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IndustryArena Forum > CAM Software > BobCad-Cam > BobArt vs RhinoEmboss
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    BobArt vs RhinoEmboss

    I need some opinions from those of you who are knowledgeable in BobArt. This is a video link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZktLGTeJtBY of RhinoEmboss in hope some of you can give me an informed comparison. Does BobArt work this brilliantly? I couldn't find any videos of BA that shows anything like this.

    Thanks, Forrest

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Re: BobArt vs RhinoEmboss

    I'm fairly familiar with BobArt. Watching the video, I'd say that it's roughly equivalent to RhinoEmboss. I'd give Rhino the edge in ease of use, and BobArt the edge in capability, but it's a close race.

    One thing to bear in mind is that when watching demos, there's a lot of work that you generally don't see. This one starts with, "I've already drawn all this geometry". Part of drawing the geometry is planning the various embossments and trying them to make sure they'll add up to what you have in mind, and it's at least twice as much work as what's shown in the video. The basic tools are very similar in function, and starting with the same geometry and groupings, both products would do practically identical jobs. The workflows differ, of course.

    "All I'm trying to find out is the fellow's name on first base" -- Lou Costello

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: BobArt vs RhinoEmboss

    How much does Rhino want ? And you need their software to run the plug-in,,which is how much ?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Re: BobArt vs RhinoEmboss

    My daughter is interested in the artsy side of cad. Some of her classmates use rhino and she has had an opportunity to play around with it. She would have to pay $600 total for the educational versions which she can convert for free to commercial after graduation.

    I have watched my dad using BA V20 which seemed really clunky and limited. I guess I need to download the trial of V26 and check it out. One thing to think about is most of the clip arts for these designs are available for free or at the least cheap.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Re: BobArt vs RhinoEmboss

    Yeah, I'd absolutely try them both before buying anything. Does that price include the RhinoEmboss plugin? it's listed as costing that much by itself. (3rd party plugin, not from Rhino). BobCAD had a program they called "Manufacturers of the Future" a while back. Some sort of educational promotion. It's probably worthwhile to give Al Depoalo a call to see if that might be applicable in your daughter's case.

    Vectorizing from clipart is just the start of the process. The resulting geometry is generally in need of a lot of cleanup, and even then, it needs to be organized/broken up for the embossments. It's something that gets faster the more you do it, but it's pretty daunting at first.

    "All I'm trying to find out is the fellow's name on first base" -- Lou Costello

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Re: BobArt vs RhinoEmboss

    I started out not knowing a thing about Bobart. With the help of the people in this Forum (Trotline,jrmach, mmoe,} to name a few. Looking and doing all the tuts I could find. Asking , asking and getting answers. I have been able to do most everything I see other software doing. Sometimes easier sometimes not. It can be done. The vectors will make or break any project. Preparation will make or brake any project. Go to youtube and look up Bobart and see what can be done.Every time I think it cannot be done in Bobart I get an answer here or just work on it till I get it. Any software will only be as good as the time spent to learn it. Bobart is not a click and go but when you start to learn it watch out.

    Thank You
    The time has come the woodworker said to speak of many things. 0f routers and Wood , chips and paints and stains and CNC and other things.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Re: BobArt vs RhinoEmboss

    I thought I would show you 2 things I am working on. I am a newbbie and not up to what some of the others can show you. Hope I didn't use up all my time. LOL

    The time has come the woodworker said to speak of many things. 0f routers and Wood , chips and paints and stains and CNC and other things.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Re: BobArt vs RhinoEmboss

    Thanks for all the feedback, the price for rhinogold is $459.00 and for rhino3d is $149.00. BobCad does offer there software at reduced cost and sometimes free of charge to schools.

    I realize from firsthand experience that good geometry is critical. It just seemed so easy to get the emboss from the lines. I personally would rather her stick with BC especially since I'm familiar with the CAM side. BobCad has already quoted me a fair price on an upgrade that will put it in the same range as Rhino. Although I'm getting much more in the way of software.

    Back to more digging.

    Thanks, Forrest

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Re: BobArt vs RhinoEmboss

    in my private opinion regardless of price or brand..
    the result is what you make..

    what i mean? if you cant draw with pencil an ear, or a hand, you will not be able to model them..

    if you have sense for creating, then will not be matter what youre using....
    a 10K value modeler program or a piece of clay from the backyard.. with both you will make artwork..

    for a well running bussiness nothing expenses.. for beginning everything just cost too much..

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