Quote Originally Posted by adam_m View Post
Thanks Steve for the pics.

There are 3 things that really have me stumped:

1) The Limit switch settings, they seem to be the opposite of what is described for an "ActiveLow" scenario with a "NC" switch used to achieve an "ActiveLow" setting. But in my case even though I'm using "NC" switches they only work when the Input Signals are set to "ActiveHigh". In all the documentation and everything that I have read on the forum and Internet it says that in order to use an "ActiveHigh" setting you have to be supplying voltage to the Limit switches, and I'm not.

2) Diagnostics Screen, what exactly does the "Input 1-4" represent? From what I can tell it's not the same as the Input on the G540 because I don't even have Input 4 wired up.. Input 4 in my case seems to be related to the Slave Axis, the A Axis but I'm not certain and I don't see any documentation on it. Logically you would think they mean the same thing..

3) The "Soft Max", "Soft Min", "Slow Zone" and "Home Off"
- Are the "Soft Max/Min" set from the distance of the Limit switch or Home switch?
- Is the "Slow Zone" the distance before it hits the Limit switch or the Home switch?
- Is the "Home Off". used to set a distance from the physical Home switch?

I will do my best to answer based on my limited knowledge.

1. On the g540 inputs the normal state is high, so a NC switch (connected to common) is pulling this low making the inactive state low and when the switch is tripped the active state would be high as the switch is now open.
2. As you are seeing the Mach screens sometimes do not utilize the same labels as other areas. They definitely are not the same as the G540. In the G540 documentation it list the parallel port and pins designation for each of their pins.
I usually just make sure the ports and pins are correct and ignore some of the labels applied in Mach.
3. Home off will allow you to create a zero elsewhere besides where the home switch is located. Mine are set to zero the center of my tooling plate.
Soft max min are for adding software limits, typically before they might hit an actual limit switch. These have to also be enabled on other screens.
I have not used the slow zone, so without researching not sure what it does.
