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IndustryArena Forum > MetalWorking Machines > Tormach Personal CNC Mill > Getting ever more scared of Mach...
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  1. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by tbaker2500 View Post
    If this is happening, it's going to continue to cause issues. Read more in Tormach's support paper:
    Direct Document and Software Download | Tormach LLC providers of personal small CNC machines, CNC tooling, and many more CNC items.

    Interesting thing is, in my office I have a 27" imac that I run both windows and OSX.. Under windows, the usb chops in and out, but not under macOS... I have the same problems at work with my windows machine... Seems like crappy code in Windows to me...

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Thanks Step for clearing this up.
    I dont use a laptop on the machine, I was refering to the one I use for CAD CAM.

    Im going to check out Linux, put it on the old 8200 and play with it a bit, I just hate to have to learn another piece of software as Im not a youngster anymore.

    How does Linux connect to the jog controller, and wouldnt it still be thru a usb port?
    mike sr

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    I have been using Mach for years, the only 'screw ups' were mine, not Mach's.
    Wood neophyte.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Spinnetti View Post

    Interesting thing is, in my office I have a 27" imac that I run both windows and OSX.. Under windows, the usb chops in and out, but not under macOS... I have the same problems at work with my windows machine... Seems like crappy code in Windows to me...
    I do the same, and I agree. However, the USB bus is getting hit with too much corrupt data, all the way to requiring a bus disconnect. Different OS's will handle it differently. The best thing to do is remove that interference. I had the issue described in that whitepaper, been dealing with it for years. After reading it, I bought a power strip which had noise filtering in it. Problem solved. (Menards, like $10.)

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by tbaker2500 View Post
    I do the same, and I agree. However, the USB bus is getting hit with too much corrupt data, all the way to requiring a bus disconnect. Different OS's will handle it differently. The best thing to do is remove that interference. I had the issue described in that whitepaper, been dealing with it for years. After reading it, I bought a power strip which had noise filtering in it. Problem solved. (Menards, like $10.)
    Groovy... certainly worth a try!

    Just for clarification, I don't use my Mac to run the Tormach; I have the fully Tormach package for that.

    I'm tempted to get the new Mac Pro when its released - hopefully it won't cost a fortune, but probably will!

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    I had a few manual motion control issues come up over the year I've had a PCNC 1100.

    The first was on occasion, I would be using the shuttle and would switch from the wheel to the step wheel or an axis button to the step and it would stop responding. No motion would work, including keyboard or MDI. Resetting the connection to the machine would fix it, but referencing is lost, which so far as I know only affects the M998 code.

    This slowly became more common then I tried a different shuttle and that went away. Tormach replaced the shuttle. With the new one, everything seems fine except I've had a few occasions where I was using the wheel at slowish speeds and when I release the wheel, the machine keeps moving. A tweak the other way stops it. So far no collisions, but I worry about it.

    Another was finding this odd mode Mach gets into if you hit the space bar and nothing is running. You see an error message that there's nothing to stop but also all motion no longer functions. The shuttle, keyboard or MDI. Hitting the escape key sort of backs out of that, but only for the shuttle. Again, resetting the connection to the mill fixes it and loses reference.

    And one other time, I was running a program and at a tool change, the machine was reset. I'm pretty sure I did nothing. Probably a power glitch. But of the many programs I've run, that's the only odd thing I've seen that wasn't simply me screwing up.

    I have recently put an 800 watt UPS between the controller, screen and the Mill electrics. I also look at those USB extensions a bit sideways. There is probably something about these USB drivers, but my gut tells me how Mach handles them could use some work. Bummer it isn't open source or I'd have a go at it.

    Since the UPS I have not seen any issues, but I have only run about four programs.

    I did noticed that Tormach changed the motherboard in the controller they sell some time after I got mine in September, 2012. I wonder if that one is more reliable? Or how much that motherboard would go for?

    I do wish Mach 3 was scrubbed a bit more, or that real time gear was in use here. I don't know the CNC world that well, but the technology required to reliably do this real time stuff at these rates has been around for decades. I did real time programming in the early 90s that had far more throughput.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    When my Shuttle stops responding, I reseat the USB connector and that has fixed it every time so far. Probably happens once every 3 or 4 times I use the the mill.

    My shuttle also seems to have got a few small chips buried under the various keys and the speed hub. That periodically causes stuck key or the jog to continue past hub release.

    The thing with the space bar really annoys me. In my case it usually happens when I am trying to use the MDI but have forgotten to activate (by pressing the enter key). Then I get a feed hold error and many functions stop working until I click the stop button. No need to reset Mach but a few seconds get wasted.

    I wonder if LinuxCNC is any better for the user interface?


  8. #28
    Join Date
    May 2007
    The one thing I can say is that linuxcnc has never just "acted weird" on me while a part was running. I use a pendant through USB and it has faulted and gotten unplugged but everything continued to behave. I wouldn't say I love the Axis interface but it doesn't have anything that makes me scream either.

  9. #29
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    I don't think chips had anything to do with my shuttle problems. You can easily pry the wheel and step off of the shuttle and check. I have a ceiling-to-machine nylon curtain between the screen and keyboard and the mess the machine makes.

    If I get around to installing Ubuntu on a PC I will give linuxcnc a look.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    download the linuxcnc live cd image and burn it. Then you can run it to try it (its a bootable cd) and if you like it, hit the install button and it will do it for you! You don't have to do a separate Unbuntu install and try to do the RTI kernel.
    AKA Country Bubba (Older Than Dirt)

  11. #31
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Thanks, Bubba, I will do that.

  12. #32
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by sansbury View Post
    The one thing I can say is that linuxcnc has never just "acted weird" on me while a part was running. I use a pendant through USB and it has faulted and gotten unplugged but everything continued to behave. I wouldn't say I love the Axis interface but it doesn't have anything that makes me scream either.
    Is the ATC supported on linuxcnc? The Tormach web site makes it sound like you have to run Mach with the ATC.

  13. #33
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    Jun 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Beezle View Post
    I had a few manual motion control issues come up over the year I've had a PCNC 1100.

    Another was finding this odd mode Mach gets into if you hit the space bar and nothing is running. You see an error message that there's nothing to stop but also all motion no longer functions. The shuttle, keyboard or MDI. Hitting the escape key sort of backs out of that, but only for the shuttle. Again, resetting the connection to the mill fixes it and loses reference.
    When the space bar is pressed or Pause is selected, with or without a program running, Mach 3 will not respond to any motion commands until Stop (not Estop) is selected (or whatever the latest Tormach Mach3 release now calls it.... "Restore program" or something).

    In regard to other unexpected motion, most likely the cause is not Mach 3, unless it can be repeated by the same inputs beforehand.

    Good luck,

  14. #34
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    I had talked to Danial R at tormach this summer at the linuxcnc fest in wichita. He said there was a linuxcnc atc setup working. You may want to talk to tormach and ask..


    Quote Originally Posted by sperman View Post
    Is the ATC supported on linuxcnc? The Tormach web site makes it sound like you have to run Mach with the ATC.

  15. #35
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Don Clement View Post
    +1 Mach worked fine. One more anecdote: I configured my own PC controller for my Tormach.

    Hey Don,
    Could you give brief description of software stack "install" for your controller?
    I have an old dell 8200 that looks perfect for the job.
    You can be brief I know how to do clean limited installs of operating system, drivers, and most software.
    I'm a new owner of a Tormach 1100 and did not purchase control computer because I have enough old iron around here.
    Thanks much for any help.

  16. #36
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    There's a section of the Tormach manual that tells one step by step how to configure your own computer to run Mach. I configured mine using XP.


  17. #37
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Ok thanks Don
    I had not searched for it and its near the end .
    Thanks again. all the help here is great

  18. #38
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    I am new to cnc machining and have a tormach 1100 with mach and it has worked good. Only issue I have had is cutter comp which has been dealt with.

  19. #39
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    I had a problem a couple days ago with the cutter plunging into a part and I believe it was due to a power "bump", off and on again, about a one second delay. I thought the computer was OK as its on a battery backup so I reset the program, reindicated the part and started the machine. It ran fine till about halfway thru the program, then it took an unexpected dive into the work! I powered down everything and restarted and it ran fine after that.
    I think those little glitches in the power are causing the problems with Mach, and I am beginning to think its more computer related than Mach related!
    This has happened about 3 times over a long period of time and it always happened after a glitch in the input power, or when they were working on the lines etc., now to figure out what to do to keep it from happening??
    mike sr

  20. #40
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    If your PC is on a battery-backed UPS, power line glitches should have no effect on its operation. Sadly, the kind of thing you describe is simply normal life with Mach3 for many people, and is essentially a random event that can be neither predicted nor prevented.

    Ray L.

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