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Thread: Sprutcam 9

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  1. #41
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Re: Sprutcam 9

    Step - maybe the problem is related to settings in the graphics card driver on each computer.


  2. #42
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: Sprutcam 9

    Hi Mike, I can't rule anything out at the moment but I would expect the application to calculate the surface being selected based on the mouse position and the view angle. I'm getting some strange effects like being able to select faces at the rear of the part - from the front!
    Are you using Windows 7 or 8?

  3. #43
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    Jun 2006

    Re: Sprutcam 9

    I'm using Win7 on an HP Z400 PC with NVidia Quadro 600 display adapter. I seem to recall reading that certain graphics driver setting could mess up program function, especially in GeoMagic but don't remember details now, but suspect that hardware acceleration was one of the culprits. In SC8, you might try playing with the settings in Tools | System Setup | Visualization.


  4. #44
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    Re: Sprutcam 9

    Quote Originally Posted by MichaelHenry View Post
    In SC8, you might try playing with the settings in Tools | System Setup | Visualization.
    Mike, thanks for you help. I've tried all the settings I could find but I'm not very comfortable with Windows 8 - I prefer XP and MacOS!
    I'll have to put the laptop back together and I'll check out that out again.

  5. #45
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    Re: Sprutcam 9

    Got it working! It does appear to be a Windows 8 "related" problem because it runs fine in Windows 7 compatibility mode.
    For anyone who is as new to Windows 8 as I am: to set this up right click on the Sprut 9 icon on the taskbar, right click again on the "SprutCAM 9" entry and select "Properties". The properties dialog should open. Select the compatibility tab, enable "Run this program in compatibility mode for:" and choose Windows 7. Then restart Sprut.
    I still think I'll move back to Windows 7, but this buys me some time.
    Thanks again Mike.

  6. #46
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    Re: Sprutcam 9

    Windows 7 has worked very well for me in sprut 8 and I hope in 9 as I have it on disk and a key ready to install.
    Poking around and backing up files on my w.s. and setting up a directories for sprut 9 projects.
    I hope I can step thru an upgrade and convert projects files, tools files, templates and operation setups I have done already
    This could be serious work because I have so many files I see the need to organize this upgrade carefully.

  7. #47
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    Re: Sprutcam 9

    I have 8.1 and sc8 has been working great, yes like others said issues from opening sc7 project in sc8 can happen. Will be getting sc9 soon ! Cant wait

    Sent from my SGH-M919 using Tapatalk

  8. #48
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    Re: Sprutcam 9

    Just a quick update for anyone else that might come across the same problem. Earlier I wrote:
    Quote Originally Posted by TurboStep View Post
    Got it working! It does appear to be a Windows 8 "related" problem because it runs fine in Windows 7 compatibility mode.
    Well I spoke too soon Due to a problem unrelated to Sprut (me) I had to return to a previous restore point but setting Win7 compatibility mode didn't help this time. When I save a project that behaved normally on my desktop (using Sprut 9 on Win7) and open it on my laptop I can't select half of the surfaces. I therefore assume that the original Alibre data source is not at fault. I wanted to install a SSD drive so I took the opportunity to go back to Win7 but I still have the same problem!
    I came across a post in some forum (unfortunately I no longer know where) which described a similar problem and led me to the Visual Tolerance setting (Select the part in the Model Tab, open the Properties dialog and on the Visual page there's a slider for Visual Tolerance. Sliding this to High seems to reduce the problem, but unfortunately it doesn't eliminate it.
    Installing a different graphics driver didn't help either.
    Finally my 30 day trial has decided to expire after just a few days. Fortunately it still runs on my desktop but it's annoying because I bought the laptop specifically for CAD/CAM!

  9. #49
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    Re: Sprutcam 9

    I just got my SC9! upgrade, will see how it goes! ill keep you guys updated, as I have win8.1 64bit

    I will say this, one of my software progs is broken due to upgrade from windows 8.0 to 8.1, I want to reinstall clean or install consecutively, fresh 8.0 to 8.1, I believe I have iso for 8.1 but MS doesnt want us to install 8.1 direct you have to put generic key, because your legit key is rejected! unbelievable I know! Just have to Google how to do it and I did it on one PC I believe, full fresh 8.1 install not upgrade from 7 to 8.0 to 8.1

  10. #50
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    Re: Sprutcam 9

    Quote Originally Posted by mountaindew View Post
    This could be serious work because I have so many files I see the need to organize this upgrade carefully.
    Ditto, and I am looking at reconciling files from my old SC7 folders as well as those from SC8. To make it worse it looks like SC (or maybe me) has partially duplicated files between my personal Documents sub folders as well as the Public Documents sub-folders.


  11. #51
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    Re: Sprutcam 9

    Quote Originally Posted by TurboStep View Post
    Well I spoke too soon Due to a problem unrelated to Sprut (me) I had to return to a previous restore point but setting Win7 compatibility mode didn't help this time. When I save a project that behaved normally on my desktop (using Sprut 9 on Win7) and open it on my laptop I can't select half of the surfaces. I therefore assume that the original Alibre data source is not at fault. I wanted to install a SSD drive so I took the opportunity to go back to Win7 but I still have the same problem!
    Sorry to hear that you are still having troubles. Have you tried uninstalling SC, re-installing it, and setting it to run As Adminstrator? A couple weeks back I was having very strange problems with run times on a fairly simple op taking over an hour to calculate and using virtually 100% of my CPU time - an unistall/re-install cycle seemed to be the only way to fix it.


  12. #52
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    Lightbulb Re: Sprutcam 9

    Quote Originally Posted by MichaelHenry View Post
    I'm using the same trial version as you with IGES files exported manually from GeoMagic Design 16. I just did a quick and dirty test and it appears to me that the hole selection feature is working OK and pretty much the same as it did with SC8. Make sure you have the applicable icons selected in the objects filter section, right under the Control menu item at the top of the Machining window.

    If you want to upload the file here one of us can take a look at it.

    Looks like my Tool Library or SC9's library feature is messed up. In SC8 you could sort the library by tool number but that doesn't seem to work in SC9. Hope I'm just missing something.

    I can not seem to get SC9 to stick and install the plugin! for Geomagic Design 32bit, ill try and see if 64bit works?

    -update on plugin, seems that now the SC8 plugin opens up SC9? well at least some plugin is working :P So it will not load into SC8

    Also seems that my full dongle only has SC8 and SC9 keys on it, as I can not open SC7 with it? wonder if that is a mistake or we can only go to SC8 now and not SC7?

    I know its a rare case but sometimes one has to go back to a file and do a quick and dirty fix, and best to open with the native version, I know SC8 will open most time SC7 just fine, but at times it will mess with lead in/out and other stuff

    Ok so I have no issue selecting faces or edges depending on the flags that are set, but it behaves just as all my other versions. I would think there might be some driver issue if ppl have selection issues or some other compatability issue?

  13. #53
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    Re: Sprutcam 9

    Only change or difference I have found in selection process or issues is full object or model selection.
    When adding fixtures like vise or plates in the past I could select the fixture with 1 click "most the time" or with a few more by not moving cursor it would sort down and focus where or what I wanted.
    Now it takes cursor on object holding shift key down and 2 clicks "well timed to fast no work to slow no work" if right the whole object highlights and it can be added to fixture list under that operation.
    I did a thread about "now you see me now you don't" and how placing focus in the model tab helped filters for lines and objects. I guess someone might have read that and then changed code because now it appears that no longer applies or helps.

    I don't use plugins at this point " I would if I could or try anyway" I draw and export iges file and run sprut stand alone.

    I have oem tormach sprut8 and 9 installed on same computer. they act like they work ok right now. Against my better judgment I will use it this way for another week or so.
    From what I see sprut 9 opens all my files with few problems that I can see anyway. I tested the most complex ones I could find and they look and work fine.
    Still I could take and build the file from nothing and it did work and function much better then the same file loaded from another version. "if nothing else the igs file was cleaner"

    As for going back for older files. My sprut 8 is good for 90 days and I have to return the key before that time or else sprut 9 is full price. Ouch. I don't see to many problems at this point and will drop 8 off my system asap.

    Mike mentioned how its hard to tell what files come from what version. What I did a when I started with sprut was I set up a project directory.like below
    project name

    I added v9 to list above and when I load version 8 project the first thing I do is save it in v9 directory under that project name.
    I was thinking of adding directories named v8 and v9 under each tap directory also so I could compare results from ver 8 post to version 9 posts.
    Already a file nightmare I don't think I will do this to many projects I have. Having a minimum of 4 files for each part, starts adding up fast and adding 2 sets of taps would or could add to confusion.
    Don't know if this helps anyone but it helps me organize the near 200 parts x 4 files or 800 files I have right now and the thousands more I will add over years of use.

  14. #54
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    Re: Sprutcam 9

    Quote Originally Posted by MichaelHenry View Post
    Ditto, and I am looking at reconciling files from my old SC7 folders as well as those from SC8. To make it worse it looks like SC (or maybe me) has partially duplicated files between my personal Documents sub folders as well as the Public Documents sub-folders.

    I think your seeing a link to those files or a re direct. look for the little icon to have the arrow. If it does then sprut is showing 2 ways to navigate to the same files. "I still get confused by this now and then"
    Confusing and not wanting to stray far from what it installed I left that as is with their examples and whatever. I created my own project directory on a fresh clean formatted ssd.
    setup a new directory structure and stated placing all cad, cam and associated files in new file structure. Little extra effort to direct sprut or cad software to place all the files in the right place but well worth effort.
    Hope this helps a little anyway

  15. #55
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    Re: Sprutcam 9

    Quote Originally Posted by MichaelHenry View Post
    Sorry to hear that you are still having troubles. Have you tried uninstalling SC, re-installing it, and setting it to run As Adminstrator?...
    Yep, done all that, but in the process I did find some interesting information. It appears to work fine if I uninstall the graphics driver, a little slow but I can select all faces as per Sprut 7. THEN I installed Sprut 8 as a trial version. This doesn't work with the driver installed either! There appears to be an compatibility issue between Sprut and the driver.
    Both Alibre and Sprut 7 work with the graphics driver but Sprut 8 and Sprut 9 don't.
    For reference, my laptop is a HP Envy 15-k156nz with processor integrated graphics "Intel HD Graphics 4600". The processor was launched in Q2'14 but the 4600 graphics have been around since 2013. I've tried various versions of the driver from HP and Intel, for Win7 and previously for Win8.1. I guess I'll have to report this to Sprut to see if they can provide a fix. I suspect I may not be the last person to stumble across this issue.

  16. #56
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    Re: Sprutcam 9

    Quote Originally Posted by mountaindew View Post
    I think your seeing a link to those files or a re direct. look for the little icon to have the arrow. If it does then sprut is showing 2 ways to navigate to the same files. "I still get confused by this now and then"
    Confusing and not wanting to stray far from what it installed I left that as is with their examples and whatever. I created my own project directory on a fresh clean formatted ssd.
    setup a new directory structure and stated placing all cad, cam and associated files in new file structure. Little extra effort to direct sprut or cad software to place all the files in the right place but well worth effort.
    Hope this helps a little anyway
    Sorry, but I'm a little confused - which icon has the little arrow, the file folder icon in the Win7 file open/save dialog box or something in one of Sprut's dialog boxes?

    Good idea about creating a dedicated folder structure for Sprut. I used to do that routinely for data folders on new program installs or upgrades but got burned a few times by apps that *really* wanted you tio use what the programmers had set up.


  17. #57
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    Re: Sprutcam 9

    Me too!
    Hard to explain, from what I see sprut creates a directory called sprut technology and installs its program. "normal by program standards"
    It also creates directories under my documents section of my windows 7 system called sprutcam with subdirectories of different versions and all support file directories. "some programs do this"
    And it creates a set of somewhat hidden directories under my windows 7 system programdata directory called sprut technology with license files and other stuff. Some have strange spelling and some point back to other program and support file directories. "this is very strange for app software to do this and I have few clues as to why"
    This will show up at times depending on how your browsing your files as duplicate directories and files. If you edit or delete one set I find it deletes the other sets also.

    This is the reason I started my own structure when I setup vers 8. I did not want to manage some sort of confusing redirected file structure they setup.

  18. #58
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    Re: Sprutcam 9

    So I find out yesterday that my SC7 post that works great in SC8, does not work so great in SC9

    I get errors every time I post, the regular operations seem to work ok, I opened some old jobs and quickly posted and browsed through them.

    Now the feature recognition thing does not post properly at all, even though I'm doing the simple few ones with spot and drill, I do not get any canned cycles at all.

    Will send email to Tormach with my post maybe they can make new one like it? or modify it to work with SC9 features?

    I suggest others test that out too to see if there post works correctly.

  19. #59
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    Re: Sprutcam 9

    Quote Originally Posted by drutort View Post
    Now the feature recognition thing does not post properly at all, even though I'm doing the simple few ones with spot and drill, I do not get any canned cycles at all.
    I reviewed some of the functions and how it all works "kind of cool" did not generate g-code because I use fixtures in all my operations and found if I tried to do anything with fixtures it would generate errors and get flakey in no time. This will keep me from using it much. Imho they should work on making the program more solid with less errors and clean graphics before adding more features. I use all the standard features and find they work well and I hope they refine these before they continue to add or develop a different interface for feature selection of operations. There are a number of things that worked perfect on my oem version 8 that no longer work the same in 9. On the other hand spending time with the sbl15 machine definition has me excited about that part of the upgrade and wanting to add this tool to my shop.

  20. #60
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    Re: Sprutcam 9

    I was told that new features are not really comparable for older posts, kind of sucks , simple canned cycles should be away to post that, I mean it should generate code to the post in similar fashion as standard operations oh well

    Sent from my SGH-M919 using Tapatalk

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