Guys, I used to work at Renishaw up until Xmas (16 years man and boy!!).

My main focus since leaving has been how to open up the capabilities of spindle and tool-setting probes other than just simple part set up and tool length setting - but to make advanced features more accessible by making them simple to program and simple to understand.

Believe me, when you think outside the box, you can do some pretty great stuff with a probe - and not just inspection. It's a matter of knowing how - and how to do it simply without having to struggle with loads of long hand macros.

Yes you could use a Cyclone, great machine - but does come at a price. However, if you already own a machine tool and a probe, and a lot of Haas users do nowadays, wouldn't it be great to utilise what you've already paid for without buying MORE hardware!

With the resolution you are talking about, I am sure I can help you Tazzer - I'll see what I can cobble together - can you PM me with your e-mail address so I can ask a couple more questions, and send some info.