Quote Originally Posted by bhurts View Post
I agree that it's all a guess with just one post to go on. I would think chatter is being caused by sticking 2 sided tape to mdf. Since it doesn't hold very well it would cause it to move a lot. That's why I suggest hdpe as a top for sticking the tape to. Kydex is very similar to abs but doesn't melt as bad. It is not particularly hard though. I also suspect the clogging he experienced with the slower feedrates was not due to the material or chatter.I believe it was from cutting through into the tape and pulling it up onto the bit causing it to gum up.


Hit the nail on the head, Thanks I am thinking I did the same thing, with the tape issue. I will try to do two passes equaling .1175" so it is close to the .118" thickness, if you think that would be best.

I was using this bit as well: MLCS the 5141 carbide bit & does well so far.

I just received some Onsrud 63-710 made for cutting plastics here: Zoro cheapest I have found with free shipping. It also has a larger chip extractor.

What speed rate do you suggest for two passes in the material?

