wtopace is absolutely correct. I don't believe that there is a Linux version of G-Wizard or of any Vectric product so running these programs on the PP machine is not going to happen.

I have a 8 year old XP system (retired by my wife) near my Tormach. I use this machine to run a remote console session to my Win7 machine which hosts my CAD, CAM, email, web browser, etc. I can sit a few feet from my Tormach, update a drawing and then transfer the changed Gcode to the Samba share on my PP machine. Things work very nicely.

If you cannot find room for another computer/monitor near the Tormach you may want to consider running VNC (https://www.realvnc.com/ ) on the PP machine. Alternatively, you should be able to access your Windows machine via a web browser running on the PP machine (https://www.realvnc.com/products/vnc.../Chapter4.html ). No, I haven't tried it!