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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Fanuc and geometry offsets

    Does anyone know how to lock someone out of the geometry offset screen on Fanuc 16i controller. I have problems with operators changing geometry offsets either on purpose or by accident.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by mcash3000
    Does anyone know how to lock someone out of the geometry offset screen on Fanuc 16i controller. I have problems with operators changing geometry offsets either on purpose or by accident.

    Try this in the main program I use it for crash prevention and quality control

    For tool # 12 LETS SAY IT HAS AN H VALUE OF 154.600mm

    IF[#10012NE154.6]THEN#3000=12(WRONG OFFSET)
    Now if you are not using preeset tools and your geometry changes with each tool change then you can change the program each time or you can manually put the H value into a seprerate varible # and compare them each cycle
    IF[#10012NE#510]THEN#3000=12(WRONG OFFSET)

    nOW DEPENDING ON THE MACHINE BUILDER YOU CAN TIE THE OFFSETE INTO THE EDIT KEY. Our Kittamuras require an edit key to make any offset changes but I have Makinos that I just monitor from the CNC with a macro as I do the Daewoe's We have.

    This will compare the offset each cycle and then if the value has been changed the mesage will come up on screen

    Or you can load the geometry from the main each cycle like this
    This will overwrite the offset each cycle.
    Now this is of corse as long as your operators do not have accsess to the edit mode. If they do I can show you how to put these protections into a 9000 program and password protect them

    If you do not have the Macro option turned on I can send you those #'s they are 9000option paramaters


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by mcash3000
    Does anyone know how to lock someone out of the geometry offset screen on Fanuc 16i controller. I have problems with operators changing geometry offsets either on purpose or by accident.

    OK I looked this up I knew I had it somewhere, 7200.5 is the bit on a 16I that will write protect the offsets. This will protect all of them including ware offsets. So if you turn this bit on you will need an edit key to write to any offset. Now this means that even if you want an operator to have ware offset availible he wont this will lock them all out. So use the Macro if you only want to protect your geometrty


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Don't all fanucs have a removable key on the console to lock the offsets.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by timlkallam
    Don't all fanucs have a removable key on the console to lock the offsets.
    The Key is prymarily for the program edit and it comes set up that way from the MB. To lock the offsets with the key you need to turn on 7200.5 this parameter is normally set at defaut to 0 from FANUC the normal mode of opration is for the edit key to just lock the edit mode. However if an operator knows that 7200.5 turns off the offset write protect then all he has to do is turn it off make an offset and turn it back on. That is why the macro works best. And like I said if you use a 9000 sub routine you can password protect that. There are a set of parameters in a 16I that you can set to a specific program number or numbers and give it a 4 digit password.


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