Well, only two weeks but it felt like forever.

I thought I'd use the waiting time to clean the shed up a bit but got dragged interstate for work instead. The idea of leaving it in the boxes until the shed was clean lasted until about ten seconds after I got the boxes on the trolley at home today.

Shipping was relatively painless apart from a couple of days of DHL dicking me around because they couldn't work out whether they did or didn't have my mobile number. I did get hit for GST and another AUD80 in customs handling fees at this end, total of about AUD270 on top which didn't bother me at all.

Unboxed and assembled in about 25 minutes. A few nice things after reading a lot of horror stories on the 3020 etc machines...
- Well packed, one small ding in the bed right at the back that I don't care about.
- The threads were clean, correctly sized etc. Only one bolt was a little tight, everything else just slid home.
- Cable chain didn't seem tight at all.
- Controller box came with an Australian power plug - now I'm impressed!
- All the assembly points had marks on them indicating this thing had already been assembled in the shop before being broken down for shipping. This makes me happy: they've not just thrown a bunch of bits in a box and sent it, they've made a unit then prepped it for shipping.

I haven't fired it up yet, need to go through their config instructions and files on a laptop to get it ready to go. Fortunately it's USB so I don't need to hunt down extra cards and crap, I just dig my old lappy out of the cupboard and get rolling. Weekend job.

Photo looks remarkably similar to their advertising pages which also makes me feel a little warm and fuzzy inside.