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Thread: Sprutcam 9

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  1. #61
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: Sprutcam 9

    Quote Originally Posted by drutort View Post
    I was told that new features are not really comparable for older posts, kind of sucks , simple canned cycles should be away to post that, I mean it should generate code to the post in similar fashion as standard operations oh well
    I'm getting canned cycles with both standard ops and FMB. If Sprut requests a canned cycle the post will give you one. I suspect the problem may be in your procedures library.
    I use the Sprut 8 post with the correction I noted in the other thread. I've not done much testing yet but i haven't detected any other post related problems so far.

  2. #62
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    Re: Sprutcam 9

    I'm using sc7 post so that can be an issue

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  3. #63
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    Re: Sprutcam 9

    Quote Originally Posted by drutort View Post
    I'm using sc7 post so that can be an issue
    I just tried Sprut 7 posts versions 1, 1.4 and 1.5 with Sprut 9 and they all gave me canned cycles. Interestingly when the Sprut 8 post (PCNCMasterPostSC82) gave me G73 and G81 the Sprut 7 posts generated G83 and G85 respectively - with no modifications to the project at all between the tests.
    Try checking the tree in the Simulation Tab. The level below the "Hole X" should list the canned cycle e.g. "CYCLE G81" as shown below:

    Attachment 257048

    If it doesn't, then Sprut isn't requesting a canned cycle so the post definitely won't generate one. As I said in an earlier post I suspect the problem may be in your procedures library. This stuff is all new to me too so I'm not likely to be much help. To be honest, FBM looks cool, but I'm not sure it fits in with my way of working so I'm not currently expecting to spend much time in this area. I'm much more interested in the new Adaptive machining feature.

  4. #64
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    Re: Sprutcam 9

    Ya I posted it with a regular sc9 post and it did it that's how I know my post isn't working, my post was based on robodrill fanuc that post was the min I think cause it'd size is 20k or so

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  5. #65
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    Re: Sprutcam 9

    Ya I noticed that fbm deviates from the conventional work flow in away, also it takes away lots of user parameter as they are built in so to speak still spot drill counter sink counter bore and basic pocket interpellation I see it being real quick at, I guess u can always do many fbm ops as u see needed

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  6. #66
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    Re: Sprutcam 9

    Quote Originally Posted by drutort View Post
    Ya I posted it with a regular sc9 post and it did it that's how I know my post isn't working, my post was based on robodrill fanuc that post was the min I think cause it'd size is 20k or so...
    Ooops! Apologies! After reading this post I was wondering why on earth you were using a Fanuc post and not a Tormach post? It actually took me a while to work it out (chair) In the future I'll try to remember that not all Sprut users are Tormach users!

  7. #67
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: Sprutcam 9

    Does Sprut 9 have HSM/constant-engagement paths? I had read that 8 had constant-engagement paths, but I've never been able to enable them.


  8. #68
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    Sep 2007

    Re: Sprutcam 9

    I can't speak to the fully licensed version yet, but the trial does have both HSM and Adaptive stratigies. I was told by Jake at SC America that Adaptive Roughing will be an addon package in the future. Can anyone clarify this a bit?

  9. #69
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    Re: Sprutcam 9

    Quote Originally Posted by danh818 View Post
    I can't speak to the fully licensed version yet, but the trial does have both HSM and Adaptive stratigies. I was told by Jake at SC America that Adaptive Roughing will be an addon package in the future. Can anyone clarify this a bit?
    I can confirm that adaptive roughing will be available (edit: from Tormach) soon as an add on package.

    Quote Originally Posted by TurboStep View Post
    Both Alibre and Sprut 7 work with the graphics driver but Sprut 8 and Sprut 9 don't.
    For reference, my laptop is a HP Envy 15-k156nz with processor integrated graphics "Intel HD Graphics 4600".
    I can also confirm that there are compatibility issues between both Sprut 8 and Sprut 9 and the OpenGL drivers for integrated Intel HD graphics. If you're buying a new laptop then make sure it has a dedicated Nvidia graphic card.

  10. #70
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    Re: Sprutcam 9

    This begs the question of whether the Tormach has what it takes to make use of HSM?
    Has anyone used HSM on their mill and can report on the efficacy?


  11. #71
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    Sep 2007

    Re: Sprutcam 9

    I followed through with the upgrade. While HSM and Adaptive stratigies are technically not included in the full version yet, there is a slight workaround to 'force' those stratigies to create toolpaths. I run a Haas VF-2 so HSM and Adaptive are very worthwhile for me. I can see how these stratigies could also be beneficial for a Tormach, or slower feed machine user. If you can follow my logic here: Let's say you are waterline roughing. Depending on part geometry a standard stratigy may vary the cutter engadgment from say 50% while slotting, to say 10% while peripheral milling. As a result of this you can either run your feeds and speeds according to the full slot cut, and waste time, and potentially dull your cutter prematurely by chip thinning too much during the 10% cuts, or you could break those portions of the part into different operations with different feeds and speeds (one way I used to do this with my Tormach was to 2d contour a cut down the center of a pocket at a slow feed rate, then use a 7-10% radial step while waterlining the remaing pocket stock at a much faster feed). If you use HSM in this situation you can maintain a constant chip load and push the speeds and feeds the entire time while maintaining a very simple CAM program with minimal operations.. This is just my theory, I don't actually know if it would be a time saver. Maybe someone wants to test it out.

  12. #72
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    Re: Sprutcam 9

    A lot of times u found that 2d made simple clean code with less wasted retraction points then waterline or the other method (escapes my mind) this is because I know how to program by hand and understand how machine works pretty well, this is when I do multiple 2d cuts and even if I cut air, what I find out is the small pauses that the machine reduces its feed due to ramp down is eliminated by the simple code

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  13. #73
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    Re: Sprutcam 9

    Almost all machines will have that issue if they do not have look ahead which is for hsm , hsm works best for machines with look ahead, those that buffer and calculate what it can and can't do and at the feeds . just because the program puts out say a radius of .01 with large cutter at 50-100ipm doesn't mean your machine will zip through that area at those speeds, same issue happens with engraving or 3d ing stuff. It takes some thinking and I find best for roughing to leave x amount of stock with a decent amount of deviation so that cam doesnt post all the small movements that can be irrelevant depending on my tolerance operation. I will post many times and try different things to see the x amount of lines, I will watch in a backplotter app to see the chunks of movement and types, if I know the surface is a radius if I see to many linear moves i know something is wrong.

    But I'll say the machines with built in hsm read all those little movements and somehow smooths it all and can maintain the speed, I know if I was able to put it on older machine it would go at a crawl. So hsm to work best needs to be implemented at the controller to fully utilize it other wise best to go conventional

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  14. #74
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    Re: Sprutcam 9

    This is where it gets interesting and complicated. HSM can take on many meanings. In this case I am speaking to the overall material removal rate possibly increasing do to a more predictable chipload, therefore allowing the programmer to have more confidence that he will not unintentionally overload the cutter at the programmed feed rate. Even though I no longer own my Tormach I would be very interested to see someone test the different available stratigies in order to find out if a higher MRR can be achieved with Adaptive/HSM functions in SprutCam on a Tormach.

  15. #75
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Maybe I am wrong but isn't sc America waiting for stability issues to work their way out first? I believe this is why sc 8 took a while and why they only recommend the latest version for use.

    Quote Originally Posted by drutort View Post
    Can everyone please go to the FB of the SprutAmerica and when SC9 comes out, let them know that we want it out on time, unlike how SC8 over a year later, the site was not updated in years. This is not acceptable business practice.


    I can understand 1-3 months at most, but we should get the product in reasonable time for us USA guys when the authors release it, and they have the product to test in beta and even create the proper, sales docs and help files literature etc...

  16. #76
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Sprutcam 9

    Hey guys Im a new tormach and Sprut cam user as of September.
    I just upgraded from Sprutcam 8 to 9. I bought my Tormach and SC8 so close to the release i got the upgrade for $10. It does crash occasionally but overall works pretty well and has some nice features.
    The high speed cuts are similar but separate from the additional licensee to get a hold of the adaptive roughing and true HSM adjustments. The minimum radius setting will enlarge the circular arcs the high speed cuts generates.
    The thing I'm trying to get a handle on it that my Tormach doesn't run cutter comp. So my feed rates are programed at the center of the cutter. The resulting feed rate at the cutter face is much faster than the programed center. Any thoughts? The bigger the cutter the lager the effect. Here is a great article i found.

    How to Exceed the Limits of Your Toolpaths : MoldMaking Technology

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