I appear to have an issue with the x axis accuracy on my machine. I noticed some parts that have shifted in the X axis only by about .020". I have checked the backlash and it's almost nothing (.002"). I made a test cut on a piece of 1.5" round stock where I drilled a half inch hole in the center on my lathe then transferred it to the Pro. I dialed in the zero on the hole using my electronic edge probe and double checked it with a second probe. I then ran a simple profile cutting off .125 at .25 inches deep. The cut is off set to the right in the x axis .020". The cut is exactly 1.375" +/- about .002. which is very good for this machine. It is just off set from center.
I'll post a bad cell phone picture that may help show what the resulting cut is. It's almost like there is a setting in Mach that is consistently offsetting the cut by the .020. I've checked everything I know to check in Mach and all appears to be good. If I had a mechanical problem wiht the table, the roundness of the cut would be off (in my tiny little mind).
Any ideas will be greatly appreciated. I don't want to tear the machine down unless I really have to.
Attached is the Pix and the NC file I'm using for testing.
All help is appreciated.