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IndustryArena Forum > MetalWorking Machines > Auto Tool Changer > Okuma multus u4000 atc problem, its stuck at sequence 13, totaly neew mashine to me
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2014

    Okuma multus u4000 atc problem, its stuck at sequence 13, totaly neew mashine to me

    Hi everybody, the place i work just bought a okuma multus u4000, so the last week me and the other guy at work that is supposed to use this mashine had education at the company guys from the place we bought the mashine where there to teach us some basics, and one guy from the company that provide us with gibbscam where also there to help us tune in the postprocessor.

    But now we have a problem, we have support ofcourse but we will start looking at this at monday, but i want to se if someone here can help me so i can come with the solution right away at monday morning so we can start usine the mashine instead of spending time waiting for support and fix it.

    So, iil just cut to the chase, when we started the mashine friday morning it would change tools, i dont remember if it was like that when it started or if it was something me or my college did, but the ATC got stuck, it wont do anything, i have read the manuals and i have looked at the mashine and my conglusion is that it it stuck at sequence 13, and that it means that something is wrong with the rotatorarm inside the magazine, btw we bought the option 80 places for tools, i think it said that it was supposed to bring the arm 180 degrees at that step, but something is wrong, i cant go one step back or one step ahead in the act monitor. It says that, this is in swedish so i dont know the exact translation in my head and im not at work now, but that (HP5) is not active, or not on, or somethink like that..

    Do anyone have experience from this and can help me?

    Best regards J

    Ps. Im neewly educated and have just 6months working as this, so im not that experienced. I have also used Mazak Integrex 400-III ST, Mazak Integrex 200 SY and Gildemeister CTX Beta 800 earlier but now ive had some education on this new mashine so now im supposed to run that among with one other guy..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Re: Okuma multus u4000 atc problem, its stuck at sequence 13, totaly neew mashine to

    call your local Okuma tech

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