Quote Originally Posted by plasmaMac View Post
In all of the times that I've called the tech guys for help they have always been more than more than helpful with me.

Did you get them to send you out a copy of the video manual? That's is going to be a big help.

You may also want to check the version of the software that your are running.

The newer plasmacam Designedge is the new stuff that is best (you can upgrade to it, if you don't have it, man it makes a difference on everything!). It has hundreds of features over the older version, like a parts library, loaded with metal cutting fonts, import images in direct (ever trace directly over them on the screen and it will automatically fix and detect overlapping intersection when you convert to a cut path (this can saves me a ton of time).

If you are running with the old school version, you'll at the very least want to have the version 3.11 update (Plasmacams tech can email the update or send you out the disc).

A glitch is pretty broad term that can mean a lot of things....
It sounds like the way that the parts were drawn may be the problem. Before you make a cut path, make to check for any broken line segments, overlapping intersections and path's that are not closed on your drawing. You can fix some of these issues by using the following editing functions with in the software: trim extends editing function for fixing the overlapping intersections (i believe that the short cut key is 'x'). For broken line segments, you can use the 'link line segment' command to close any paths that are not connected to make them a solid closed path.

If any of these errors are apparent on your drawing, you could have issues when you convert to a cut path and then try to cut it.

The video manual is critical to watch (especially the software section of it), because it shows you exactly what to do in order to draw something solid and cut it our successfully. If you haven't already, get the video manual ordered. It will help a ton.

I hope this helps you out this weekend

Good Luck Brother!

I have the 3.11 version software already, the parts that I cut I've been cutting for years and I've been using a plasm cam machine for years as well so I know 100%it is not the drawings. I've checked my wiring and everything seems to be OK.....I literally don't know what else to try this problem is extremely frustrating not to be able to cut parts due to the machine glitching and not being a to find the problem. I wish I knew how to attach photos so I can show you the kind of problems it's having. If you have an email I can send them to you that way?..