Hey Folks!
Wow, this exploded a little more than I thought it would. Sorry for the radio silence...I'm outta town this weekend and just jumped online.
So, I think we can establish that there's no convenient way for someone running the SW plugin to share files with people running the standalone version. Definitely a downside of the plugin. Screen shots are probably the best bet in that situation.
Back to the original question. First I have to apologize for asking the question without access to the file that was causing the problem. It should have been a simple 2D profiling job, but the fact that I was holding the stock in a vise, making 4 identical parts using subroutines with G52, and using non-center-cutting endmills meant that I needed to ramp into the stock. There was an issue with the Centroid postprocessor included with Bobcad that wasn't allowing it to contour ramp (subsequently covered and resolved in another thread here), and when I chose spiral or zig-zag lead-ins it would place them outside the boundary and into the vise jaws. So in desperation I switched to a 3D strategy and managed to get it to work, although a lot less efficiently than a 2D profile would have been.
I'm going to try to recreate the problem when I get back to the office and share some screen shots. But basically what I'm hearing is that if you want to keep a tool out of an area, a boundary is not the way to do it. Rather, it sounds like you need to construct additional geometry and then make sure that that geometry isn't selected as part of the feature. Did I read that correctly? Hopefully when my training videos arrive they will shed some light on this for me.
Thanks to everyone who has chimed in and sorry for any breaches of forum etiquette