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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Actual settings for Huangyang 2.2 kw VFD


    Apologies in advance for the long rambling post.

    Can anyone supply actual settings for a Huangyang VFD driving a 2.2 kW water cooled spindle please? I am looking for someone who currently has a working setup for a 220 v single phase setup. And preferably in Australia where the voltage etc will be the same. Not what you've heard via the brother-in-law or read on this or any other site please, but an actual working unit. :-)
    It would seem there are a myriad of different settings out there that get touted as gospel. Even the reset to factory has divergent views. I find on my unit I need to use 1 and not 8 in PD013 to rest to factory settings. If I use 8 nothing happens.
    I currently have the following:
    PD000 - 0 (to enable editing)
    PD001 - 1 (to control spindle via Mach3 input)
    PD002 - 1
    PD003 - 400
    PD004 - 400
    PD005 - 400
    PD006 - 2.5
    PD008 - 220
    PD144 - 3000 Apparently this displays top revs correctly at 24000.

    The rest is as per factory defaults mainly.

    The reason for my asking is that I am having issues with the spindle not starting. I have replaced the spindle with a new one. Same issue. So now I am of the opinion that the VDF has an issue. So I will replace that. Either that will work or I'll have a spare of each. :-)
    The spindle and VDF used to work, but after an unfortunate electrical trip it no longer works correctly. So when I get the new one I would like to set it up using the correct and "IN USE" settings. And not a second hand folk lore version so to speak.

    So if you are currently using a water cooled 2.2 kw chinese spindle with a matching Haungyang VFD and would not mind sharing your settings I would be most grateful.

    Thanks in advance
    Anthony, Brisbane

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Re: Actual settings for Huangyang 2.2 kw VFD


    Can't claim the XLS file (found on one of these forums).

    Have modified to suit my 2.2Kw and chinese VFD.

    Notably the Voltage / Frequency curve to give more torque at low spindle speed. Before I could easily stop spindle at 2000 rpm, not so easy now PD 6/7 and 9/10

    Make sure your spindle current is correct (maybe printed on Spindle). PD142

    Comms PD163-165 also specific to my needs.

    Hope it helps.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: Actual settings for Huangyang 2.2 kw VFD

    Thanks for that Gordon. Much appreciated. I found out the root of my problem was the black wire had come off inside the crimp lug on the VFD so it was only trying run on 2 phases. Only discovered this when I took the original VFD out to replace it. All the wiring looked OK at a glance, only when I took the wire off the VFD did I notice the break. A classic case of "Bugger". :-)
    Anyway have set it up with the new VFD and put in default settings. Now I can peruse the spreadsheet you kindly linked to and see what else I can tweek.
    In regard to the low speed torque. Do you have any issues with overheating etc?

    Thanks heaps once again for the reply and spreadsheet.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Re: Actual settings for Huangyang 2.2 kw VFD

    Quote Originally Posted by ajfoxy View Post
    Do you have any issues with overheating etc?
    None. Before I found the settings, I always wondered why it was water cooled. Damn thing never got warm.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: Actual settings for Huangyang 2.2 kw VFD

    Quote Originally Posted by zymurgy42 View Post

    Can't claim the XLS file (found on one of these forums).

    Have modified to suit my 2.2Kw and chinese VFD.

    Notably the Voltage / Frequency curve to give more torque at low spindle speed. Before I could easily stop spindle at 2000 rpm, not so easy now PD 6/7 and 9/10

    Make sure your spindle current is correct (maybe printed on Spindle). PD142

    Comms PD163-165 also specific to my needs.

    Hope it helps.


    Thanks so much for posting this. I have been trying to get some data on how people have improved low speed torque and with what settings.
    I will add your V/F points to a graph I am making.

    If you are interested you can look here: http://www.cnczone.com/forums/spindl...low-speed.html

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Re: Actual settings for Huangyang 2.2 kw VFD


    Your'e most welcome.


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