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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2015

    Path Pilot Sub Routine

    Hi all

    I'm new to this group and new to CNC machining in general. I am trying to cut a series of longitudinal slots lengthwise around the circumference of a cylinder. I am at a loss as how to program this without coding the slot and indexing the A axis the required number of sequences to achieve the number of slots that I want. This seems like a lot of repetitive code for nothing. Can it be done with a subroutine that can be called to index the cylinder the number of degrees required and then go back to the main program and cut the slot. It seems to me like one series of code for the slot and one subroutine to index would do the job. If someone could write a few lines of code to do this to show me an example of how it could be done it would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Path Pilot Sub Routine

    I think you would need the 4th axis to do that, or reposition the cylinder for each slot.
    mike sr

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2015

    Re: Path Pilot Sub Routine

    I have the cylinder mounted in the 4th axis chuck and want to index it 60 times to mill evenly spaced slots around the cylinder. Can a couple lines of code to mill the slot and a subroutine be used to index the cylinder after each slot is milled?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Path Pilot Sub Routine

    I am not versed in 4 th axis work as I dont have one.

    Sprutcam should be able to machine several slots from a single slot code using the Transform function.

    Coding by hand, I have no idea.
    mike sr

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: Path Pilot Sub Routine

    You can use something like this with variables and a repeat structure in Pathpilot. Just stick your code for the slot where indicated. Good luck!

    (the following code snippet will mill the same slot a specified number of times around a cylinder mounted in the 4th axis)
    (jog A axis to first equally spaced slot location on circumference of cylinder to start)
    (locate X and Y axis appropriately and set DROs)

    G10 L20 A 0.0 (set A axis to zero for new part)

    #<a_location> = 0.0 (current machining location)
    #<number_slots> = 60 (change this number for greater or fewer slots)

    o100 repeat [#<number_slots>] (repeat this code n times)
    G0 A #<a_location> (index 4th axis to next computed location)
    (put your g-code to mill slot here)
    #<a_location> = #<a_location> + [360 / #<number_slots>] (increment for next slot)
    o100 endrepeat

    M30 (tah-dah)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2015

    Re: Path Pilot Sub Routine

    Thanks for that info Byellin. I think that should be exactly what I need

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