Well said. Too bad all this had to play out in public in the first place (or ever occur at all actually).

Quote Originally Posted by bevinp View Post
All due sympathy to Steve suffering ministrokes (and no doubt more to come), but the way he has behaved is indefensible.

It would have been so easy to tell toothandnail the truth. Instead Steve continued to lie over a period of several months, clearly showing an intent to deceive. And to eventually state "no refund" just confirms that he is not interested in providing service (and probably has had this attitude for a long time). It seems the truth is as he states "I can't just sit on my a$$". He is taking jobs (and the money) purely for his self interest, with no consideration of his customers.

And what a promise he makes to this forum.... " I will NEVER ask to do work for this gentleman again." No apologies, no refund, and can see no wrong doing!!! Great stuff.

He should refund the money, stop taking on jobs, sit and rethink his attitude.