USA, but it took the power of the people's vote to almost put him there, or so they say.

  15. #8735
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Unified government is a horrible idea. So is this the NWO.

  16. #8736
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by cwleveck View Post
    As someone who's spent most of my adult life working in a job I can't really talk about I get frustrated when I read things like this. It would be fruitless, pointless really, to try and explain to people how the world really works. We can all debate about what's wrong and about what's best for the world what's best for us as a species, how to save people how to save the planet how we got here where we're going....
    Bottom line is this, until we learn how to be tolerant of one another, respect each other religions and beliefs and learn some humility, there is no way the people of this earth are going to find a way to work together to find a solution. If a bunch of guys from around the earth who share a common interest on arguably the best forum of its kind can't find a way to calmly debate the subject without calling each other stupid names like a bunch of children then I don't think there's any way you can reasonably expect the human race to be able to work this out. At some point somebody's gonna have to stand up and take care of this whole problem and it's going to piss everybody off but it will have to be regulated and its gonna have to be done clandestinely and about the only thing I can guarantee you the poor ******** that have to do it will never get recognized for it, And worse their kids are going to think they don't love them, wives will divorce them and they're going to spend what's left of their life listening to the world talk about how they did it all wrong. The proof that we can't change is gonna be in all the hate mail I'm going to get after posting this.
    The people behind the curtain ??? Who are they, the Fabians, the bankers...??? Your solution is no different than any other solution. A silent controlling authority will not quell intolerance and promote respect any more than a dictatorial authority might. It would probably promote more suspicion than is occurring now and inflame those that believe conspiracies are always in play.

    In the end, you will never get everyone to agree on any idea. Those that are not religious are not going to agree with those that are religious. Socialists are not going to agree with communists and both of these are not going to agree with those that prefer freedom, [what ever freedom means at any given time].. Some are for freedom from "_______", others are for freedom to "_________".

    As you mentioned, some of the posters here can't agree.... Some want to get rid of 95 percent of the world's population and I suspect that they want to be among the 5 percent that is left, [the do as I say, not as I do thinking that most people have..]. Others push for some form of socialism, some want to control the amount and type of energy that people use. Going beyond this forum, there are those that want to eliminate money while others want to be supported by other peoples money. Many believe that equal opportunity means equal outcome. Many believe that their freedom comes from reducing the freedom of others. Most believe that their way is the best way or the only way. I suspect that you believe that the the people behind the curtain has the best answer..but if they did have the right answer, their families wouldn't abandon them because they would all think the alike, the families would be on the same page as those poor******** that had to do their evil deed in order to get the population into lockstep and everyone drinking the same koolaide. Group think has been around since the beginning, it has never been very pretty for those included or for the excluded.

  17. #8737
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Unified government?.....now wouldn't that be a thing.......all the politicians walking down the same road with the same aim and all calling themselves the same name......that means only half the number of politicians to do the same job.

    I could not imagine the amount of money that would be released to ensure the prosperity of the country once the new government process is fully implemented and the differences that the people feel are all the same, or for those that feel they have to be different just to be different, well they get left out of the new prosperity drive......"if you ain't with us you is agin' us".....no argument on that score.....the needs of the many far exceed the needs of a few oddballs.

    There will always be those few oddballs that reject values and ideals due to a lack of proper education, starting in primary school and progressing to secondary where the lessons not learned rear their ugly heads and anything that seems to be authority and order is a joke.

    I have the deepest sympathy for someone who, due to lack of education attempts to express themselves with their own brand of freedom from tyranny, but at the same time as I'm threatened by their expressions of self projection, I fully support the unified government and the methods they use to combat the problem, and a problem it really is, and won't go away just because someone "understands" what they are going through.

    Problems, when they exceed the expectation of the unified government, have to be resolved, otherwise the state of unified law and order cannot be maintained for the good of the many, so a few oddballs, who refuse to be re-educated must be sacrificed on the alter of unified awareness that correct education endows anyone with when they go to school.

    I like the idea of a New World Order if it generates a unified standard of living......the wealth of a nation can be spent for the good or the bad, and if it takes a unified government to achieve the good.....who can complain if a few oddballs go out of circulation when everyone who thinks straight are the winners.

    The present economic crisis and demise of the economy is not thinking straight by any stretch of the imagination, so it goes without saying that what you have been doing so far has not eventually come to a successfull conclusion.......true there have been many moments when the light has shone brightly at the end of the tunnel, but for some that light was never even a glimmer, and now the rest are all in the same boat as the oddballs.

    I get the impression that present day governing is like the plot of the TV series Lost, where each episode is written the night before it goes to air and the authors are not looking at the previous plot for guidance.

    There has to be a lot of uneducated politicians to make a mess like the mess that is currently on the books, which labels them oddballs and so are surplus to requirements.

    If the New World Order establishes a stable form of Unified Government, then only the oddballs will be the losers and all the rest will be winners........who in their right mind goes against the stream to be a loser.

  18. #8738
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Handlewanker believe me Alan Savory is not one of the good guys just another Academic who has figured out how to milk suckers and the Gummint out of money to live the life of Larry.

    Nothing he has mentioned is new he is just another person making out that someone elses Ideas are his,Another fine example of such a snake oil salesman was Raplh Sarich did not invent anything just took note of what was out in patent land that had lapsed and was not viable originally due to a number of possibilities such as no decent materials available originally or no modern manufacturing ability as we have now basically many old ideas just needed another 50 years of progress to be viable,That was the real genius of the Salesman Raplh Sarich ,He was no inventor. Alan Savory is the same type of oportunist salesman and his biggest sale is himself.

  19. #8739
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    I have to agree with you Coxy, especially as 40,000 elephants got in the way of his original thought train and went to the happy hunting ground, but wih hindsight could have saved the Planet with the "new" thinking of old ideas.

    Supposing in order to save the Planet, they decided to put 40,000 AGW supporting scientists out to grass....now that would make sense....no more Climate Change research to tell us that the weather is going to be different today, and at $100,000 per year salaries X 40,000 would probably cure all the bank problems for years to come.

    Savory the unsavoury.....I wonder who made a packet out of all that ivory that became surplus to requirement for the original owners.......and not a word from the wildlife conservation groups.

  20. #8740
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by grinderdust View Post
    Whether global warming is real and whether the polar ice caps are melting because we are emitting too much co2 or from deforesting the equator or from natural causes, we all know that we are polluting this world and causing the extinction of species on a massive scale. I know that I have thrown out enough manmade garbage in the course of my 35 years to cover 10 acres and then some. All that while recycling everything I can. Each of my neighbors does the same thing whether it's two bags a week or four or ten. The air is not good in the city(pick a city). The water is not good in rural areas downstream from the city. The oil that we burn also spills into the ocean sometimes so the beaches we treasure aren't any good either.
    Mariss, as a person who lives because of the earth not on it, I have to say I was a bit offended by this statement:

    I also happen to drive a Prius and also happen to be the kind of guy who separates green waste from glass and cardboard. The reason I like machining is because of the technology that it makes possible. If you can dream something you can build it. Like a Prius for example,which might just save you some money on gas, further the advancement of technology, reduce our country's dependance on oil, and save you from sucking on your own fumes at red lights. The power to build machines such as automobiles and warheads brings great responsibility. Mariss, I hope you are running your company in a responsible way. Anyone who owns a business has an ideal opportunity to make a difference today and tomorrow. And maybe even impress a few potential customers along the way.
    .... shame that from the time they are designed to the time they go into the junk heap, a Prius generates more pollution than a mid-sized Hummer. Electric cars run on fossil fuels; just saying. As far as recycling, Great Britain did it for decades, and gave it up a few years back because it wasn't cost effective, and there weren't enough businesses developing/making products to use the recycled waste.

    It's curious why pollution sensors in many cities are placed where they will sample a higher concentration of pollutants or, for getting temperature averages, they are placed in locations that are hotter rather than a more neutral place. Average particulate matter in the air in America has dropped over 80% since the 70's, not because the greenies helped pass laws, but because corporations generated enough profit to do something they wanted to do in the first place. The last 10% or 20% will never be eliminated, because it would take all the money on the planet to do so..... the law of diminishing returns.

    Just so you know, there is new evidence that crude oil is NOT a fossil fuel; rather something that the Earth produces from minerals, ethane heat and pressure.

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