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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Question Motion CON501 set up on a Quick 6100A

    Hi guys and girls, Once again Im here for your valuable feedback / chastising:

    The User manual that comes with my Router / controller is about as useful as a cricket bat to a fisherman. Somehow Ive managed to conduct a system update (lets just say it happened by accident - long story) and have lost all the settings that make it go. Ive spent the morning trying to re-input everything but the terminology is very assumptive (like its assuming I have a clue what it means), and I dont. I thought I was going well until I set it going and the tool path was much wider than I had drawn on my Vetric software, so something is very wrong.

    Now the important bit thats stopping me doing anything: When I turn the machine on - It asks me to 'go to home'. I press Home and away it goes- as predicted and without any abnormal noises, like axis be extended by flying gantry's and everything stops where they used to. Now- I get an error message stating 'Hard Limit triggered on X axis'. and two choices- Adjust it, or Home again. Now there is NO instructions on how you adjust it, and clicking on 'Y' takes me to so Im left going round in this circle.

    So here are a couple of questions:
    1) anybody know how to adjust the home setting? The controller menu of the controller only has two set ups relating to home in the menu- Home direction and Home speed. Nothing about Home location??? - please see attached pic of the screen that comes up when I try to adjust the home location:

    Qu: I have no idea why the 4's are in front of the X,Y, Z axis's. I have no idea what run, soff and low mean, or how to change them, and I have no idea how to set any of the axis so that it doesnt stop on the hard limit (which Im assuming are the axis limiting switches) . Am I correct in my assumptions that the soft limit should be the edge of the bed?- or how else would it know this location? The maual does not have any information on this stuff.... Grrrrr

    what do I do- The hammer has been hidden short term at least...

    Thanking you in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Motion CON501 set up on a Quick 6100A

    I wrote to Motion sensors: Here is their response:

    Hi Noel,

    We did not make or sell you the Quick6100A, so don't understand why you are complaining to a British company about a Chinese machine, what you are experiencing is typical Chinese customer service.

    Anyway all your problems are easy to solve,

    We can help you I have a manual written in plane English not the translation you seem to have, If you make a payment of £20 to my paypal account [email protected] I will give you a download link to all the manuals, software and wiring diagrams for this controller and will also answerer directly any questions you have if you are still not sure. ( can also help with vectrick)

    Here is a free tip, if you press the menu key and hold down the press the 1 key and hold, now release together you will have 1's in front of XYZ, you will find you have 9 origin point you can set independently. using menu and 0 key will give you the machine XYZ which cannot be zeroed

    SOFF means Spindle Off

    Best Regards


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Motion CON501 set up on a Quick 6100A

    So I wrote back:

    Hi Nick,

    Wow, where do I start.... Firstly, my email to Motion had nothing to do with Quick. It was about the Motion MO-CON501 cnc Pendant Controller user manual. I never sent an email to Quick, as I assumed best to go directly to the supplier of the component I needed help with. Quick do not make this component. Motion Control Products does.

    Heres my free tip: , I travel to China regularly, on business and find them the most courteous, accommodating and helpful people to deal with - communication issued accepted. Maybe you should get a broader appreciation before condeming their customer service. They certainly dont try to extort money from their customers for access to user information regarding their own products.

    In regard to Vetric, which I never asked for your assistance - I have gone to them directly, in the past, and they were most helpful, including a free upgrade when I changed computers.

    In the interests of Good customer service, I feel it would serve all people who are considering using the Motion range of controllers well to see the quality of service you are providing. Accordingly, you will find a copy of this email trail uploaded to CNC zone's website.

    Kind Regards


    Noel Symon
    Sasign International
    Ph: 07 5564 9930 Fax: 07 5527 8814,
    Web: Edge lit signs
    Unit 3 / 31 Dominions Rd
    Ashmore, QLD 4214
    "specialist signage Lighting since 1992"

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Re: Motion CON501 set up on a Quick 6100A

    Why are you in such a big argument over a crappy Chinese CNC controller?

    All these pendants on the market are made by one Chinese factory, anybody who has a little common sense knows this.

    The manual you have is a translation from Chinese, what is wrong with buying one written in English by someone who understands CNC, not a translation by a Chinese office girl.

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