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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    FYI: PathPilot ADMIN commands

    Here are list of the ADMIN commands from the Python v1.6 code:

    It looks like the only commands that take arguments are:
    • ADMIN HALCMD [pin] [sig] [param] (looks to be optional from the command parser)
    • ADMIN HALMETER [pin] [sig] [param] (looks to be optional from the command parser)
    There is also another "unadvertised" (in the error message) command I would be comfortable sharing with the community. Please be advised this was not acknowledged by Tormach, so it may void your warranty or turn your machine into a autonomous killing robot =)

    ADMIN BUGREPORT - Open Firefox and direct to https://bitbucket.org (you can browse away)
    Hopefully this is helpful!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Re: FYI: PathPilot ADMIN commands

    Quote Originally Posted by wtopace View Post
    Here are list of the ADMIN commands from the Python v1.6 code:

    It looks like the only commands that take arguments are:
    • ADMIN HALCMD [pin] [sig] [param] (looks to be optional from the command parser)
    • ADMIN HALMETER [pin] [sig] [param] (looks to be optional from the command parser)
    There is also another "unadvertised" (in the error message) command I would be comfortable sharing with the community. Please be advised this was not acknowledged by Tormach, so it may void your warranty or turn your machine into a autonomous killing robot =)

    ADMIN BUGREPORT - Open Firefox and direct to https://bitbucket.org (you can browse away)
    Hopefully this is helpful!
    G'day WTO,

    As (I suspect) most of here were using Mach 3 and then jumped in the deep end with P/Pilot, It's still a mystery how the Linux stuff works.

    I would be really happy if I could simply boot up to the desktop and then run/start Path Pilot. That would allow me the option to minimise
    the program and be free to do other things ..... read a PDF or looking at stuff on the Internet.

    This (as most of us know) is pretty much standard in Windows .... but with Ubuntu/Linux, I've got absolutely NO idea.

    Any constructive suggestions would be really appreciated.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Re: FYI: PathPilot ADMIN commands

    Quote Originally Posted by RA-Bowtie View Post
    G'day WTO,

    As (I suspect) most of here were using Mach 3 and then jumped in the deep end with P/Pilot, It's still a mystery how the Linux stuff works.

    I would be really happy if I could simply boot up to the desktop and then run/start Path Pilot. That would allow me the option to minimise
    the program and be free to do other things ..... read a PDF or looking at stuff on the Internet.

    This (as most of us know) is pretty much standard in Windows .... but with Ubuntu/Linux, I've got absolutely NO idea.

    Any constructive suggestions would be really appreciated.

    The key point I think many folks are missing is that PP is a controller to run the Tormach. That's it. Do you go to your new refrigerator and expect it to go on the internet? Well there's a computer in there, why should it not go on the internet.......? My Fadal VMC15 did not have access to the internet or Windows but that was ok, I understood that it was a dedicated CPU that did nothing but run the machine.

    By having PP run on a dedicated computer with nothing else you eliminate having outside interference from processes running that have nothing to do with PP. Another issue is things like viruses and bugs. Yes, even if you are using the latest and greatest anti-virus software.... it happens. So, if you want to surf the net or read a PDF while the machine is running, use a tablet computer or run a second computer - left/right/above or below your current monitor.

    Just my $0.02 worth. I know there has been a ton of folks asking about this but I keep scratching my head and not understanding why folks cannot see it for what it is..... PP is a controller that runs the Tormach. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that it's in a traditional computer case. Put the guts of that CPU in the Tormach controller cabinet (like a Haas) and no one would question it.

    The Body Armor Dude - Andrew

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    Re: FYI: PathPilot ADMIN commands

    First and foremost - I agree with Smokediver, the PathPilot install should be treated as an appliance and not tinkered with too much if you want to your equipment to always work.

    With that said, I believe all of us that own Tormachs are tinkerers to some extent, that's the primary reason we have Tormachs in the first place! I can't help you directly with your question because rewriting their startup scripts for PathPilot is way too involved for this post, but feel free to tinker with it if you are comfortable with Python, their code is very well written, but if you do want to boot to the Gnome OS, you can boot with ctrl+alt pressed (I believe that was the combo, I have posted it quite a few times since PathPilot came out). You'll need to reboot to run your PathPilot application though.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Re: FYI: PathPilot ADMIN commands

    Quote Originally Posted by smokediver576 View Post
    The key point I think many folks are missing is that PP is a controller to run the Tormach. That's it. Do you go to your new refrigerator and expect it to go on the internet? Well there's a computer in there, why should it not go on the internet.......? My Fadal VMC15 did not have access to the internet or Windows but that was ok, I understood that it was a dedicated CPU that did nothing but run the machine.

    By having PP run on a dedicated computer with nothing else you eliminate having outside interference from processes running that have nothing to do with PP. Another issue is things like viruses and bugs. Yes, even if you are using the latest and greatest anti-virus software.... it happens. So, if you want to surf the net or read a PDF while the machine is running, use a tablet computer or run a second computer - left/right/above or below your current monitor.

    Just my $0.02 worth. I know there has been a ton of folks asking about this but I keep scratching my head and not understanding why folks cannot see it for what it is..... PP is a controller that runs the Tormach. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that it's in a traditional computer case. Put the guts of that CPU in the Tormach controller cabinet (like a Haas) and no one would question it.

    G'day Smokediver/Andrew ?

    I'm not sure that I agree with your analogy ... about the fridge.

    If you were comparing to Mach 3, then (I think) that would be a fair comparison.

    As a beginner to the Tormach, I only used the Mach 3 for a few weeks, before switching over to P/Pilot.

    I did a lot of homework on Mach 3 and (if my memory serves me), there was a lot of dialogue about
    running programs while Mach 3 was running.

    That it was a really bad idea, because of the interrupts on the printer port and that P/Pilot wouldn't
    suffer from the same problems, due to the dedicated card.

    There are several (software) programs that Tormach sells that aren't able to run on PP .... the scanner
    is one that springs to mind.

    Now, as a novice .... I'm still getting used to VCarve Pro .... so I sit in my office/study and (using V-Carve)
    I create the G-Code, I then copy it (over the network) to the Tormach controller.

    I setup my X,Y co-ordinates and set the Z about an inch higher than necessary, just so (as a novice) I can make sure that everything is doing what It's supposed to do ..... but I suddenly find that the bed is traveling at "light speed", because I didn't get the settings right.

    Now, if I had the knowledge and experience, I would open up the G-Code editor and make the necessary
    changes .... but I don't, so I have to go back into the study and modify the parameters.

    Surely to goodness, common sense dictates that, being able to run a copy of V-Carve on my controller to do tweaking would be infinitely easier !

    I'm not suggesting that the controller should be a "one size fits all", but I would like to be able to run G-Wizard,
    so I can check my feeds and speeds, do some minor tweaking of the program that I'm about to run, reference
    a PDF for technical info or watch a video on YouTube to see how something should be done.

    Just some food for thought, mate.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    Re: FYI: PathPilot ADMIN commands

    Quote Originally Posted by RA-Bowtie View Post
    I'm not suggesting that the controller should be a "one size fits all", but I would like to be able to run G-Wizard,
    so I can check my feeds and speeds, do some minor tweaking of the program that I'm about to run, reference
    a PDF for technical info or watch a video on YouTube to see how something should be done.
    Unfortunately, a lot of your Windows applications that you were able to run alongside Mach3 probably won't work on PathPilot since it is based on Linux and cannot run windows executables (without heavy modifications). As far as speeds and feeds, there are some decent online tools that you can use from a web browser (ADMIN BUGREPORT). Although I haven't tried it from Firefox in PathPilot, OnShape CAD might also work.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Re: FYI: PathPilot ADMIN commands

    For $39 anyone can get an Android tablet at WalMart, put FS-Wizard (or HSM Advisor or whatever they call it these days) and play all the Youtube videos they want.

    Seems like cheap insurance for a $10K+ CNC machine to me, but whatever.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Re: FYI: PathPilot ADMIN commands

    wtopace is absolutely correct. I don't believe that there is a Linux version of G-Wizard or of any Vectric product so running these programs on the PP machine is not going to happen.

    I have a 8 year old XP system (retired by my wife) near my Tormach. I use this machine to run a remote console session to my Win7 machine which hosts my CAD, CAM, email, web browser, etc. I can sit a few feet from my Tormach, update a drawing and then transfer the changed Gcode to the Samba share on my PP machine. Things work very nicely.

    If you cannot find room for another computer/monitor near the Tormach you may want to consider running VNC (https://www.realvnc.com/ ) on the PP machine. Alternatively, you should be able to access your Windows machine via a web browser running on the PP machine (https://www.realvnc.com/products/vnc.../Chapter4.html ). No, I haven't tried it!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Re: FYI: PathPilot ADMIN commands

    Quote Originally Posted by kstrauss View Post
    wtopace is absolutely correct. I don't believe that there is a Linux version of G-Wizard or of any Vectric product so running these programs on the PP machine is not going to happen.

    I have a 8 year old XP system (retired by my wife) near my Tormach. I use this machine to run a remote console session to my Win7 machine which hosts my CAD, CAM, email, web browser, etc. I can sit a few feet from my Tormach, update a drawing and then transfer the changed Gcode to the Samba share on my PP machine. Things work very nicely.

    If you cannot find room for another computer/monitor near the Tormach you may want to consider running VNC (https://www.realvnc.com/ ) on the PP machine. Alternatively, you should be able to access your Windows machine via a web browser running on the PP machine (https://www.realvnc.com/products/vnc.../Chapter4.html ). No, I haven't tried it!
    G'day Ken,

    Yeah I know ... I was just having a bit of a rant .... and I didn't even hold my breath or stamp my feet

    I've already ordered a switching unit .... and to be honest It's quite clever.

    You can hide everything away in the cupboard (under the mill) and they supply a lead that has a button on it, to switch between the 2 pootas!


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Re: FYI: PathPilot ADMIN commands

    Quote Originally Posted by RA-Bowtie View Post
    G'day Ken,

    Yeah I know ... I was just having a bit of a rant .... and I didn't even hold my breath or stamp my feet

    I've already ordered a switching unit .... and to be honest It's quite clever.

    You can hide everything away in the cupboard (under the mill) and they supply a lead that has a button on it, to switch between the 2 pootas!

    I guess the concern is that anytime you have "other" processes or factors (even the monitor/mouse/keyboard sharing switch which I have on my main office system - works great!) that the computer running the Tormach can receive some sort of minor spike or resource jump that can cause the system to hiccup a little while the machine is running code. I could see no problem jumping back and forth if the Tormach is just sitting there idle. However, if I was in the middle of a part run I would not do anything that could cause a hiccup. Even things like the monitor going into sleep mode has caused issues on our fabric CNC cutting machines.

    Dedicated CPU doing one task (running the Tormach) = less issues to troubleshoot if something goes wrong.

    For me, surfing the net, reading a PDF, checking G-Codes can all be done from a tablet. And hey, I can even take that into the toilet with me while the Tormach is running a part :-)

    The Body Armor Dude - Andrew

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2003

    Re: FYI: PathPilot ADMIN commands

    Valid points - I can see where tormach is coming from. That being said - if the realtime kernel is setup/tested correctly - there is nothing you can do to effect the machine motion.

    This is an old screen shot running linuxcnc - I was testing to make sure going into swap didn't cause issues.

    (notice the task bar...)

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Re: FYI: PathPilot ADMIN commands

    Quote Originally Posted by shred View Post
    For $39 anyone can get an Android tablet at WalMart, put FS-Wizard (or HSM Advisor or whatever they call it these days) and play all the Youtube videos they want.

    Seems like cheap insurance for a $10K+ CNC machine to me, but whatever.

    Gee, I really wish we (in Australia) could buy them for around that price.

    We would pay around $250-$300 for something like that.


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Re: FYI: PathPilot ADMIN commands

    Quote Originally Posted by smokediver576 View Post
    I guess the concern is that anytime you have "other" processes or factors (even the monitor/mouse/keyboard sharing switch which I have on my main office system - works great!) that the computer running the Tormach can receive some sort of minor spike or resource jump that can cause the system to hiccup a little while the machine is running code. I could see no problem jumping back and forth if the Tormach is just sitting there idle. However, if I was in the middle of a part run I would not do anything that could cause a hiccup. Even things like the monitor going into sleep mode has caused issues on our fabric CNC cutting machines.

    Dedicated CPU doing one task (running the Tormach) = less issues to troubleshoot if something goes wrong.

    For me, surfing the net, reading a PDF, checking G-Codes can all be done from a tablet. And hey, I can even take that into the toilet with me while the Tormach is running a part :-)

    G'day Awall,

    I had no intention of running an "nc" program and then flicking over to the other poota .... I'm not that brave


  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Re: FYI: PathPilot ADMIN commands

    Just to echo what samco said, Testing our Ethernet motion hardware, I have been running Linuxcnc under Ubuntu 14.04
    for about a year now 24/7 on my main desktop at home and under Debian Wheezy on a test machine at work. I regulary watch
    youtube videos, view PDFs, do kernel compiles, have many many windows open and have never seen an issue
    with real time delays (and hence motion problems). I expect most peoples prior experience with Mach running on a
    non-realtime OS (and parallel port interface so no hardware stepgen) has made them wary of multitasking on the controller,
    but its really not an issue with a properly setup Linuxcnc/Machinekit/Pathpilot real time configuration.

    However, It may not be a good idea to be distracted or lose Pathpilot control panel focus when running a job...

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: FYI: PathPilot ADMIN commands

    Aus members you have amazon Aus

    being disabled is not a hindrance it gives you attitude

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2003

    Re: FYI: PathPilot ADMIN commands

    Quote Originally Posted by RA-Bowtie View Post
    I would be really happy if I could simply boot up to the desktop and then run/start Path Pilot. That would allow me the option to minimise
    the program and be free to do other things ..... read a PDF or looking at stuff on the Internet.

    I'm researching PathPilot at the moment. I've "discovered" :^) that:
    * holding down [Left-Shift]+[Left-Alt] as PathPilot is coming up, takes you to the default user's Desktop
    * the default user name is 'operator' (pwd 'operator')
    * the default user's home folder is '/home/operator/'
    * the script, '/home/operator/operator_login', which is text/readable, starts PathPilot when launched in a terminal ([Ctrl]+[Alt]+T opens a terminal)
    * EXITing PathPilot returns to the Desktop instead of shutting down the machine, as happens when booting straight-to PP
    * user 'operator' is a member of 'sudoers' (i.e., in a terminal, can do things as 'root' (Windows translation: 'administrator')), and thus can break things very badly

    Still, I have to say that I'm not sure you'll be able to "minimize PP and do other things" or toggle back to the Desktop, because it depends on how Tormach, the Company has configured the underlying Linux to respond to the keystrokes you'd normally use to do that while PP is running. It is possible to open "virtual consoles" by pressing [Ctrl]+[Alt]+F[1-7] but note that even here PP is running in [Ctrl]+[Alt]+F8 (which is what you press to get back to it), but even that is different from the norm, +F7, suggesting customization.

    As I've considered how to "match/adapt" the PathPilot GUI to a non-Tormach machine, I see two approaches:
    1. Let PathPilot and the Mesa card it requires (flashed to one of the Tormach machine offerings) remain as-standard-as-possible) and re-configure and re-wire the non-Tm machine to respond to and send Tormach-style signals, or
    2. Let PathPilot and the non-Tm machine stay as-standard-as-possible, and "do it all in middleware" by re-flashing/re-configuring the Mesa-card-in-the-middle.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2016

    Re: FYI: PathPilot ADMIN commands

    Quote Originally Posted by cnczane View Post
    I'm researching PathPilot at the moment. I've "discovered" :^) that:
    As I've considered how to "match/adapt" the PathPilot GUI to a non-Tormach machine, I see two approaches:
    Have you seen this forum? : https://forum.linuxcnc.org/pathpilot
    Tormach PCNC 1100 Series 3 w/ Rapid Turn, Fusion 360

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: FYI: PathPilot ADMIN commands

    Quote Originally Posted by cnczane View Post
    ... Still, I have to say that I'm not sure you'll be able to "minimize PP and do other things" or toggle back to the Desktop....
    From a user perspective PathPilot behaves like any other application. It can be minimized or you can just open a browser or read a pdf with PP in the background. My developer machine runs PP on one monitor while I modify the code using a second. One very important point to remember is that PathPilot also behaves like any other application with regard to key strokes. They are always sent to the application that has focus. If PathPilot is running but does not have focus the key strokes (notably space and escape) will have no effect on the machine. I therefore NEVER do anything else on my machine controller while the machine is running a program. This is probably the main reason Tormach has configured full screen operation as standard.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Re: FYI: PathPilot ADMIN commands

    What am I missing here...... PathPilot and the computer at the mill is an appliance in my view. I don't try and figure out how to get on the internet with my refrigerator just because it has a computer. To me, it seems like doing other task with the PP computer is just asking for issues especially if you are trying to do this while the machine is running parts. In my 20' x 20' shop I'm running two 1100Ms and one Slant Pro - I have a main work station computer in the middle of it all where I access Fusion 360 and do my PDF reading and internet surfing. I imagine HAAS would laugh if you ask them to allow you to check your email and post on Instagram from your HAAS controller. Then again, I'm just a dude in his garage living the dream!!!
    The Body Armor Dude - Andrew

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: FYI: PathPilot ADMIN commands

    Quote Originally Posted by smokediver576 View Post

    For me, surfing the net, reading a PDF, checking G-Codes can all be done from a tablet.

    I agree .
    Its part of a normal set of tools. These days I use a simple MS Surface tablet in the shop. Perfect size and made or designed for mixed media! Easy to view photos of tool setup pictures and drawings, read pdf manuals, watch videos, ask it questions using speech, listen to music, surf net and with a compact projector mounted in shop you can even broadcast tablet to a wall screen with a flick of a finger. It even Bluetooth connects to my jeep with a cool program for tuning and diagnostic codes. Kind of like a pdb or Hamier probe, one of those got to have it tools.

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