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IndustryArena Forum > CAM Software > SprutCAM > SC dies after post process
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    SC dies after post process

    Every time I invoke the post processor and generate gcode, SC quits. Anybody having this problem? I've updated to the latest 9.1.0 77804 and this problem is still there.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Re: SC dies after post process

    Is this with the Tormach post or for a different machine?

    I've had no crashes in SC9 wit the Tormach post, though it does through an error message after a post is run. The error doesn't affect operation though, once you close the error dialog box.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Re: SC dies after post process

    I've been using the Tormach post for mill, and my own for lathe. It will crash if the post processor window is invoked without starting a PP! I.e., click the Post Process icon, then click exit from the PP window and I get a message from the windows operating system saying 'SprutCAM.exe has stopped working'.

    Michael, after writing my own PP, I think your problem might have something to do with the fact SC9 changed their data format slightly from SC8. So the PP might be trying to access a piece of data that is in a different place. This could be a tool name or comment, I doubt it effects the gcode.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: SC dies after post process

    sprut works well with errors as noted above by mike. I also have a list of strange things that happened after I upgraded. Anitvirus went crazy on one of the online updates. and now all my digital media is locked. Hard to say what caused this and or if there was any virus or just a false signature that still flipped a bit and locked all my drm media. I wish vendors would care more about customers and check these things before release. The only fix is a complete o.s. rebuild and fresh install of all software.
    In short, I did not upgrade the oem release of sprut 8 and it worked well, I wish I had never allowed sprut 9 access to check for upgrades or allow it to install the update kludges . that fix nothing and cause more problems then they fix. this is my experience with such things anyway!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Re: SC dies after post process

    Quote Originally Posted by mountaindew View Post
    and now all my digital media is locked.
    I was a software engineer in a previous life and worked on a DRM project. It worked by hiding little bits of data on your hard drive, notably the boot sector because it was't visible to a simple file or registry compare software. So I bet SC clobbered some shared spot with your digital media.

    Quote Originally Posted by mountaindew View Post
    The only fix is a complete o.s. rebuild and fresh install of all software.
    Painful, but true.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: SC dies after post process

    Quote Originally Posted by adamvs View Post
    I was a software engineer in a previous life and worked on a DRM project. It worked by hiding little bits of data on your hard drive, notably the boot sector because it was't visible to a simple file or registry compare software. So I bet SC clobbered some shared spot with your digital media.

    Painful, but true.
    And all that media is dead and will need to be deleted. The new install will have a new signature and will not allow access to previous drm files.
    My workstation has 6 quick change 2.5" ssd drive bays and this time around they are low enough cost to buy a couple extra 60 gb units and build 2 complete clean o.s. installs with applications.
    Keep one for use and one for testing of upgrades and installs. This will not fix the drm problem but it will help me spot bad upgrades or installs in advance and keep the system as clean as possible. Before some one chimes in to tell me to use a restore point, I also know how these work and their limitations "ok if you restore that day otherwise no joy" and the huge host of problems this also causes with software stacks. With a little discipline and luck I hope to keep things working better and reduce these headaches. What can I say. I like a clean fast puter

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Re: SC dies after post process

    Quote Originally Posted by mountaindew View Post
    sprut works well with errors as noted above by mike. I also have a list of strange things that happened after I upgraded. Anitvirus went crazy on one of the online updates. and now all my digital media is locked. Hard to say what caused this and or if there was any virus or just a false signature that still flipped a bit and locked all my drm media. I wish vendors would care more about customers and check these things before release. The only fix is a complete o.s. rebuild and fresh install of all software.
    In short, I did not upgrade the oem release of sprut 8 and it worked well, I wish I had never allowed sprut 9 access to check for upgrades or allow it to install the update kludges . that fix nothing and cause more problems then they fix. this is my experience with such things anyway!
    MD, Not sure if this is related but about a week and a half ago all my digital music was locked and it seemed to occur out of the blue. I would try to play some music thru Windows Media Player and it kept giving me an error, "Windows Media Player is not installed properly. Reinstall the Player" I narrowed it down to a Windows update As far as I could tell none of the Windows updates had any thing to do with Windows Media Player? Re-installing the player did not help I restored to a previous state and it fixed it. I let the update proceed a couple of days later and all went well. I wonder if MS fixed whatever the update was that scrambled my media rights? Did you have any Windows updates at about the same time as your SC update?
    Currently using SC7 Build 1.6 Rev. 64105

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: SC dies after post process

    Quote Originally Posted by Gerry Sweetland View Post
    MD, Not sure if this is related but about a week and a half ago all my digital music was locked and it seemed to occur out of the blue. I would try to play some music thru Windows Media Player and it kept giving me an error, "Windows Media Player is not installed properly. Reinstall the Player" I narrowed it down to a Windows update As far as I could tell none of the Windows updates had any thing to do with Windows Media Player? Re-installing the player did not help I restored to a previous state and it fixed it. I let the update proceed a couple of days later and all went well. I wonder if MS fixed whatever the update was that scrambled my media rights? Did you have any Windows updates at about the same time as your SC update?
    I cant rule this out, microsoft patch Tuesdays can be hit and miss also and the patch they put out a couple weeks ago caused more problems then it fixed "so I read". I found this happened right after I let sprut update! As I mentioned above my virus detection went off flagging files and the end results was all digital media was locked. I can list other quirks also that are hard to pin down that are also related to that particular update.
    From my logs I see only the sc update being the problem but again it is hard to tell for certain. Microsoft, Adobe and Norton all do regular updates and patches and any one of those could also have damage my stack and or even caused the problems with sprut. This also makes the restore point less of a solution because those programs get out of sync with registry when restores are done causing even more instability and phantom glitches that become impossible to fix.

    Guess it is still a user error by me "its all under my control" and I do have detailed experience in fixing software problems just takes time, care and be more careful.
    Maybe even going to or adding a mirror backup that updates only when im satisfied main drive with software stack is working correctly. Avoid restores and have a ready to go backup.

    oh another solution is to dedicate a media computer with drm established on it and used only for that purpose hoping for less wars over those files and keep the cad/cam/office gfx system dedicated to that. Thinking about it this might be best long term anyway because drm is so easy to corrupt.

    Thanks for input Gerry, Your experience with this software goes many years beyond me.

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