As the 10 is in the same family as my 11m (at least that is what I understand for reading other posts).... I have an 11m with a similar problem. I found as the weather got colder it was harder to get my machine turned on which had me thinking that there was a power supply going out. On my machine there is a power supply right behind the key pad (it is hidden behind the crt board) and I would think that your 10t is similar. After digging the power supply out and testing, it turned out that the 5 volt rail was failing. Right now I have a small 5 volt power supply helping the main power supply (I don't recommend this, but until I have funding for a working power supply...). When I would first turn the machine on, the supply would read about 3.2 volt on the 5 volt rail. As it got warmer the voltage would come up to about 4.5 volts, well if I was lucky. As for indicator leds... on my 11m the led indicator lights are all run off of 24 volts. I'm in the same boat as you, as my indicator lights are not working (although they are getting power). I was thinking that I may have a bad chip on the crt board, but your post now has me thinking that the problem may be elsewhere (aka power supply related). A couple of pictures from my 11m. Hopefully, you'll be able to relate.
Attachment 260310
View of the crt board.
Attachment 260312
Crt board is on top with the connectors. You can see a corner of the power supply below the crt board (the caps and heatsink are facing down in the picture). The bottom board is the solder side of the keypad.
Attachment 260314
Interface board for the leds and switches/buttons on the front panel.
