Well something good must be coming out of all the bull that climate variation is generating.......the local news just gave out a report that with the huge and enthusiastic embracement of domestic roof top PV panels, they now exceed in output the capacity of our largest coal fired power station which is Loy Yang.

This has ramifications for the electricity producing industry due to the reduced revenue being collected.

The Government has also stated that by 2050 coal fired power stations for generating electricity in OZ will all cease to exist........but the demand for our coal exports from other coal users will still generate revenue to justify the further search and mining of the coal still in the ground.......having a natural resource is not something you really want to throw away.....even if a god decreed it, and some people think they are gods with cart blanche agendas to make all obey them.

BTW, on the subject of energy conservation, my entire household is now lit by LED bulbs of various sizes......not to be confused with the CFL ones which I've scrapped.........LED's consume milliamps of power and have a rated life expectancy of 50,000 hours.