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IndustryArena Forum > CNC Electronics > CNC Machine Related Electronics > Problem with VSD-E in DualDC drive mode, axis 1 works but not axis 2.. any ideas?
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Problem with VSD-E in DualDC drive mode, axis 1 works but not axis 2.. any ideas?

    how ever I can tune both axis using DCtools and if I checkmark the "invert encoder" then the motor spins in the wrong direction, but when getting commands from mach3 it does not move, only axis 1 moves, so it seems to me like the encoders and the motor is connected right and getting signals along, but the VSD-E is not receiving the commands from mach 3 (through a brakeout board) I have tried to swap the outputs from the breakout board with no luck, and axis 1 works as well on the other outputs, so there is no problem with the breakout board. any Ideas would be greatly appreciated!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Problem with VSD-E in DualDC drive mode, axis 1 works but not axis 2.. any ideas?

    do the motors test ok in gd tools? generally, if the motors wont go and they test ok they for what ever reason are not getting the pulse direction signals.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Re: Problem with VSD-E in DualDC drive mode, axis 1 works but not axis 2.. any ideas?

    Thanks for the reply Montabelli!! no I have not tested the motors in GD tools, but I can tune them using DCtools. How can I test them in GD tools? what is the easiest method? is it possible to make the motor turn by giving command from GD tools?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Re: Problem with VSD-E in DualDC drive mode, axis 1 works but not axis 2.. any ideas?

    I am pretty sure that the motors and encoder works, because I can tune it in DC tools and I can make the motor spin by checkmarking "invert encoder" (then it turns until too many errors because the signal should not be inverted.

    The motor goes neither direction when giving commands from mach3, chould it still be the direction pulses? it sounds really likely that somehow it is not getting either the direction or step pulses (I have measured for continuity from the breakoutpoard to the DIR and STEP inputs on the VSD-E board and it tests OK, so it seems like it is on the VSD-E board it self where it looses the signals. did you have similar problem Montabelli? if so, how did you fix it? did you need to have new VSD-E?

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