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IndustryArena Forum > CNC Electronics > CNC Machine Related Electronics > Fault in 1 of 3 PICSteps... Suggestions ?
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Fault in 1 of 3 PICSteps... Suggestions ?

    Hi all,

    I have made three picsteps for my project connected via the Pmino 4 axis BOB. All three boards have been tested independantly using the same stepper motor and the same port and cabling from the BOB.

    2 of the steppers work as expected with the stepper moving in both directions, albiet not as cleanly and quickly as I would like (probably a software issue).

    on 1 of the boards it seems only one of the stepper connection blocks is active, only one coil is 'actuating'. Putting a multi meter across the terminal blocks also supports this observation.

    I have checked the board and all components, links and connections are as expected. On a just in case basis I have checked for breaks in the tracking and have resoldered all of the joints which has not changed the behaviour of the circuit.

    I suspect I have a dud LMD, however given the expense of this component I would like to make sure.

    I have access to multimeters, a lab power supply, and can fasion a logic probe if required. I do not have a CRO or similar so this is not an option.

    One thought is to de-solder and swap the LMD's tonight to see if the fault moves accordingly. Other than that I'm at a loss to explain this one.

    Any suggestions ?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Connect a working board and the not working board and compare them with your multimeter.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Make your measurements on the pin of the lmd not the circuit land.
    A few things to check. Is either of the outputs presenting a steady state voltage that is near you power supply voltage or 0 volts or do you measure some odd voltage?

    Do you have 5V at pin 14?

    If you had access to a scope I would suggest checking pin 3 to see if your getting some indication the timing circuits working.

    What is the voltage on Pin 9 of the LMD?
    Phil, Still too many interests, too many projects, and not enough time!!!!!!!!
    Vist my websites - http://pminmo.com & http://millpcbs.com

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    > A few things to check. Is either of the outputs presenting a steady state voltage that is > near you power supply voltage or 0 volts or do you measure some odd voltage?

    One output is at supply voltage, the other is at 0v.

    > Do you have 5V at pin 14?

    yes on both chips.

    >If you had access to a scope I would suggest checking pin 3 to see if your getting some >indication the timing circuits working.

    Agreed - I used to have access to one. Not these days though.

    >What is the voltage on Pin 9 of the LMD?

    Supply voltage (25.7v).

    I swapped the LMD's in the circuit and the fault moved accordingly. All input voltages match up and the signal is being received from the PIC, so it is looking like a dead LMD. I will order a replacement this week.


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