OK. That helps a bit.

Well, the first problem is BobCAD. I use BobCAD for my CAD software - but that is it. Dealing with BobCAD-CAM beyond that is frustrating and useless - at BEST!

I use SheetCAM for my CAM software. It is designed for sheet cutting with Plasma and routers - but it will work for the 2.5D CAM needed for a 3 axis mill (well most functions anyway).

BobCAD is correct that an F8025M post processor should work for the F8020M control.

Really, all the BobCAD folks need to have is a programming manual for the F8020M or F8025M. If you can provide them with a .pdf copy of the manual, then THAT is what they should be tailoring the post processor from - NOT some "working" Gcode from some friend of a friend that has a machine like this in his basement, yatta, yatta. Those manuals are available online. Just google "Fagor 8020 manuals" and do some digging and you'll find them. They used to be on Fagor's website - but I haven't looked lately.

WIth all of that being said, that looks like an interesting machine. I found one picture of that machine on a google search. Nice looking machine. I've never dealt with a 2 spindle machine. But, I do know that there is at least one parameter setting that deals with that in the F8020/25 control. If you are trying to get just one spindle to operate - you need to go into the parameter list and find out the correct settings for which parameters to make that a single spindle machine. Chances are good that the F8020 control needs to see something in the Gcode that it is not seeing since you are trying to put Gcode into the control that is written for a single spindle and the control is looking for Gcode that "talks" to 2 spindles at the same time. BTW - be sure to back up ALL your parameter settings before you make any changes - that way you'll have them for reference when you want to change them back to double spindle operations.

The most sure-fire way of having a fail-proof and fool-proof backup of your parameters is to page thru all of them, one page at a time and take a digital picture of the screen. Then, put them all in a folder on a computer somewhere. Then put them all in another computer somewhere else. And, just to be sure, put them on a laptop somewhere else. That way, you'll always have access to the parameters that need to be set for that machine in case the battery backup goes dead (it happens all the time - just search this forum to see how many folks get caught with a dead battery and no parameter backups). Please do yourself a favor and back up the parameters right now.

In order to get "apples" to "apples" here, you'll need to send "single spindle code" to the machine that has parameters set for "single spindle"; or, you'll need to get the CAM software set up to write "double spindle" Gcode to send to an F8020 control that has parameters set up for (wants to see) "double spindle" Gcode. I hope that analogy makes sense.

I would do as you are thinking. Set up the parameters in the control for single spindle operation. Then start out with CAM software that is tailored for this machine in single spindle operation. Once you get that going, you'll have had time to learn what you need to do in order to get CAM software to write "double spindle" Gcode. BTW - I don't even know what "double spindle" Gcode looks like - but I know that somehow it has to be different from the code for normal, everyday, single spindle Gcode. I do remember that it is discussed in the Fagor manuals, you'll have to get into the manuals and figure that out - later.

Moving on to the task at hand. The Gcode I sent in the last post, is valid Gcode for the F8025M. So, that should help with the BobCAD guys, if you want to get them to write the post processor.

So, here's what I see you needing to accomplish:
1. Back up your machine parameters.
2. Set the parameters in the machine for single spindle operations. To do this, get ahold of the F8020M (or F8025M) OEM manual. That's the manual that will have the list of parameters and how to set them for the machine that your OEM (NASA installed the control on).
3. Write some really basic Gcode (from scratch, i.e. write it by hand not from a CAM program) to use as I test program to get the machine moving. Just do X, Y & Z moves at first. Once you get that working, then add a spindle Gcode to get the spindle turning. Then, if that goes well, combine all 3 together.
4. While you are working on step 2. above, get BobCAD busy on writing (or fixing) the post processor for your CAM portion of BobCAD-CAM software.
5. Use the machine for a while in single spindle configuration. Make some parts, try different things to get familiar with creating code for the machine to do various types of machining (e.g. profiles cuts, hole drills, pockets, bosses, etc.).
6. While you are doing step 5 above, begin researching double spindle operations. Learn how the Gcode is different. Then get BobCAD-CAM working on tweaking the post processor to handle the multi spindle code.
7. Go back and change the F8020 parameters for multi spindle operations.
8. Repeat the applicable steps above for double spindle operations.

Writing Gcode from scratch is not that difficult for basic shapes like squares, triangles, and even circles. You seem like a pretty smart fella and should be able to do it once you've learned the basic G, M, S and T commands. Consider taking a few days to learn the basics and then dig into the F8020/F8025 programming manuals. You'll pick it up pretty fast. Unless you're programming French curves or some kind of crazy splines it's pretty straightforward if you understand an X,Y & Z coordinate system.

Let me know if you have any additional questions.
Sounds like a fun project you have there. I'm sure you can get it working for you soon - with a little help from your friends.