CNC'rs, I have had a blast with this conversation! Not that I am set on what I will produce, but that calendar idea seems like a no brainer. Even if I never get to making the copies ;-)

I also want to thank you guys for providing your success stories. Fascinating stuff indeed!

One topic which has appeared more than once, and appears to be the root of many monetizable endeavors, is hobbies. Brian likes biking, and he came with a product for other bikers. Steve likes RC cars and Ray likes Jaguars (or something to that line). In the same fashion, if I were into shooting, I could know of a trillion parts which could be improved for guns to sell to other gun enthusiasts. Fishing, flying, homebrewing (and the list goes on), and there is certainly an item somebody needs which nobody has made and we know how to make on our machines.

So I kept thinking and thinking "why is it that I cannot find this hobby related part??? CRAPITY CRAPS!!!!"

Well, I think I am living what we call in philosophy, a circular reasoning! "I want to do something with my CNC hobby, so that I can enjoy from my CNC hobby. As a result I should develop something for my CNC hobby!"


Of course you could imagine there is a trillion things I could develop for the CNC world, so maybe that is what I should try to focus on.

Or perhaps, what I need to do is get me an ACTUAL HOBBY!!!

What do you know? Isn't life funny?