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IndustryArena Forum > CAM Software > BobCad-Cam > So let me get this right about Bobcad.....
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    So let me get this right about Bobcad.....

    I don't use mine much, V26 so I thought I would check if there were any updates as mine is 1335 but when I tried to update I couldn't now they tell me I have to buy a service contract for$350. to fix their problems, and it does have problems, am I missing something.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Re: So let me get this right about Bobcad.....

    I don't really care for their current "update" policy, but they did get me updated to 1335 without any fuss when I called them on it. I bought early this year and I think they hadn't really set up their service contract specifics quite yet, nor had it been offered or suggested that updates would require it when I purchased, so I think they did what's right and would call it good service.

    That said, you are pretty much up to date with V26. There is a newer update version, but when I was given the update after the newest one had already been released, 1335 was the version that seemed to be preferable. I guess the real question is what specific problems are you having? I have been delving pretty deep into all the toolpath strategies in 3 Axis Mill Pro and have not had any stability issues or bugs. I actually feel V26 in the 1335 build is one of the best Bobcad builds yet and I've noticed many other users are also sticking with 1335 (not sure if it's by design or because they also don't have service contracts?). If you're on 1335, you should be getting a pretty solid experience, so something is off if you aren't. If you go down the list of forum topics related to issues with V26, there really haven't been many at all since the first update and 1335 was the second update. Post some of your issues with examples and we can try to help you figure out what's going on, but from my experience with 1335, it's just really solid and I have a hard time wanting to tempt fate with V27 (though I'm sure I'll update eventually when the service contract works in my favor).

  3. #3
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    Re: So let me get this right about Bobcad.....

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Re: So let me get this right about Bobcad.....

    I guess I'm ok with the 1335 then. Haven't used it much but I thought 25 seemed more stable, not spending any more money until I start using it more. I just got started and was doing pretty good then I left it for 6 months. I am thinking about using Solidworks and Bobcad for the cam, Solidworks looks so easy to use on the drawing side, don't really need the solids, what do you think.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Re: So let me get this right about Bobcad.....

    I haven't used Solidworks much, but I've never been a fan of it. It may be because I've used CAD for over 25 years, and it's a little too different for my taste. I use a few different things for CAD, some more complicated than others, but when I have someone with minimal 3d CAD experience ask what they should start with, I recommend Viacad 2d/3d or Pro. It can be a tad bit unstable from time to time, but not to the extent of making it unusable and I do a ton of pretty heavy duty stuff with it. Yet it's also one of the easiest 3d systems to hit the ground running with, and is possibly one of the best 2d CAD systems out there due to the way the snapping works.

    Add to that fact that you can buy the "Pro" version for between $100 and $200, which has just about all the tools most could need, and it's pretty hard to beat. Unless you plan to spend a significant amount of time each day in CAD, Solidworks is really hard to justify as a good value. The absolute most basic version runs $2500, which means if you only use it for 100 days of the year (probably about the number of days I do CAD work), you're paying $25 per day. If you can stretch it to two years (not sure if there's a maintenance fee), you're still at $12.50 per day, while Viacad Pro would cost $1 per day (or less since there's no maintenance fee). Solidworks makes a lot more sense to me for people who crunch in CAD day in and day out, or deal with companies that run a Solidworks workflow on a regular basis, but otherwise there are a lot of very capable options that run a lot less. Plus, I think you'll always have more help in Bobcad here in the forums if you have the stand alone version. Only a very small percentage seem to use the Solidworks version, and few of them seem to be helping out in the forums much.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Re: So let me get this right about Bobcad.....

    Thanks for your input. I have never heard of Viacad but will look into it. I would like to stay with Bobcad as it's the only system I have ever used but just wondering if there was and I know there is a better system out there that would lend itself to somebody like me that doesn't use the program on a regular basis. 99% of my work doesn't require solid model just 2 D work, I guess it just looks cool to look at a solid model. I must admit I did see my friend using Solidworks and it was different and goes against the grain but man was it quick. based on what you pay for Bobcad you can't get everything right.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

    Re: So let me get this right about Bobcad.....

    You might also want to take a look at Autodesk's new Fusion 360. It's subscription based, and is both CAD and CAM. The CAM is based on HSM Works. For two more weeks, they have a special offer where if you purchase a subscription at the normal price, you get upgraded to the ultimate version for life, if you keep your subscription current. It's $300/year for the base package, and the ultimate will be priced at $1200/year. So if you subscribe now, you'll get a $1200/year package for $300/year, as long as you keep the subscription active.

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    (Note: The opinions expressed in this post are my own and are not necessarily those of CNCzone and its management)

  8. #8
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    Sep 2012

    Re: So let me get this right about Bobcad.....

    Quote Originally Posted by ger21 View Post
    You might also want to take a look at Autodesk's new Fusion 360. It's subscription based, and is both CAD and CAM. The CAM is based on HSM Works. For two more weeks, they have a special offer where if you purchase a subscription at the normal price, you get upgraded to the ultimate version for life, if you keep your subscription current. It's $300/year for the base package, and the ultimate will be priced at $1200/year. So if you subscribe now, you'll get a $1200/year package for $300/year, as long as you keep the subscription active.
    I think the CAM side is just the free level of HSM works though, correct?

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Re: So let me get this right about Bobcad.....

    No, not in the Ultimate version. It contains quite a few 3D toolpaths. About 3D Machining Strategies

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  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2014

    Re: So let me get this right about Bobcad.....

    I have always had issues with the cad side of bobcad, it's I bizarre interface and feels weird. I use rhino and love it. That said the cam side of rhino is expensive so I use bob just for cam. It's ok but for what I paid, then the upgrade it only feels average. Machining 4th axis, I haven't done any yet, isn't really 4th axis ie draw flat and it rolls up.
    It's annoying when you pay for software that includes bugs that are not fixed before issue. I believe they should upgrade you to the latest version as a sign of good faith and recognition that you have paid for and are relying on software that is really still under development

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    Re: So let me get this right about Bobcad.....

    v27 is a huge improvement over previous versions on the cad side. Its worth downloading the trial version and trying it out.

    As for paying for support/updates, just about every software company works the same way, but at even higher costs.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: So let me get this right about Bobcad.....

    Where's that Horse ?
    I wanna beat on it

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2014

    Re: So let me get this right about Bobcad.....

    Show me the horse too.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: So let me get this right about Bobcad.....

    Quote Originally Posted by Shaune View Post
    Show me the horse too.
    It's right here:


    Quote Originally Posted by Shaune View Post
    I have always had issues with the cad side of bobcad, it's I bizarre interface and feels weird. I use rhino and love it. That said the cam side of rhino is expensive so I use bob just for cam. It's ok but for what I paid, then the upgrade it only feels average. Machining 4th axis, I haven't done any yet, isn't really 4th axis ie draw flat and it rolls up.
    It's annoying when you pay for software that includes bugs that are not fixed before issue. I believe they should upgrade you to the latest version as a sign of good faith and recognition that you have paid for and are relying on software that is really still under development
    This suggests you are using 7 year old software? I am running a full 5 axis version of BobCad. 4 axis too!!!! It's been full 4 axis for awhile now...

    Any successful software is ALWAYS under development... Can you please list the one which wont produce erroneous results when used improperly (or at least not as designed or intended or, well, just by some odd fellow)

    Some people really hate rhino too. Because it's so much like AutoCAD... Funny, they ( rhino-autocad-BobCad ) have some of those same "confusing" traits in common together, like the ole "action/command-command action" thing that throws someone off... It's really about a 20 minute "sacrifice" in focus and attention to get past......

    But really though, do you need some help with something?

  15. #15

    Re: So let me get this right about Bobcad.....

    Back To That Horse :-)

    Given the statements from the company regarding updates being available to everyone but enhancements only to subscription holders I had expected that a release with all Bug Fixes would be avaliable to all users at the end of support for a given Version, did all V26 uses get access to an update with all the fixes at end of support?
    If not then the integration of enhancements is being used as a tool to avoid delivering fixes to users who bought a broken or unfinished product,

    - Nick

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2014

    Re: So let me get this right about Bobcad.....

    Ok, so I bought v24 19 November 2011 for a four axis use but after asking why I couldn't get predator to work I was told that it's not really 4 axis. So I upgraded to v25 1 December 2012. Still receiving upgrade to v25 emails up until 26 march 2013,
    Doesn't seem like this software is seven years old, well I hope not otherwise it kind of backs up my issues.

    I don't know what they charge you guys but it cost me $1200 for v24 so I expected a reasonable package. The simulation was simply horrible and hardly worth including. It would crash or not show correct results.

    Ok, so I am familiar with rhino but some of the bobcad interface is just weird. How almost everything you do is a dialogue box on the side that you pick your way through. For example select stock. It's now automatic so quite simple BUT the scroll bars you use to get to the bottom are useless and slow you down, unless you maximise this window and lose other windows for the space, I mean what not have all of the stock select stuff on one page and have a scroll bar that moves at more that one mm per minute.

    I fully appreciate businesses need to make money but when you pay for a product I for one expect it to perform. Ok V25 cam is working for me but that was another $500 to get where I should have been in the first place. I know most software companies do the same thing so is it any wonder people get to the point where they just use a pirate copy, that's where I am at now. As a private individual these costs are high.

    We are on to v27, I think now, and it appears that every year a new version comes out. To keep up to date is expensive and with so many revisions I would have thought the problems would largely be resolved.

    My 5 cents worth

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Re: So let me get this right about Bobcad.....

    Quote Originally Posted by Shaune View Post
    so is it any wonder people get to the point where they just use a pirate copy

    Not to butt in BUT Stealing is never justified.Probably not a good Analogy or whatever,eh??Hate Thieves.My .02 cents.
    BTW,,take no offense please,the better You get,the less Buggier BoB is.
    But it is not without flaws and bugs and I agree with some of what you say,
    As far as ideas and enhancements let BoB know Contact BobCAD-CAM | BobCAD-CAM | BobCAD-CAM they really do listen to us users sometimes.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Re: So let me get this right about Bobcad.....

    Quote Originally Posted by magicniner View Post
    Back To That Horse :-)

    Given the statements from the company regarding updates being available to everyone but enhancements only to subscription holders I had expected that a release with all Bug Fixes would be avaliable to all users at the end of support for a given Version, did all V26 uses get access to an update with all the fixes at end of support?
    If not then the integration of enhancements is being used as a tool to avoid delivering fixes to users who bought a broken or unfinished product,

    - Nick

    I absolutely agree with you, it does seem that some (Not all) so called "enhancements" are in effect just a slightly different way of doing a particular function which fixes the "bug", that is a bit cynical to me and yes, there should be two seperate downloads, one for "bug" fixes and one for true new enhancements.

    I am on V26 Pro 3x Build 1335 right now and I am not able to get the next update Build 1482 without payment, not good considering that almost every item (There are a few enhancements/new bits) in the release notes PDF says "Fixed etc, etc" so that means that almost all of Build 1482 is bug fixes, these according to BobCAD should be free but by bundling them in with a few emhancements and calling the PDF "Whats new in BobCAD" they are sliding out of their original committment to give fixes for free and new functionality on payment.

    Their problem as I see it is because the enhancements between versions are few no one is going to pay for them as they will get them anyway on purchase of the next version and as they seem to be pushing a new version every 12~18 months unless someone is pretty desperate they will wait for the next version so the only way to generate income in the meantime is to charge for the "bug fixes" they said would be free ! !

    Shame on you BobCAD, come on, live up to your promises, I for one won`t be personally spending any more money on BobCAD software unless they clean up their act, reckon I have been loyal to them for long enough now, just getting fed up with being "milked" all the time.

    Rant over

    :rainfro: :rainfro: :rainfro:

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2014

    Re: So let me get this right about Bobcad.....

    well put rob, you hit the nail on the head
    when we have already forked out its a bit too much

    personally, i am looking at deskproto now, as a private hobbyist they have great rates

    I have just started a new thread about the frustrations of engraving


  20. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Re: So let me get this right about Bobcad.....

    Damn horse just won't wake up.

    Not to butt in BUT Stealing is never justified.
    Many in this world consider a ponzi scheme, stealing. This is backasswards (or bobasswards), but in effect the same same crap.

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