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  1. #1
    I have a question

    I had to mill a part for a customer in which a oblong hole needs to be processed ( see drawing)
    My question:
    Is there a cycle for the Ultimax II controller, that would enable me to program such a pocket with fixed parameter- or do I have to have to program such a shape ‘by hand’? (So, program it as if it were a contour via arches)
    As I have no further measurement ( and no CAD program) I would have to calculate the arch end points manually.

    Would be quiet nice sometimes, but not every day.

    Would appreciate any ideas and suggestions.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    I am not quite sure, but if the Ultimax II already has helix in it, then it would all work without any calculations.

    Have a look if it’s already in it :
    (Milling- lines & arches-next segment- helix or maybe Helix where the 2s are)

    If yes, then your example would be:

    Rotate pattern onto circle- central point X0 Y0 Starting angle 20°.

    Starting point X19.8 Y0 - Rad. corr. Left

    1. Segment helix – central point X0 Y0, Radius 19.8, Angle 150, Inclination 0
    2. Segment helix - Radius 2.35, Angle 180, Inclination 0
    3. Segment helix - central point X0 Y0, Radius 15.1, Angle 150, Inclination 0
    4. Segment helix - Radius 2.35, Angle 180, Inclination 0

    Pattern end

    You definitely have to go over the helix, because there you can define the angle for the arc- otherwise its only possible with the Winmax- there you can define an opening angle for a circular arc.

    However I am not sure if the Ultimax II can do that already. Its already quite a long time ago.....

  3. #3
    I do it like this: I first go from X0/Y0 until the 2 radius central points of the groove and then note the measurements.

    That way I eliminate the annoying calculations.

    You don’t need more to write it with normal arcs. Doesn’t take longer than 2 minutes.

    I never heard of the idea with the helix- need to try it out when I have time and see if it’s easier.
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