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IndustryArena Forum > MetalWorking Machines > Uncategorised MetalWorking Machines > Vertical Mill, Lathe Project Log > Show how to build a CNC machine from the very beginning to the end
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  1. #2081
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Re: Show how to build a CNC machine from the very beginning to the end

    Hi, I did it because there ain't nothing like it on the market......can't speak for the others who invested in the bigger mills as there are competitive models out there without the long wait, but the SVM-0 evolved to be in a class of it's own..........if you want a smorgasbord and will settle for a ham sandwich, the Skyfire solution Is not for you.

    Defeng had initial problems that seem to have been sorted out, so as the tide rushes in inexorably, so eventually will the mills from his newly revitalised production line.

  2. #2082
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Re: Show how to build a CNC machine from the very beginning to the end

    Quote Originally Posted by johnno402002 View Post
    Hi Handle, sorry to let you know that you will have to pay the GST, your machine is over $1000, there is no escape...The other little trick is that it's determined on the value of the item when it arrives here, not on the value when it was purchased. So I was doing well with the exchange rate by paying 100% up front, but the GST was paid on the current exchange rate, which is not so good.

    I got the machine out of the box this morning, and I'm very impressed with it.

    Defeng, if you are still reading this thread, you have done a very nice job on this machine, and the fact that you managed to deliver it at all under the circumstances makes you a very honourable fellow indeed.
    Hi Johnno.........yes, I forgot that anything over a grand is GST'able .......you did say about $2,500 including GST......what port of entry did you get and is that delivery to your door too in the price?

  3. #2083
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    Re: Show how to build a CNC machine from the very beginning to the end

    Quote Originally Posted by victorofga View Post
    everyone knows an assembly plant makes a car about a couple of hour as it runs trough on the stations
    so what took a half year the mercedes to making a van?
    Probably because there were a few thousand orders placed before his, so his was built once the queue reached his order.

    In Ian's case, he has been waiting a couple years, not because it takes a couple of years to build the machine, but because Defeng is still at the developmental stage, rather than the production stage. Apples & Oranges.
    Tormach 1100-3, Grizzly G0709 lathe, Clausing 8520 mill, SolidWorks, HSMWorks.

  4. #2084
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Re: Show how to build a CNC machine from the very beginning to the end

    The issue I have is i ordered Standard of the Shelf retail items to Upgrade a Mill but did pay but did not receive any sign of live towards me
    IT is ok that He now delivers his machines but i feel now a Little like not successful crouwdfounding in an non crouwdfounding store .. But i have a plan b and a learning curve ..

    Gesendet von meinem SM-N9005 mit Tapatalk

  5. #2085
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Re: Show how to build a CNC machine from the very beginning to the end

    Hi, practically any factory nowadays doing hi volume production do not cater for non standard items.......most of the non standard production is sub contracted out and you pay accordingly.

    The firm I worked for before I retired, closed down their non standard and out of tolerance re-work shop under the 80-20 rule as advised by a team of consultants at the time.

    Production items that were out of tolerance were automatically tossed in the scrap bin.........it cost ten times as much to rework an out of tolerance component as it does to keep a Micron Haesler rotatry table transfer machine running for another hour or so......the rotary transfer machine, with about 12 stations, knocks out components in 8 to 10 seconds on a 24/7 basis......the savings for the non standard shop closure with 6 skilled workers amounted to $500,000 per year in 2001.

    Defeng may not be all that high on the production output, but a production line relies on specific and dedicated continuity to function at a cost, and time is money in any language.

  6. #2086
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    Re: Show how to build a CNC machine from the very beginning to the end

    So how many people on this thread have paid in advance for machines, and are waiting for delivery? And how long have you been waiting?
    Tormach 1100-3, Grizzly G0709 lathe, Clausing 8520 mill, SolidWorks, HSMWorks.

  7. #2087
    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    Re: Show how to build a CNC machine from the very beginning to the end

    I think the better question is, "...how many people have paid in advance and know when they are going to get it regardless of production, development or other issues. Or at least have been consistently informed or appropriately been updated of the delays so we are kept abreast of the situation."

  8. #2088
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Re: Show how to build a CNC machine from the very beginning to the end

    I think the better question is, "...how many people have paid in advance and know when they are going to get it regardless of production, development or other issues. Or at least have been consistently informed or appropriately been updated of the delays so we are kept abreast of the situation."
    Now you're just asking for too much.

    What do you think this is?
    I mean Ian has waited well over two years and still nothing.

    And I thought from the pictures that were posted that his machine would of been next in line to ship after Louie's. But nope, SVM-2 makes it out the door before his. So comical all of this.

  9. #2089
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Re: Show how to build a CNC machine from the very beginning to the end

    Quote Originally Posted by G59 View Post
    Now you're just asking for too much.

    What do you think this is?
    I mean Ian has waited well over two years and still nothing.

    And I thought from the pictures that were posted that his machine would of been next in line to ship after Louie's. But nope, SVM-2 makes it out the door before his. So comical all of this.
    Get real G59.....there is a priority list....even I know that.......when you ask for off the listing extras, you must expect to wait a bit longer.........how long is irrelevant when the show doing the making has a hiccup along the way.

    Now the show is on the road again, I have great expectations that all the back orders will eventuate as they always do.........as the machines in question are quite far advanced along the production line as opposed to placing an order and waiting for a new build to happen, any day now the shippers will announce the EST of the back order item........patience is a virtue, practice makes perfect.

    BTW, it will be 2 years come October 2015, not more than 2 years.....exaggeration does not become you.......money well spent is my prerogative........thee does not get owt for nowt in this World laddie.

  10. #2090
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Re: Show how to build a CNC machine from the very beginning to the end

    Whatever, still very comical to me. Certainly not worth the wait if you were waiting for it to come and then you die without even having mastered the tool.
    Time is money even when its a hobby. Or in your case waiting to get all those inventions that are in your head out and materialized. I think you have lots of good/interesting ideas. Too bad that this waiting has been so long. I sure hope your not another Starlite inventor.

  11. #2091
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: Show how to build a CNC machine from the very beginning to the end

    Quote Originally Posted by G59 View Post
    Whatever, still very comical to me. Certainly not worth the wait if you were waiting for it to come and then you die without even having mastered the tool.
    Time is money even when its a hobby. Or in your case waiting to get all those inventions that are in your head out and materialized. I think you have lots of good/interesting ideas. Too bad that this waiting has been so long. I sure hope your not another Starlite inventor.
    How long ago did you place your order and how much down payment did you pay?

    cheers, Ian
    It's rumoured that everytime someone buys a TB6560 based board, an engineer cries!

  12. #2092
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Re: Show how to build a CNC machine from the very beginning to the end

    Is that a requirement to post on this thread? I didn't know.

  13. #2093
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: Show how to build a CNC machine from the very beginning to the end

    deep breaths boys getting silly again yes it`s not funny

    being disabled is not a hindrance it gives you attitude

  14. #2094
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Re: Show how to build a CNC machine from the very beginning to the end

    Well, just for the information.......I forked out $6,000 + a bit, money up front etc in October 2013.......that's the way business is done.........nobody will entertain you for a bespoke machine and only a small deposit.......the inconvenient delay was not part of the plan as is now apparent.

  15. #2095
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: Show how to build a CNC machine from the very beginning to the end

    The lengthy delay hasn't really put me off too much from considering one myself possibly. I think it's just the nature of producing good quality equipment in a market like this as a business yourself, and it certainly seems like Defeng's doing his best to follow through with everyone, although granted, the communication could have been a lot better.

    When I ordered and paid in full for my imported lathe and mill from a local supplier some years back, I was told around 4 weeks for delivery, one delay led to another and it was over 6 months later I finally got them.

    cheers, Ian
    It's rumoured that everytime someone buys a TB6560 based board, an engineer cries!

  16. #2096
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    Re: Show how to build a CNC machine from the very beginning to the end

    Not trying to stir things up. I was curious how much of a backlog that defeng was working against.

    I might have lost count, but I think 4 machines have shipped, wondered how many were still waiting?
    Tormach 1100-3, Grizzly G0709 lathe, Clausing 8520 mill, SolidWorks, HSMWorks.

  17. #2097
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: Show how to build a CNC machine from the very beginning to the end

    I'd be curious on that too, as I thought only a very small amount of people actually ordered anything off him. It seems more a case of a lot of poeple who had no vested interest in any way being the most vocal.

    cheers, Ian
    It's rumoured that everytime someone buys a TB6560 based board, an engineer cries!

  18. #2098
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Re: Show how to build a CNC machine from the very beginning to the end

    Well if the actual order book for those mills that have been placed is a bit on the thin side, that leaves Defeng with the option of producing stock to eventually sell to dealerships or to customers as they pluck up courage in the light of current deliveries actually happening.......that represents a large amount of money being converted to iron and steel etc before you can get the production rolling.

    The last thing he wants is to have a swag of orders suddenly depleting the available items already assembled and then a big delay as the new stock is being built up.

    Even if he has a production line assembled to practice just in time principles, it will be at least 4 or 5 months to get from start to finish with raw castings and machining before any stock can be in the store.

    Production lines, with trained people doing just small assemblies on large items, have to rely on the stock components being available when they want it.

    The gamble is to have a showroom with machines waiting for customers, or waiting for orders to give a lead time that will satisfy the people as they come in.

    In a start up situation, business is booming could be worse than when's the next order coming in.

    With the down turn in the Chinese economy and the devaluing of the Yuan, any debt burden on stocked components already in the store for anticipated sales will eat into the profits, or with nervous creditors breathing down your neck wanting to see a return on investment.

    I think that any new order should have a lead time of at least 3 or 4 months even if there is a completed machine sitting by the door waiting to move out.......this will act as a buffer to smooth delivery and prevent a caterpillar movement on the stock level.

    Eventually the lead time will be reduced to more practical levels when the stock is in a sub assembly format.

  19. #2099
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: Show how to build a CNC machine from the very beginning to the end

    Quote Originally Posted by G59 View Post
    Whatever, still very comical to me. Certainly not worth the wait if you were waiting for it to come and then you die without even having mastered the tool.
    Time is money even when its a hobby. Or in your case waiting to get all those inventions that are in your head out and materialized. I think you have lots of good/interesting ideas. Too bad that this waiting has been so long. I sure hope your not another Starlite inventor.
    Dude... I can't believe you're still harping on poor Ian. If this is how he wants to spend his time and money then let him for God's sake. For some it's about the journey, the chase. I don't agree with that mentality but I could really care less. If time is money then time arguing with a stone costs a king's ransom. I know some people can't stand having no activity in this thread, but really, this is much ado about passing time.

    In fairness to Defeng I wouldn't expect him to put his entire production on hold to fulfill one person's whims. He's back and has to get the ball rolling, and if you have a couple stock machines ready to go, then you send them out.

  20. #2100
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Re: Show how to build a CNC machine from the very beginning to the end

    It's all in fun Louie.
    When bored I catch up on Ian posts. That's all.
    Sometimes I just can't help myself. Sorry.

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