A short video is made. It's been cropped, chopped, sped-up, and all that, to fit in the allotted time frame of
3 songs plus 1 brass solo. Approx. time 14:20. Don't know why,but video seems to run better if you download then run on your computers video player

Another short about my friend.
Small in size, very large in stature. One of the most fierce warriors I know. He could out run me ,out jump me, why he could give me a licking anytime and I would have no choice but to take it. Yet with the snap of the fingers he would jump to my defense. I know that he would give his life to protect me. On patrol at night, half way around the world, it sure was creepy in the pitch black of night. But I was never scared with him by my side. When on patrol, he would always take point position out front, placing himself in harms way, to protect me. What a great guy!

After the video you will understand the unique relationship that we share. There is a small number of "lucky others" that that share the same feelings, and why we will never forget.

I hope you enjoy the show.
So with that said, I salute you Charlie 237
