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  1. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: UCCNC owners and support thread

    Thanks for the help dubble. I know this is a forum for UCCNC support and not Chinese vfd 's. I had PD001, and PD002 set to 1 for external control. And i had PD070 set to 0. And as I posted earlier it didnt work. I think its closely associated also with parameters PD0070 through PD0076. I changed them to values suggested in the manual and was going to try them when my computer hard drive failed! It will have to wait a couple days until i get a new computer.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: UCCNC owners and support thread

    Dubble - i got a new computer, copied the UCCNC folder over to the new computer. When plug in the UC 100 i get a window pop up telling me the drivers were not installed. And then the program runs in demo mode because it doesn't see the UC100 connection. Where should i go to get the drivers? Im running a similar computer with Windows 7, 64bit.

  3. #23
    dubble Guest

    Re: UCCNC owners and support thread

    I think the easiest is if you download the automatic installer package from our website from the UC100 page. (point 2. fro mthe downloads list)
    The link to that page: CNCdrive - motion controls
    Upzip the package and go to the USB_installer folder and the x64 subfolder (because you run a x64 Windows.) and in this folder run the DPInst.exe file.
    This will install the USB drivers only and in case the installer will encounter into any error it will give you some indication about the issue.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: UCCNC owners and support thread

    I got it to work. I did almost exactly as you described, downloading the files. I unzipped it to the UCCNC folder but then i let Windows try and find a driver. It found a driver for it and i was able to start up and run a test program. Thanks for the fast reply. I was just goimg to reply that i had it figured out but you beat me.

    Now back to the original problem. Spindle speed control. My new parameters didn't help. Im going to call GECKO and see if they can tell me how fast their optocouplers are in the G540.

  5. #25
    dubble Guest

    Re: UCCNC owners and support thread

    OK, great.

    I have one more idea which maybe you did not think about yet, so my question is: Your M3 output which goes to the spindle start signal in the VFD, is it active low (0Volts)?
    I mean, that signal is pulled high in the VFD and the high state is the inactive state, so the M3 should be low active or in other words it should be 0Volts to activate the spindle start signal.
    So, maybe you configured it to active high and then the spindle will not start, because then when the PWM will go high the start signal will also go high, so the spindle will remain disabled,
    and when the spindle is switched off then however the start signal will go low (enable), but the same time the PWM will go also low, so again the spindle will not start.
    I though you might wanna chack this and try to invert the M3 signal polarity...

  6. #26
    dubble Guest

    Re: UCCNC owners and support thread

    I don't think the Gecko is the problem cause. I mean you already measured out that the signals going throu just fine, so the Gecko drive should be working OK.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: UCCNC owners and support thread

    Got ahold of GECKO tech support. They said their optocouplers on the analog putpot pins, 7, 8 and 9 are relatively slow. He said any PWM frequency 10kHz and below would work fine.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: UCCNC owners and support thread

    M3 relay was active high. I checked the box and made it active low. PWM pin is also active high. Should i make that active low as well?

    I'll try this new setting for the M3 relay.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: UCCNC owners and support thread

    PWM active low made it function the reverse of what it should. I changed it back to unchecked active high and max speed S 24000 then output ~10vdc to the VFD. I had some help and checked the output from the GECKO G540 again with a multi meter. With UCCNC PWM frequency set at 5000, PWM pin active high, M3 relay pin active low, i measured voltage at the VFD as my helper varied the spindle speed with the S command on the computer. Low speed S2000 resulted in ~.2 volts, mid speed S12000 , ~5 volts and max speed of S24000 resulted in ~9.7vdc. Im positive now its a VFD parameter issue. I'll keep trying and let you know when i get it. Thank you dubble for all the prompt help.

  10. #30
    dubble Guest

    Re: UCCNC owners and support thread

    The analog/PWM output should be active high and the M3 relay should active low.
    Ofcourse I'm assuming that the optocouplers are not inverting in the Gecko.

    So, yes, try to make the M3 relay active low and if still not working then measure Voltage between the analog input of the VFD and it's ground (0V).
    And also measure Voltage on between the start signal input on the VFD and it's ground.

    If the analog Voltage is about 10Volts and the same time the start signal is about zero volts then the VFD should run, if it does not then it must be a problem with the VFD or with it's settings.

  11. #31
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: UCCNC owners and support thread

    Making progress. Its starting and stopping and im able to control spindle RPM. I cant hit 24000rpm yet. Its close, ~98% max rpm. Just fine tuning now.

  12. #32
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: UCCNC owners and support thread

    Well I was finally able to control spindle speed with the UCCNC software. Dubble helped me quite a bit just to verify that I was on the right track. There was never anything wrong with the software, I had one thing configured incorrectly in UCCNC but the main problem was the settings in the VFD and the vague translation from Chinese to english of the manual.

    Just to re-state for anyone reading this who didnt read the whole thread; I'm controlling a 3 axis CNC router with a GECKO G540 stepper motor driver, UCCNC motion control software, UC100 - USB motion controller, with a 2.2Kw Chinese spindle and a Hyuang(sp?) variable frequency drive.

    In the spindle configuration tab of UCCNC I set the PWM frequency to 50, then 400 then 900, 1500, 5000 and it didnt make any difference. The GECKO G540 can only handle a PWM frequency on its analog output up to 10KHz. I left it set at 5000. The M3 spindle relay has to be enabled and configured active low. The PWM pin is left configured active high. Just a note, if your using a relay to close your FOR contact on the VFD, your relay will have to be wired Normally closed. When Dubble told me that the M3 relay pin had to be active low, I had to re-wire my relay.

    I didnt have too much trouble getting my spindle to turn on and off but I had a hard time getting it to control speed from the software. After much headscratching and internet searching I settled on these parameters for the VFD. I am not running my spindle in reverse so there are a couple settings I didnt have to worry about. My settings that are working well so far:

    Hyuang VFD parameter settings for use with UCCNC and 2.2KW Chinese spindle

    Parameter Value

    PD0001 1 for external control
    PD0002 1 for external control (this one re set to 0 after a power cycle, had to re set it)

    PD0003 400 Main frequency
    PD0004 400 Base frequency
    PD0005 400 Max frequency

    PD0023 0 or 1 (0 forbids reverse rotation; 1 allows it)
    PD0070 0 (0 - 10volts analog input)
    PD0071 0 (analog filter constant, 0-50)
    PD0072 400 (higher analog frequency limit)
    PD0073 0 (lower analog frequency limit)

    PD0141 220 (rated motor voltage)
    PD0142 11 (rated motor current)
    PD0144 1440 (max RPM at 50Hz)

    With these settings I can go from 0rpm to 98%max rpm and it controls nicely with the software. I cant get max rpm because I dont get a full 10volts through all the electronics. There might be a way to compensate for this but havent been able to find it yet.

  13. #33
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: UCCNC owners and support thread

    Dubble, I could use some assistance in writing a Macro to change tools. So far I've been able to change the parameters of M31 to work with the imperial coordinates of my machine and slow it down so I can see what its doing but thats it. I have never messed with coding before. It looks like the M31 macro uses a pre-set offset depending on tool number. I am not using any pre-programmed tool offsets at the moment. When the code encounters an M6 command, i need the machine to travel to a park position, turn off the spindle and wait while I change to a different tool. When I'm done changing tools, I'll press a button. Then, I need it to zero the z axis on a touch probe and then, restart the spindle and continue executing the code from the M6 command.

    My machine is just a basic 3 axis cnc router. There is no tool changer or anything else. I've read the documentation that came with UCCNC but I dont know enough to use it. The Macro code in post 9 of this thread is close to what I need. Maybe its exactly what I need and I'm trying to code actions that I should be doing manually.? Can you assist me? Thanks.

  14. #34
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Re: UCCNC owners and support thread

    I'm posting here just in case the UCNC guys get an e-mail notification on this thread. I've posted another support thread in this forum regarding reversing axis direction and limit switch behavior, hopefully I can get some help on this.

    -Andy B.
    http://www.birkonium.com CNC for Luthiers and Industry http://banduramaker.blogspot.com

  15. #35
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: UCCNC owners and support thread

    Well it looks like any support for UCCNC software on this forum has dried up. But just in case its being monitored I'll post.
    Is there a macro for a squaring routine that will square the y axis using an adjustable limit switch like MACH 3 has? I could use it.

  16. #36
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

    Re: UCCNC owners and support thread

    From an email I got from CNC Drive, I think this may be done automatically when homing a slaved axis.
    Does both of your slaved motors have home switches? Are both sides homing separately (at the same time)?

    UCCNC 2017 Screenset

    Mach3 2010 Screenset

    JointCAM - CNC Dovetails & Box Joints

    (Note: The opinions expressed in this post are my own and are not necessarily those of CNCzone and its management)

  17. #37
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Re: UCCNC owners and support thread


    Some of your Parameters are set incorrect, here is the correct settings you need to have in that VFD, PD144 needs to be set to 3000

    Huanyang Mactec54
    PD000=0 for Parameter unlock ( 1 ) for Parameter Lock

    PD001=0 (1 For Remote Control)







    PD011=120 (Minimum Setting 120)



    PD13= 08 is for Factory reset, Only use this to set VFD to Factory Default Settings

    PD014 Accel=12 ( Adjust to suit)

    PD015 Deccl=12 (Adjust to suit) ( PD15 is ignored IF PD26=1 Then the Spindle will Coast to a Stop)

    PD141=220 ( Motor Rated Voltage )

    PD142=9 ( Motor Max Amps) (Set for your motor Amp Rating 2.2Kw Spindle 9 amp Max)
    (Set for your motor Amp Rating 1.5Kw Spindle 7 amp Max)

    PD143=2 ( Motor Number of Poles)

    PD144=3000 (Max Motor RPM) =3,000= (24,000)

  18. #38
    dubble Guest

    Re: UCCNC owners and support thread

    You should configure separate home switches for the 2 sides and then hen homing the axis first the 2 motors will move the gatry to the limit switches, the 2 axis will move together until one switch gets pushed, then this axis stops.
    The other axis keeps moving until it reaches the other limit switch and then this axis also stops and then the 2 axis moves off the limit switches together. So, if the 2 limit switches are in the corrent positions then the gantry will be automaticaly squared.

  19. #39
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: UCCNC owners and support thread

    Quote Originally Posted by ger21 View Post
    From an email I got from CNC Drive, I think this may be done automatically when homing a slaved axis.
    Does both of your slaved motors have home switches? Are both sides homing separately (at the same time)?
    Currently only one side has a home switch. It is the left side of the Y axis. The right side is just the slave axis.

  20. #40
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: UCCNC owners and support thread

    Quote Originally Posted by dubble View Post
    You should configure separate home switches for the 2 sides and then hen homing the axis first the 2 motors will move the gatry to the limit switches, the 2 axis will move together until one switch gets pushed, then this axis stops.
    The other axis keeps moving until it reaches the other limit switch and then this axis also stops and then the 2 axis moves off the limit switches together. So, if the 2 limit switches are in the corrent positions then the gantry will be automaticaly squared.
    Ok. Thanks dubble.
    In my General configurations for homing sequence, the homing sequence is first Z, then X then Y. A is slaved to Y and is not homed. When I install a home switch on the A axis, should I set my homing sequence as Z, then X, then Y, then A? Will A axis home separately from Y even though its slaved to it?

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