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IndustryArena Forum > CAM Software > Mastercam > Questions about NC file
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Questions about NC file


    I am going to have to write a post processor because the controller/driver I plan on using has a very different programming language. I have a couple of questions regarding the sample output of the following NC file. It was a pocket toolpath for a small cone.

    I can't figure out P1 & M6
    N104 P1 M6

    I have the start figured out, and I am assuming the the x and y are the start point for the cut as I specified one corner, but the S1527 has me baffled
    N106 G0 G90 G54 X-15.137 Y-15.194 S1527 M3

    I know that the Z value is the top of the retract, but G43 and P1 i don't know the answer to.
    N108 G43 P1 Z27.7

    For the following, the box height was 12.7 so I understand the Z coordinate. G1 is linear feed and I can't figure out the F15 part.
    N110 G1 Z12.7 F15.

    In the following two lines I don't understand the difference between X-15.151 and X15.043
    N112 X-15.151 Y-16.194 F610.8
    N114 X15.043

    The next line, I'm cool with.
    N116 G3 X15.892 Y-15.699 I-.014 J1.

    In this next set why does it go from X16.029 ..... back to X16.029
    N124 X16.029
    N126 Y-15.194
    N128 Y-14.709
    N130 X-16.137
    N132 Y-14.214
    N134 X16.029

    Also, I have some question about how does the CNC controller interpret this code. If the code says X-15 Y-17. Does it synchronise both axis to move at the same time or does it move one and then move the other. I am assuming that they are synchronised or else a circle could not be cut. If they are synchronised, what part of the NC file states the speed at which each axis should move.

    If I have the following movements on my mill: X: 4mm Y: 4mm Z: 6mm per turn. In order to have all of the axis synchronised, should the feed rates be multiples of these numbers?

    I am asking these questions because I recently purchased a Newport MM4000/4005 4 axis motion control unit from ebay. This unit has its own programming language and it has several functions that need to be defined at the beginning of the file.

    I appreciate any help given. Happy New Year.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Alot of questions here, so I"ll do my best.

    I can't figure out P1 & M6
    N104 P1 M6
    M06 is the code for a tool change. It tells the controller/machine to change tools. I'm guessing, but I would say that the P1 would be the tool number. Usually, it would come out as T1, not P1. Maybe wrong there, but I'm sure I'm right.

    I have the start figured out, and I am assuming the the x and y are the start point for the cut as I specified one corner, but the S1527 has me baffled
    N106 G0 G90 G54 X-15.137 Y-15.194 S1527 M3
    M3 is the code to turn the spindle on in the Clockwise direction. S is the RPM. If your machine does not have a spindle that is controlled by the control (if you have to turn it on and off manually), you should be able to ignore this.

    I know that the Z value is the top of the retract, but G43 and P1 i don't know the answer to.
    N108 G43 P1 Z27.7
    G43 is tool length compensation. Again, the P1 would usually show up differently (D1, H1, ect.) This basically tells the machine the Z axis offset for the particular tool that is loaded. If you set your Z0 with your tool already loaded, you may also be able to just ignore this. But if there is a value in your contol on P1, it could be problematic. Use caution.

    For the following, the box height was 12.7 so I understand the Z coordinate. G1 is linear feed and I can't figure out the F15 part.
    N110 G1 Z12.7 F15.
    F15. is the feedrate. 15.0 inches per minute.

    In the following two lines I don't understand the difference between X-15.151 and X15.043
    N112 X-15.151 Y-16.194 F610.8
    N114 X15.043
    It looks as though your X0 is set at the center of the part. Thus, it would need to travel from 0 to X15.xxx (Positive) to X-15.xxx (negative) to machine the complete part. Your part is approximately 30 inches in the X axis?

    The next line, I'm cool with.
    N116 G3 X15.892 Y-15.699 I-.014 J1.

    In this next set why does it go from X16.029 ..... back to X16.029
    N124 X16.029 Move in X axis
    N126 Y-15.194 Move over in Y axis
    N128 Y-14.709 Move over a little more in Y axis - I've seen this in some posts, it will put multiple moves in the same axis on different lines. When in reality, it could all be done in one line. (line N126 could be Y-14.709 and you could eliminate line N128)
    N130 X-16.137 Move back in X axis
    N132 Y-14.214 Move a bit more over in Y
    N134 X16.029 And back again in X.

    In these lines, it is doing a zig zag motion. But stepping over while zigging and zagging.

    Also, I have some question about how does the CNC controller interpret this code. If the code says X-15 Y-17. Does it synchronise both axis to move at the same time or does it move one and then move the other. I am assuming that they are synchronised or else a circle could not be cut. If they are synchronised, what part of the NC file states the speed at which each axis should move.
    You are correct - if there is more than one axis on a line, they move together (again there are some machines that if there is an XY and Z on one line, it will move X and Y THEN Z - but it is rare, and usually only in rapid moves)

    If I have the following movements on my mill: X: 4mm Y: 4mm Z: 6mm per turn. In order to have all of the axis synchronised, should the feed rates be multiples of these numbers?
    You can not assign a seperate feedrate for each axis on the same line. If you controller/software is configured correctly, you would base your feedrates on proven formulas, trial and error, or in my case expertise knowledge.

    I am asking these questions because I recently purchased a Newport MM4000/4005 4 axis motion control unit from ebay. This unit has its own programming language and it has several functions that need to be defined at the beginning of the file.
    This can usually be taken care of in the post.

    I appreciate any help given. Happy New Year.

    Your welcome.
    Dustin B.
    I hear and I forget.
    I see and I remember.
    I do and I understand.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Hi Dab,

    thanks for the reply and the answers provided answer a lot of questions.


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