Look through your parameter pages for the G/M Codes page and check what subprogram names are associated with each G code.
yes, i have done that already and assigned the .LIB programs to the macro Gcode i still had available..

G111 X(target value) H(target Coordinate System)
so if you were trying to setup the side of a job to X10.525" and set this value into coordinate system 10 then you use this:
G111 X10.525 H10
so by programming it as G111 X10.525 H10, X10.525 would define the anticipated travel distance, if im understanding this correctly? or what do you mean by target value?

Thanks For The Help!

Oh ok i think it clicked, :idea: maybe..... do you first position the probe about 3/8 or so away from the edge surface which you want to probe and look in current position screen to approximate the position you would like to probe and enter that value for X?