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IndustryArena Forum > MetalWorking Machines > Daewoo/Doosan > Doosan now sold and serviced by Ellison Mori DMG
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Angry Doosan now sold and serviced by Ellison Mori DMG

    I just found out that Mori DMG Ellison will now service Doosan in the US. It seems all the other US distributors have been cut out and will no longer be allowed to sell. I am super pissed off right now that I now have to deal with an entirely new group of people to get my machines serviced. The main reason I made such a big investment in Doosan machinery was because of the good after sales support I received and a distributor I trusted to go to bat for me against Doosan when I had a problem.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by valco View Post
    I just found out that Mori DMG Ellison will now service Doosan in the US. It seems all the other US distributors have been cut out and will no longer be allowed to sell. I am super pissed off right now that I now have to deal with an entirely new group of people to get my machines serviced. The main reason I made such a big investment in Doosan machinery was because of the good after sales support I received and a distributor I trusted to go to bat for me against Doosan when I had a problem.
    You should be happy, DMG is an outstanding company, they make some of the best iron out there. Be cordial yet demanding, hinting at future possible mori purchases might entice. Of course threatening to go with the local competitor distributor might keep them honest too. Theres a whole thread about this already over on Practical Machinist. I only mention PM because Paul says hes hanging it up, pity, and the cnc arena he suggested doesnt appeal to me the same. Good luck!
    * few years back i was on moris and we had our east coast distributor handling service, yet mori still would be on call to answer everything i needed. Including a fellow in their r&d in Davis, who told me "if there is something i cannot answer, i will call japan and have the answer in the morning". Fantastic. Luckily for us east coasters DMG handles all service now.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2015

    Re: Doosan now sold and serviced by Ellison Mori DMG

    Quote Originally Posted by valco View Post
    I just found out that Mori DMG Ellison will now service Doosan in the US. It seems all the other US distributors have been cut out and will no longer be allowed to sell. I am super pissed off right now that I now have to deal with an entirely new group of people to get my machines serviced. The main reason I made such a big investment in Doosan machinery was because of the good after sales support I received and a distributor I trusted to go to bat for me against Doosan when I had a problem.
    A decision base on reliability. Ellison was probably exhausted to cover DMG/Mori on going issues with the machines. Doosan make his name on simple tech but reliable at affordable price, and it's work

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2015

    Re: Doosan now sold and serviced by Ellison Mori DMG

    Quote Originally Posted by jamessiffel View Post
    You should be happy, DMG is an outstanding company, they make some of the best iron out there. Be cordial yet demanding, hinting at future possible mori purchases might entice. Of course threatening to go with the local competitor distributor might keep them honest too. Theres a whole thread about this already over on Practical Machinist. I only mention PM because Paul says hes hanging it up, pity, and the cnc arena he suggested doesnt appeal to me the same. Good luck!
    * few years back i was on moris and we had our east coast distributor handling service, yet mori still would be on call to answer everything i needed. Including a fellow in their r&d in Davis, who told me "if there is something i cannot answer, i will call japan and have the answer in the morning". Fantastic. Luckily for us east coasters DMG handles all service now.
    Not sure if you could be happy! Doosan distributors philosophy was base on top notch support and service. Hang on to your Doosan, Ellison should adapt very quickly at servicing them. I feel sorry for the actual distributors which will have to find a new product line. Doosan will be very difficult to replace.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Re: Doosan now sold and serviced by Ellison Mori DMG

    As a current Field Service Technician, for Doosan Machine Tools, and as a member of Doosan Customer Phone Support, I would like to address one issue that was commented about, here...

    "...trusted to go to bat for me against Doosan when I had a problem." - valco

    Sir, if ever you need someone to "go to bat against Doosan" then I'm not doing my job.

    My job is to help you get up and running in the best and fairest way that I can.

    I am the person going up-to-bat against whatever is keeping your machine from producing optimal result.

    The Dealer support that you have received has had Doosan Customer Service supporting them.

    This isn't meant to be a rant. This is just saying that Doosan Service supports their Dealers and Users with the highest quality, priority, and fairness.

    If in doubt, look at any of my past post...or call for support at 973-618-2461 between 0830-1730 ET or on my cell # 973-803-9479 (24hrs a day)

    If you find someone that gives better support than I do, I need to step-up my game.

    P.S. Doosan also has an Applications Engineer here, on this site, to answer any Operations questions that forum members might have. (DouglasR)
    Doosan Service Technician
    [email protected] O:973-618-2461 M:973-803-9479

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2015

    Re: Doosan now sold and serviced by Ellison Mori DMG

    Quote Originally Posted by valco View Post
    I just found out that Mori DMG Ellison will now service Doosan in the US. It seems all the other US distributors have been cut out and will no longer be allowed to sell. I am super pissed off right now that I now have to deal with an entirely new group of people to get my machines serviced. The main reason I made such a big investment in Doosan machinery was because of the good after sales support I received and a distributor I trusted to go to bat for me against Doosan when I had a problem.
    if you are in Houston, TX call 8329122020 for parts and service. They are continue supporting their customers even though they will no longer be Doosan distributor. Prices are cheaper than Doosan and the uses are the same. I ordere lots of parts from them.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2015

    Re: Doosan now sold and serviced by Ellison Mori DMG

    I heard Mori DMG fired Ellison and are taking going to sell their products directly to the public without the assistance of a distributor...not the smartest thing I have ever heard. I don't know why Doosan would ever go with Ellison as a distributor. With Mori firing them and going out on their own, I would assume that they will be taking as many sales and service people from Ellison with them. That leaves me with a distributor with a depleted service department and rookie salesmen. I too am pissed...I didn't buy a Doosan, I bought a machine from my Doosan distributor because of their rock star service and support. Now you are telling me I am going to have to sit and stare at a machine for a week as I wait for someone to get to my shop? Bad move Doosan.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Re: Doosan now sold and serviced by Ellison Mori DMG

    Quote Originally Posted by CNCIRONMAN View Post
    I heard Mori DMG fired Ellison and are taking going to sell their products directly to the public without the assistance of a distributor...not the smartest thing I have ever heard. I don't know why Doosan would ever go with Ellison as a distributor. With Mori firing them and going out on their own, I would assume that they will be taking as many sales and service people from Ellison with them. That leaves me with a distributor with a depleted service department and rookie salesmen. I too am pissed...I didn't buy a Doosan, I bought a machine from my Doosan distributor because of their rock star service and support. Now you are telling me I am going to have to sit and stare at a machine for a week as I wait for someone to get to my shop? Bad move Doosan.
    As a Doosan Service technician, if you have difficulty, call me direct. I can solve most issues without the need for a tech's visit.
    My office number 973-618-2461
    My cell number 973-803-9479

    Or leave a post in any Doosan forum thread. I get an email wherever someone posts into the Doosan forum.

    Was that a quick enough reply?
    Doosan Service Technician
    [email protected] O:973-618-2461 M:973-803-9479

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: Doosan now sold and serviced by Ellison Mori DMG

    Quote Originally Posted by jamessiffel View Post
    You should be happy, DMG is an outstanding company, they make some of the best iron out there. Be cordial yet demanding, hinting at future possible mori purchases might entice. Of course threatening to go with the local competitor distributor might keep them honest too. Theres a whole thread about this already over on Practical Machinist. I only mention PM because Paul says hes hanging it up, pity, and the cnc arena he suggested doesnt appeal to me the same. Good luck!
    * few years back i was on moris and we had our east coast distributor handling service, yet mori still would be on call to answer everything i needed. Including a fellow in their r&d in Davis, who told me "if there is something i cannot answer, i will call japan and have the answer in the morning". Fantastic. Luckily for us east coasters DMG handles all service now.
    Ellison is going to have a major culture shock selling and servicing Doosan. There is going to be a significant price increase; that's a given. Why? Doosan margins are not even close to that of Mori and it will be difficult for Ellison to sustain such a huge overhead on commodity machine margins. Likewise, Doosan customer's are value driven; they expect a lot more for the money they spend on a machine, something Ellison is not accustomed to. One of the things that Ellison was so good at was selling turnkey's to OEM's. Doosan's customer base is largely job shops that typically are not willing to pay for turnkey's. They are typically not willing to pay for turnkeys or they expect them to be provided at no additional charge.

    It's going to be interesting. I see DMG Mori struggling significantly selling direct and I see Ellison struggling significantly selling a commodity product. A the end of the day, it will be the customers that pay for it and suffer for it.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Machinery Solutions, Inc. v. Doosan Corporation et al

    Quote Originally Posted by CNCIRONMAN View Post
    I heard Mori DMG fired Ellison and are taking going to sell their products directly to the public without the assistance of a distributor...not the smartest thing I have ever heard. I don't know why Doosan would ever go with Ellison as a distributor. With Mori firing them and going out on their own, I would assume that they will be taking as many sales and service people from Ellison with them. That leaves me with a distributor with a depleted service department and rookie salesmen. I too am pissed...I didn't buy a Doosan, I bought a machine from my Doosan distributor because of their rock star service and support. Now you are telling me I am going to have to sit and stare at a machine for a week as I wait for someone to get to my shop? Bad move Doosan.
    What Doosan has done to their distributors is a major injustice. Some of the dealers I know of have been the top grossing dealers in the western hemisphere for Doosan; they were getting top dealer awards just months ago. There was talk of lawsuits being filed by the ex-Doosan dealers. ooks like the first of them have now been filed.

    These lawsuits are going to tie up Doosan and Ellison for a while. I feel sorry for the customers.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by cnctexas View Post

    It's going to be interesting. I see DMG Mori struggling significantly selling direct and I see Ellison struggling significantly selling a commodity product. A the end of the day, it will be the customers that pay for it and suffer for it.
    If any customer out there feels like they "pay for it and suffer for it", please contact me directly, 24 hours a day,and I will sort out any issues.
    Darryl Hardt
    Doosan Service.

    If you have valid issues, I can solve them. If you have only speculation, I really can't help there...

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