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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Concrete Stamp....

    Hi All,

    Need a little guidance on making a concrete stamp out of aluminium. I was planning on using 6061 material 12mm thick. The stamp template will be 2-3mm deep with straight edged. I was looking at a small end mill around 2mm CED to do the whole job and do around 6-7 passes. Can anyone suggest the best tool to use as well as the speed and feed to start on....?

    I am running the job on a K6100A Quick CNC 2.2 kW using VCarve Pro.

    Regards, Steve

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Concrete and aluminum don't mix. You might want to look into the idea of using Aluminum if you expect to keep the stamp around long.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Wow...I have no idea what you are trying to say, but you certainly didn't pull it off.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Concrete corrodes aluminum quickly. If this is a one-shot deal - if you just want to stamp a certain patch of concrete and then be done with it - then sure, go ahead and make your stamp out of aluminum. But if you want something that's going to last, that's going to be good for multiple jobs over a period of years, then look into using another material. Some kind of plastic - ABS, acetal, polycarbonate - would probably work fine. I think that's what Wizard was trying to tell you.

    Andrew Werby

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    I have seen commercial rubber and plastic ones for making stone textures or tile shapes. Aluminum does oxidize very quickly when in contact with steel, so I know it can happen fast with other corrosive stuff.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by awerby View Post
    Concrete corrodes aluminum quickly. If this is a one-shot deal - if you just want to stamp a certain patch of concrete and then be done with it - then sure, go ahead and make your stamp out of aluminum. But if you want something that's going to last, that's going to be good for multiple jobs over a period of years, then look into using another material. Some kind of plastic - ABS, acetal, polycarbonate - would probably work fine. I think that's what Wizard was trying to tell you.

    Andrew Werby
    ComputerSculpture.com ? Home Page for Discount Hardware & Software
    In a nut shell this is exactly what I was saying, aluminum band concrete really don't mix well. It would certainly work for a one off project or maybe even limited production.

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