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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    Kflop - Kanalog setup guide.

    Hi could some one help to setup my CNC.

    I have a kFlop and a Kanalog

    and the fallowing drive

    Vickers = (1) AV2400264A - (1) APS7500 - (3) AS10302

    Servo star CD = (3)

    Sanyo Denki = (1) 65BA015DDK01

    not sure how to plug and play just to see the motor run and test them.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    I didn`t found this http://support.motioneng.com/Downloa...Guide%20V7.pdf

    so i should connect the output of the kanalog to the C3 pin 2 and pin3 ? should i do the same for the other drives ? can seem to find the pdf of the other drives on the net... any body got a link ?


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Haven't used those drives but it certainly looks like 2 & 3 are the ±10vdc analogue input. Each drive has its own ±10vdc analogue in from Kanalog.
    CNC, Mechatronics Integration and Custom Machine Design

    “Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.”
    Albert E.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Hi k-linkz,

    I agree it looks like C3 pins 2 and 3. I often suggest if you are unsure of things apply a small voltage to the input through a 1K ohm resistor. You might use a 1.5V battery. It should drive the motor at 15%. and Reversing the battery should drive the opposite direction. The 1K ohm resistor should limit the current to 1.5ma so you are unlikely to blow something out if you are wrong - but no guarantees :}


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Thanks Tom and Al, i'll upload some picture when i get the time.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Hi guys, the servostar cd work with the battry test , so that drive should be ok.

    i'll test the other two model but i don't find any pdf about the model :Vickers or Sanyo.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Hi , here is my update with the servostar drive.

    i plug the USB to the Kflop and the other end to my laptop. (green light flashing, then stable so OK). install all the drivers.

    then take 2 wire to the Kanalog - one goes at gnd + the other to channel 0 (that on the +- 10volt dc terminal)
    and plug those wire on my drive on C3 connector 0-1-2

    start KMotion to tune up the motor so i go into enable drive - then is should go to put in the PID for the motor.
    i press enable (the motor turn slowly) press disable motor continue to turn.....
    my encoder is only plug in the servo drive (servostar) do i need to plug it also into kanalog ???

    is there a video step by step (for dummies/noobs) about how to install the kflop and kanalog that show you how to do an install from opening the box to make it work 100% ? everything that i found on youtube did't really explain much.

    can anyone help me ?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Hi k-linkz,

    Yes the encoder needs to be connected to Kanalog that is how KFLOP/Kanalog will know where the axis is.

    You can load a basic configuration for an analog servo by loading the KanalogInitialPID.mot file using the KMotion Config/Flash Screen.

    Then enable the Axis on the Step Response Screen and see if the Axis Servos (holds position).

    If the Servo does not hold position check on the Axis Screen if the Encoder Position Counts correctly as the axis moves.

    The DAC connection to your amplifier can be tested by entering DAC commands like DAC0=200 on the Console Screen. Note the Axis must be disabled or it will be commanding the DAC.

    Please do these steps and report back in detail what happens as whell as which parts you understand.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Hi Tom,
    I'll give it a try this week-end and report back. One thing remains unclear to me. The encoder has about 12 wires (A-F) they connect to the amp, the amp output encoder has a serial port (9 pins) how do i connect that to the kanalog encoder terminal ?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Hi KLinkz,

    I think you are referring to C8 in t the pdf you linked to earlier? I can't understand if that is an input to the amplifier or an output. If it is an output then the signals should toggle high and low when the motor/encoder moves. Maybe check with a voltmeter or scope. If they are outputs at ~5V then they can be connected to the A+ A- B+ B- inputs on JP1 and JP2.


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