Short description of software commands:

1. 'getconfig' - will display the config parameters stored in the EEPROM

example output:

PID Kp = 450
PID Ki = 350
PID Kd = 100

2. 'set ppr XXXX' - will set the PPR rate of the encoder. XXXX must be unsigned int 16
3. 'set error XXXX' - will set the max allowed error. If during movement the EncoderPosition - DesiredPosition is greater than this value servo stops and error led is powered. This is used only when STEP/DIR commands are applied. XXXX must be unsigned int 16
4. 'set poles XXXX' - will set the number of poles of the motor. (I am not sure about this terminology, what I did is: for eg. 6 poles means the motor makes a full turn in 6 sine periods)
5. 'set kp XXXX' , 'set ki XXXX', 'set kd XXXX' - will set Kp, Ki and Kd constants of PID process calculation.
6. 'start', 'stop' - starts or stops the PID process. if stopped no power is applied to motor and PID calculation is stopped.
7. 'enc' - will display the encoder position register (Int 32 signed). PID must be stopped to allow this
8. 'move XXX'X - starts a free movement of XXXX steps. During this the max allowed error is set to max int 32 so no error will be raised during this kind of move.

Give it a try...