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  1. #21
    Hello sir. I have problem with my agie 220 machine hard drive. My final configuration floppy is not running properly may be cause of hard drive software problem. Please send me hard drive img so that I could copy it on my hard.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    May 2008
    sorry for later reponse
    please explaind your problem
    hard disk is ok ??
    220 model is a same with 120 D ??
    when you connect your hard drive to your pc have you 4 partitions ??

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by steph06 View Post
    sorry for later reponse
    please explaind your problem
    hard disk is ok ??
    220 model is a same with 120 D ??
    when you connect your hard drive to your pc have you 4 partitions ??
    Hi steph, i have documentation on agie programming in english, will scan these asap, its a total of 58pages

    I too need image of 120, haha, many people need your help. hehe

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Re: agie 120 hard disk problem


    I have a problem too with my AGIE 120...probably the Hard disk.
    Do you have a solution, or an image to help me?

    Best regards

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Re: agie 120 hard disk problem

    hi everyone,

    my harddisk also broke down. i could get some data from it, but the important folder cu91 is not readable anymore. i tried cu91 folder from steph, machine starts, but i can not move the axes, maybe some other files are corrupted too. my machine is a agie 270hss. can someone help me? setting up cf card and getting the partitions on it is no problem, i just need correct system data...

    thank you in advance best regards!

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Re: agie 120 hard disk problem


    My problem is similar.
    I take action final config disk, but he did not manage to make it yet.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Re: agie 120 hard disk problem

    I have firmware 13.02 for agie220 and firmware 13.04 for agie 150 and 250 HSS for AMS-M350 Board of the Agiematic CF,
    I can clone it to a normal HD IDE and not those cheap CF cards. Pm or email me at [email protected]

    You first need to short the battery from the KSP-M45 Board and set up your new HD w/ the supplied Fconfig.

    It took me about a year to figure this out, replacement HD from AGIE Singapore is super high, its really stupid!

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    Ghost Image Agiematic CF

    Quote Originally Posted by steph06 View Post
    success !!
    my fake agie hard disk running
    agie 120 start with my 260 Mo hard drive with ghost image
    Where can i found ghost image. I need to rebuild partition on a new hard drive.
    Thanks for your help.

    Yvan Bourassa

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Re: agie 120 hard disk problem

    I am stucked im the messsage "Checking Security Device", after change HD of a AGIE 170 HSS

    I tried copying manually, i tried qith Ghost Image, and the message is the same.

    Thanx for help

  10. #30
    Join Date
    May 2016

    Re: agie 120 hard disk problem


    Did someone resolve the problem of damaged HDD on Agiecut EDM machines ?
    It hapenned the worse thing which can happen and now I have my HDD died
    I hope old participants of discuss like steph06 look into this thread sometimes despite a long period had elapsed since the last post.

    Best regards

  11. #31
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Re: agie 120 hard disk problem

    Quote Originally Posted by yks View Post

    Did someone resolve the problem of damaged HDD on Agiecut EDM machines ?
    It hapenned the worse thing which can happen and now I have my HDD died
    I hope old participants of discuss like steph06 look into this thread sometimes despite a long period had elapsed since the last post.

    Best regards

    My problem sloved. Write pm.

  12. #32
    Join Date
    Oct 2014

    Re: agie 120 hard disk problem

    good afternoon have a agie cut machine 120 years in 1994 .Had damage the disc and lost the operating system of the machine will be that I can help .cumprimentos am waiting for a response from you

  13. #33
    Join Date
    May 2016

    Re: agie 120 hard disk problem

    Many thanks to steph06. He kindly agreed to help me.
    But at first I liked to recover my Agie with my own efforts.
    1.I have found 2 variants of CU91 folder.
    2.I replaced the damaged HDD with "new" 2.1GB one and formated it onto 4 partitions as it is required.
    3.I installed Novell DRMUDOS instead of the OS which had been installed initially . It works normally, the Norton Commander and other DOS apps work well under DRMUDOS
    4.I changed autoexec.bat file in order to run CU91\mod\ agiecut.exe. Obviously this is the main agie routine which runs sequentially all others.
    But agiecut.exe attemps to find somewhat like "language files" and can not find them anywhere.
    So I've stuck at point 4.

  14. #34
    Join Date
    May 2016

    Re: agie 120 hard disk problem

    Hello !
    We have managed to repair successfully our Agiecut 220 having a damaged HDD.
    We have done this with an aid of one russian fellow which had prompted to us the simpliest way how to do this.
    Now our WDM is working ! Hurrah !

  15. #35
    Join Date
    Oct 2014

    Re: agie 120 hard disk problem

    Hi yks, can you provide us how do you solved your problem?

  16. #36
    Join Date
    Sep 2016

    Re: agie 120 hard disk problem

    Quote Originally Posted by yks View Post
    Hello !
    We have managed to repair successfully our Agiecut 220 having a damaged HDD.
    We have done this with an aid of one russian fellow which had prompted to us the simpliest way how to do this.
    Now our WDM is working ! Hurrah !
    Hello i have similar problem with agie 270HSS
    Can you hel me

  17. #37
    Join Date
    Sep 2016

    Re: agie 120 hard disk problem

    i have problem with Agie 270HSS because my hd is brocken. I found new image from hss250 and make a clone but dont work because i have securiti problem. On my old hd folder with passwod is clear.
    What i can do to jumped pasword.
    or somebody have any idea to nsolve problem.
    Best regards,

  18. #38
    Join Date
    Sep 2016

    Re: agie 120 hard disk problem


    I have a similar problem. My agie 120 has hdd broken with no chance of recover. Can you help me? I have got nothing and do not know where to start .... well i already have an old hdd or a CF card with ide adapter... I read about partitioning, but have no files to put inside of the several partitons.
    Any help would me just nice.

    Thanks in advance


  19. #39
    Join Date
    May 2016

    Re: agie 120 hard disk problem


    Several persons turned to me for advices upon Agiecut WDM repair.
    Now I'll try to explain how you can repair by yourself your Agiecut WDM which has a damaged HDD.
    Please note the process described below may be rather continious in time and a bit annoying.
    So first of all you have to be as patient as possible.

    To start you must have the next materials, instruments and software:

    1. The HDD image or at least the image of disc C. The images must be reliable!
    It's not bad if you have only reliable image of disc C rather than whole HDD.
    Not having the reliable disc image will make the task resolving much more complex.
    2. A Windows OS based PC with permanently opened cover near your workplace.
    PC motherboard must have the IDE bus. So this PC should be somewhat outdated.
    3. Special diskette from Agiecut named "Final config".
    This diskette is intended to work particularly with Agiecut hardware you have.
    Diskette from another Agiecut machine may work incorrectly on your equipment.
    It would be very good if you have an image of this diskette saved earlier.
    4. Pack of old-fashioned 3.5" diskettes.
    5. The WinImage software installed on your PC.
    6. The Total Commander file manager for Windows installed on your PC.
    7. The Norton Commander file manager for DOS (optionally).

    Stage #1. A new HDD selection.

    You have to find an old, possibly used, HDD with IDE interface and having a capacity
    between 1 and 20 GB approx.
    At current stage the less capacity the better.
    In fact you could take any IDE HDD, even relatively modern one having much larger capacitance.
    But your HDD must necessarily support the CHS (cylinder-head-sector) method of addressing.
    Besides it must have a marking label on which its CHS characteristics are shown in explicit manner.
    These are the main requirements for HDD you have to select.
    I had a luck to find on my garret the WD 4GB HDD from my very first computer.
    All our experiments we were providing namelly with this HDD.
    Later we had replaced it with more "modern" 50 Gb winchester.
    We just discovered that the system had been loaded much faster with the last one.
    When selecting an HDD you should realize that 16-bit OS along with CHS addressing method
    will see only 500 MB approx. of whole HDD capacitance independently whichever drive you have selected.

    Stage #2. Preparing, configuring and connecting to Agiecut CF CNC

    First of all do not forget to rewrite the next information from the HDD marking label:
    heads number, cylinders number,sectors number and total capacitance.
    Then you have to set up jumpers on your HDD prorerly.
    Set Single/Master/Slave jumpers residing on the HDD back in position corresponding to "Single" or "Master".
    I recommend you to select "Single" because most likely you have no other devices on IDE bus apart from HDD.
    Doing in such a manner you'll never be wrong.
    In case your HDD has a jumper which is intended to reduce HDD capacitance you should set it too.
    And finally connect your HDD to Agiecut CF CNC electrically.

    Stage #3. Entering BIOS and linking HDD and Agiecut CF CNC

    Turn the power on.
    As usual by striking "Del" key on keyboard do enter BIOS.
    There you will find only one page with a few settings among which only 3 are most interesting for you.
    They are Date/Time, HDD Parameters and Boot Sequence. All other settings do not matter. Do not touch them!

    Firstly you should set right date and time. I strongly recommend to do this.
    Later this would help you to distinguish one file from others
    and to watch how long ago the specific file has been created or modified.
    Due to oldness of equipment ( our machine was made in 1995 ) and avoiding well-known millenium problem
    I set year 1996 instead of 2016. Day, month and time stay real.
    Of course if you have more "fresh" Agiecut machine ( after 2000 ) you can set the real date.

    The next step you have to do is to link your HDD and Agiecut CF CNC system.
    In BIOS there is a tool for HDD adjustment.
    In our case we have about 4 dozens of options with HDD types preset and 2 additional options allowing
    an user to setup his own HDD. As I remember there were opions under numbers 48 and 49 for that purpose.
    Enter there colomn by colomn your HDD specific parameters such as head number, cylinder number, sector number.
    In position "LZone" (landing zone) you should write in the number which is equal cylinders number of your HDD plus 1.
    Remember the information about HDD had been stored previously on a piece of paper (CHS parameters).

    The next step is boot sequence setup.
    Select boot sequence as follows: the 1st bootable device is disc a, the 2nd is disc c.

    And finally save new BIOS settings.

    Probably at this stage you will have to use an external keyboard.
    I do not know why but in our case the main keyboard sitting on the Agiecut CF CNC door refused to work correctly.
    Without this external keyboard we were unable even to enter BIOS not to mention about editing the BIOS settings.
    As an external keyboard you can use any obsolete AT keyboard which has DIN-5 connector.
    But your case may be different. Maybe your main keyboard will work fine when operating with BIOS.

    Stage #4. Boot DR-DOS from floppy drive and HDD formatting.

    Download an image of DR-DOS 5.0 (or DR-DOS 6.0) boot diskette from Internet.
    You can get it from here: Boot Disk Project
    Purchase the pack of diskettes and prepare your own DR-DOS boot diskette by using the WinImage soft.
    Insert the bootable diskette into floppy drive (FDD) and restart Agiecut CF CNC
    by pressing "Reset" button which is placed on front pannel of SBC PCB.
    Wait untill the system is loaded with DR-DOS.
    Then you have to run fdisk utility.
    You can do it with aid of DOS command a:\fdisk.
    Then just follow instructions the fdisc utility suggests.
    I recommend you to divide whole hard disc volume onto partitions as follows:
    Disc C: 50 MB approx. (and make disc C as system disc)
    Disc D: 50 MB approx.
    Disc E: 50 MB approx.
    Disc F: rest of volume
    Naming C,D,E,F disc's labels as "AGIE-C","AGIE-D","AGIE-E","AGIE-F" correspondently is also a good idea.

    It's important to remember!
    Use only the DR-DOS 5.0 (or DR-DOS 6.0) tools to format your hard disc and to split it onto partitions.
    The fdisc utility from DR-DOS packet is good suited for this purpose.
    The process described above must be done only on an HDD being connected to Agiecut CF CNC.
    Never try to format your HDD when it is connected to PC with Windows,Linux,MS-DOS etc. It's fully useless!

    We used DR-DOS 6.0 rather than DR-DOS 5.0.
    It's noticeable that the DR-DOS is generic OS for old Agiecut systems.
    Moreover Agiecut has the 2nd OS on board in addition to DR-DOS.
    The 2nd one is specially adopted for Agiecut purposes Multiuser DOS.
    Agiecut uses both. DR-DOS 5.0 is used for start and initialization only
    and then control is transferred to Multiuser DOS.
    I guess the loadsys.com is responsible for loading Multiuser DOS which is loaded over DR-DOS.

    Stage #5. Copying data to new HDD.

    Turn Agiecut power off, disconnect your HDD and take it out of the board.
    Connect it to Windows OS based PC as the 2nd hard drive (slave).
    Before connecting set jumpers on HDD back at position corresponding to "Slave".
    By entering PC BIOS you have to ensure that the system sees the HDD installed recently.
    To deal with your HDD the PC motherboard must support the IDE interface.
    Using WinImage soft rewrite Disc C image to HDD Disc C.
    Then copy all other files to Discs D, E and F.
    To copy these files use the Total Commander or another file manager.
    Do not forget to return HDD jumpers back.

    Please forget for some time about disks D, E and F.
    Concentrate all your attention on the disc C.
    It's not obligatory to copy D,E,F discs as images.
    Data for D,E,F discs may be copied in ordinary way using the Total Commander or another file manager.
    Copying of disc content as an image is required only for disc C.

    It seems that's all.
    Try what I have described above and perhaps you'll be happy

    Advice #1.
    Do not afraid of the black screen and blinking cursor of DOS command line.
    Of course to make work easier it's desirable that you have some understanding about DOS commands.
    At least you have to know how to watch files, to copy files, to delete files and to run the executable files.
    That's almost all you need to know about DOS !
    But it's very easy to learn because all information about standard DOS commands can be found in Internet.
    Some examples are shown below
    dir a: - to see the structure of files residing on discette.
    copy c:\autoexec.bat a:\autoexec.bat - to make a copy of autoexec.bat file
    format c: /s - to fully erase disc c and make it as system disc

    Advice #2.
    Copy and store the native autoexec.bat files in safe place.
    Inside autoexec.bat files remark all "ECHO OFF" expressions or replace them with "ECHO ON" expressions.
    Also it is desirable to insert "PAUSE" DOS command in several places.
    In this way you will be able to watch what machine is doing and you will not be looking as a blind and deaf man.
    The whole machine's initialization process will be passing before your eyes.
    Later you can return the native autoexec.bat file back.

    Advice #3.
    I strongly recommend you to have some kind of file manager program for DOS
    like the Norton Commander or the Volkov Commander.
    ( the last one takes somewhat less resources ). We were using both of them.
    This soft is very useful and will make your work much easier.

    Advice #4.
    Do restarts of Agiecut CF CNC with "Reset" button. This button is placed on front pannel of SBC PCB.
    Avoid turning the power ON/OFF frequently.

    Best regards and
    Good luck

  20. #40
    Join Date
    Sep 2016

    Re: agie 120 hard disk problem

    Hi yks!

    Thank you for your "sharing spirit".

    As soon as possible i will fallow your manual and then will post here the results.
    I do expect them to be positive.


    From pT


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