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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    oscillating cutter


    Is there someone who built an oscillating cutter for tangential cutting of foam? I have seen in pictures - debece, comgrav, etc have such an oscillating cutter but never seen on in reality. If somebody knows how it is built or how can be built would like to share to me how?

    Thank you,


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    are you talking about an electric knife type thing? A picture or quick sketch would help clarify what it is you are looking for.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Hi Matt,

    Yes. It is like a jig saw. The blade is running up and down usually at 3000 mov/min with strokes between 10-50 mm. I do not have a sketch, I have seen them only in the pictures. If you look at www.debece.net at labeling area you will see one as they sell. There are also others that are making such a tool. I tried to by one from comgrav but they refused my request saying that is sold only as a part of their machine. I have sent an e-mail to debece asking about buying one, but got no answer.

    Thank you,


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    I have tried to contact debece, finally I got an answer, they are not in the business anymore and indicated a German company http://www.team-haase.de/ as a possible supplier. I have sent them ( http://www.team-haase.de/) countless e-mails asking for delivery/payment terms. NO ANSWER. Could, someone, please, indicate a serious/professional company selling oscillating cutter?

    Thank you,


  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by zoltan View Post

    I have tried to contact debece, finally I got an answer, they are not in the business anymore and indicated a German company Startseite - Petra Haase Computertechnik - Team-Haase - CNC Fäsmaschinen, Fräsmaschine, Portalfräsmaschine, Gravurmaschinen, Graviermaschinen, CAD-/CAM-Software, Zubehör und vieles mehr... für Hobby, Modellbau, und Profis as a possible supplier. I have sent them countless e-mails asking for delivery/payment terms. NO ANSWER. Could, someone, please, indicate a serious/professional company selling oscillating cutter?

    Thank you,

    Ad much as I noticed - they didnt make any better nowadays. Still u have to beg for reply and even if u make them to reply - info given is useless.

    I tried to gain an info re their machine, which was bought second hand with no docs at all. Believe or not - I didnt manage to get it.
    Lovelly customer service. If You need a trouble - go for Haase.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    This Haase company sucks!!!
    After you buy never gets and email answered.
    No support.
    Nobody knows anything, nobody is responsible of anything.
    Really crappy!!!!!

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