Any nr of problems with at least Kflop, and I am pretty sure with the other one as well.
Nr of users installed is also important.
How many have been sold ?

Also, problems with both cam and gcode exist for both uc100 and kflop.
They may be important, or not.

Like I said, none of this stuff is documented, anywhere.
All my previous comments and reservations stand.
Please note or link if any of these reservations work, or there is documentation towards makng them officially supported.

I did not read the manual on a fast look.
I am 98% sure, without looking at it, that of the 6 issues/comments I made, 0 are addressed in the manual.

Also, all issues re: USB stand.

Haas has 2000 pages of manuals with every machine.
Many issues are not addressed.
Its NOT that Simple.

I am interested in a machine tool controller(s).
Cost is not the point.
That comes AFTER *working* to a documented standard.

I am not interested in a hobby-almost working non-documented usb "widget".
All usb stuff I have seen (-pokeys) is- was in that category.

Quote Originally Posted by ger21 View Post
Find someone running a KFLOP or UC100 with Mach3 that has USB problems.
Same for Eding.
What about the 200 page manual?